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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Happy for you... You shouldn't be looking at it... Now put it away it's not Christmas yet!
  2. Just having me some Budgie on the mp3 n headphones... Burke's P bass... lovely warm tone, cleanish light driven sound and smooth playing.
  3. Likes a Classic Simple P Bass... My bitsa ha a Jazz Neck. But also like the Jazz body, but have gone Jazz PJ... Best of Both and makes a change from a P PJ...
  4. 1@SumOne like the small controlcontro idea... @Velarian did something with his P to give a similar look to his Jazz...
  5. Interesting... still need some crackin' pics of that full fretboard!
  6. In the pics... has the G bridge saddle barrel turned over or been threaded on the wrong way around?
  7. Know what ya mean... but the 'Attila the Hun-bucker' is a monster!
  8. That's Very Nice... Subtle brown burst, love a rear route, and have a twin--cam Jazz neck on my P Bitsa, with a secondhand Tonerider flats.
  9. Love the design of these with the flap... Just don't like the super micro no battery approach, for those that want a single pedal rather than a powered board...
  10. Maybe go for a bolt and neck insert?
  11. Self tapper machine screw... Take it with you to Halfords, prolly get a bubble pack for a couple of quid.
  12. #Martin Lewis... Skint: 'Do I need it?' 'Can I afford it?' Not Skint: 'Will I use it?' 'Is it worth it?' Stuff you buy and never use, however cheap is waste... More expensive and used more is of more value for money. Especially as part of a hobby... cost divided by hours of use... the more you use it the cheaper it gets...
  13. Chips or compression... Frets leaverd out without fretboard guard?
  14. Tonerider... 20% off a Northwest... £6 is £6 and prolly cover the postage.
  15. Lie Detector - Screaming Blue Messiahs...
  16. Tried our very own @KiOgon? Or 275k... https://www.armstrongmusic.co.uk/electronics-c17/pots-c69/guitar-pot-solid-shaft-275k-ideal-for-fender-telecasters-premium-450-series-pot-with-9-tolerance-p362
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