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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Stick with one bass you don't need 8... when you are trying to learn to play... OK 2 Then... My P Bitsa, and the Harley Benton Acoustic, which i really like...
  2. Vaughan (Williams) To Be Wild... SteppenWolf(gang Amadeus Motzart)
  3. If the ad is posted by the drummer... Big Van...
  4. Adagio Flats at 45-100 are billed as Standard Tension... i've found not dissimilar to a 45-105 set of rounds... although i'm no string expert and have only ever used Adagio Flats on 5 Basses due to price... have tried various rounds though Roto, Dunlop, Olympia, Adagio... but all these at the lower £ end.
  5. Not mine... but remember this from the other day... might fit... kickin about a while... cheaky offer?
  6. @carlsim If you havent started with the danish slurry... can sometimes go patchy and a bit sticky... I've just rubbed the danish of the neck of my P bitsa... And gone Rustoleum Furniture Wax... soooooo nice.. Recommend ya give it a go on some scrap... to compare the two
  7. Notice from the pic that the Strat is a hard tail... so no rear hole n' springs... not decked or 'blocked' like say Claptons Blackie, keeping the trem springs. ala Angels Voices... So gonna sound different...
  8. Did you ever get a HBO 850 Acoustic? - Great use for those flats...
  9. Big visability? Maybe Korg Pitchblack...
  10. The Spliff Radio Show - Spliff Or Urban Guerilla - Hawkwind
  11. If its giving grief and you can do without vol for a bit till you find a replacement, just move the output wire over to the input... or vice verc.
  12. Might be quite a few bass players... just not with internet access...
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FLATWOUND-Bass-Guitar-Strings-Set-45-100-RRP-29-99-Fretless-Jazz-ADAGIO-PRO-/332636490116?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 I think an offer of £14 gets accepted...
  14. Adagio Flats, great for the price... offers via the bay... Have em on my Harley Benton Acoustic... Might need to file a bit of the ball end thickness to get em under the bridge edge.
  15. Did some old tug bars have a single center screw?
  16. £700... is that considered budget?.. £350 Maybe...
  17. I think the concert may be re-run tonight on MTV...
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