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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Nice old colour... not a new light mapel by any means. Thinking about it... may be issues stopping a stain bleeding in to the wood around the edges of the headstock if just doing the front face. And being a different wood 'n grain from the body might come out a different hue. Matching colar 'n cuffs is easier achieved with paint. The Dark natural neck would suit the body as-is... has a more old school apearance with a J... Matching (and usually paint) maybe more the reserve of a 80s P. Keep the pics coming
  2. I've an SR600, The Mk1 Barts in the SR are Reverse P Split Coils in a Soap Bar... There is a pic on TB where someone has broken one apart. https://www.google.com/search?q=talkbass+mk1+bartolini&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=isnvmb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBsv28n9jtAhWQRRUIHbMGCBAQ_AUoAXoECAUQAQ&biw=412&bih=652#imgrc=cifvl8AT_ZyhPM Repacements in the same 'Form Factor' and size maybe available in a full Width Humbucker or Quad Coils... 'Spose it depends on what sound ya after... Most of the time i only get to have a quick noodle unplugged, or with the EHX heaphone amp. Dont even get the time to plug in and mess about with the Zoom B1xFour...! Some SR600 replacement pickup chat in the Ibanez Owners Thread.
  3. Flatwounds?... Couriers were 'Taking the P...' I'll get my coat....
  4. Footprints...FFS!... Good luck, Fingers crossed for ya...
  5. Shaker Maker - Oasis... Oh... and that Plaster-of-Paris Shakey-Model-Mold thing from the 70s...
  6. mmm... do they come in blue? I've got a B1xFour in the FS pages... It fill the gap and give you the Vol or Wah waggle on the end that you and all good pedal boards need... 😉
  7. Zoom B1xFour... the model with the Volume / Expression pedal... Lots of love for the Zoom on Basschat. Purchased from a fellow Basschatter back in Sept on the thread https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/439322-sold-please-lock-zoom-b1x-four/ As you can see, i was in two minds at the time, and true to form, kids and lack of time, it has stayed in the box except for one brief hour or so airing and 'look-see' connection to the Zoom software... Effects, Amp and Cab Sims, Tuner, Headphone Amp... £50 Paypal F&F plus £5 UK Posted or I'm SE London / Bromley-ish if ya local for collection
  8. In case of (Sub-)sonic attack on your district... Try to get as far away from the sonic source as possible... Do not panic...
  9. Jean Jacques Burnell... The Stranglers
  10. found this on You Tube https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DFVkpb7t7FgA&ved=2ahUKEwjPv_7GmtPtAhVeQRUIHUjSA8kQwqsBMAF6BAgFEAM&usg=AOvVaw1GZgLKsmgyy9yHxDG3AcmE&cshid=1608146162166 bit on talk bass as well... 1 scares me enough!
  11. Like the above... Are these the same 'Manufacturer' as the likes of the Gear 4 Music / Harlem brands and the Thomman / Harley Benton... coming out of the same factory? I likes this... https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/LA-Select-Bass-Guitar-by-Gear4music-Natural/1FP4
  12. I dont think so... Nothing about a dual truss rod on the website for the 6 string model, the owners or maintenance download manuals... If it had a dual truss rod i'm sure Ibanez would Blah Blah about it in the SR6 neck / Jatobah Finger board Spec and have a 'Numerical Letter Tech Term' for it like the bridge and make a sales pitch of it.
  13. IIRC from a ZZ Interview with Mr Gibbons the headless Fender pair were Knock-Ups for the video and not actually working guitars...
  14. Nice colour... Are you matching the headstock face? or is it fairly vintage tinted? Have you thought of Gold hardware? Bridge n tuners... Would make the body look softer and warm. Pearloid plate will also soften the look with the body colour.
  15. Makes it look 'Busy'... I'd go with the 'All Over' Its not as if its a different strip of wood or grain down the middle. What does the front look like? and is a fair bit covered by a Scratch Plate, twin large pickups and a big-ish bridge?
  16. Not particularly my vibe... but got to recognise KLF as a real game changer...
  17. Just had a dose of LitHotC... 'ers a song for ya!.. Awsome!... Can it really be 40 odd years... Talbot Sunbeam Ti and Minder...
  18. Genuine Question... (from an ex-electronics eng) Why is the Middle On/Of Switch (Fuzz) Lower? If the unit were to be used on its own, not velcroed to a board, would this not tend to try and flip the box forward... and i would of gone for bezels on the LED... Good luck with intetest and sales...
  19. I saw these... Tempting as never tried flats, and flats are usually so expensive... then again if these were no good, would be a waste of £13, and then you still have to shell out for strings... My SR600 is still happily wearing the Rotosound Solo Bass 55 Presurewounds that @Old Man Rivakindly sent me...
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