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Everything posted by leschirons

  1. Victims of the dreaded French rain again last night and looks to be the same for tonight. Shame, as this weekend (specifically yesterday) is the national Fete de la musique so there are gigs all weekend, all over the country. Luckily for all the other bands playing in France, it only rains at our gigs😆
  2. Wow, the Mooer Airmaster, but is it any good for metal?
  3. If you really want to get noticed, try the Jetco 50. Not as expensive as you may think and certainly makes a difference on stage.
  4. As you say, goes with the territory. Band performance wise, it was great. We really played well but sometimes, an audience just don't want to get going. Luckily, it was very well paid and we got great feedback from the client and, another gig from a guest but it still doesn't make you feel like you delivered the goods.
  5. I tell my wife I've bought stuff and these days I just get a raised eyebrow, a wry smile and a "what are you like?
  6. I get it Blue. Same for us. Private party, 120 people, and it was like they'd invited everyone in France that had no interest in music😆 Hard work to get them going and as usual, ignore you most of the night and then at 2am, shout for more when we're all dead on our feet and want to go home.
  7. Last night was a weather disaster. This particular ville always puts on its Fete de la musique a week earlier so as not to clash with a nearby large town. Gutted for them. It absolutely poured down from start to finish so basically, a well paid rehearsal for tonight's gig. No fun playing to a couple of hundred people 60 metres away huddled under canvas marquees.
  8. Over here(France) Open mic nights are quite plentiful but they are, exactly what it should be, open to all, regardless of ability. This of course can be disappointing, boring and even funny at times but alternatively, surprising and brilliant. The thing is, there are folks out there who are just starting out and need to build confidence and/or ability and eventually, get to know others on the music scene and possibly learn how to play with others. No doubt, there have been many occasions where someone's confidence has been shattered by the smirking from fellow "clquey" musos. French audiences, I've found, treat anyone and everyone with the utmost respect if they're prepared to get up there and have a go. That, in my view is how it should be hence, I stay well away from jam nights where it's the same pals every week only wanting to play with whom they're comfortable with. A lot of players have conveniently forgotten how much nerve it actually takes to get up on stage and "go public" for the first time.
  9. Leaving price aside for the moment, how desperate are you to get this out of the house time-wise?
  10. That maple is pure class. It's beautiful (and I'm not even a sunburst fan)
  11. I'm in France. However this has not really been a problem in the past. In fact, I'll be driving over in July to pick up the two youngest grandkids from Torquay to bring back to France. That's about 3/4 of the trip right there. Does it break down or is it permanently full size?
  12. Honestly, no, never. I usually get the inverse comments but then again, I'm deaf😆
  13. This looks, (and sounds) like fun so I'll start us off (admittedly, I've not explored the logistics of this but who cares as it looks so weird, its brilliant) I'm in £125 😆
  14. I've got a 2000 Ray 5 with maple neck. I love it, it's a keeper, so playable compared to my later rosewood 5. Not so dark tone-wise as the rosewood but can cut through any mix. Seem to have a much wider tone palette with the maple and can easily achieve any thing from Status quality hi-fi cleans to Bernard's Le Freak however, the preamp has been changed. Bottom line, I love it. And, a Ray looks seriously cool with a maple board.
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  16. Lovely basses the Energies. Had a 4, two 5s and two 6s. Just one 5er now for those l o n g gigs where you need a really light bass for the last half hour. So underrated and such great value. Nice one, hope you love it.
  17. Great, except if you were trying to watch the telly while that racket was going on. 😆
  18. Yes it was a hell of a trip. Thing is, you get tempted by great pay for doing something you love but when you realise you've only played for 10% of the time you're away and get back shattered after playing to an audience that are already exhausted before you even start your set (some of them had been on the go since 5 am with all the arrangements) So, we've certainly agreed not to do this sort of distance anymore and probably cut out the wedding gigs.
  19. Wedding gig last night. Great venue and lovely hosts, but a 900km round trip so also had to rent an Air BnB for the band. Probably going to knock these gigs on the head as we've got back home 32 hours after starting out. Great money but just too tiring. Luckily for me and our singer, we don't have day jobs to worry about but the guitarist and drummer do and I imagine they'll be shattered tomorrow at work.
  20. Last year, I bought a second hand Bassix Jazza EUB (40" inch+ scale) to dip a toe into upright bass. Great bit of kit, easier than I thought to get started but still a stretch. Sounds great, not authentic DB but close enough through an EBS session and sat well in a few jazzy standards however, a few months ago, I picked up an old Dean Pace 5 on here that was up for sale at a very affordable price (although I got seriously punished by Ryanair getting it back to France) Due to it being a 34" scale it's basically, a fretless that you play on end. I sort of bought it as a bit of fun but, it's so playable and since, I have not taken my fretless BG to any gigs. I use the Dean. It sounds great. Again, not a real DB sound but certainly useable and really fun to play. Gets quite a few comments too. The included dedicated ball and socket stand is an absolute dream. Just walk up to it and play. It's neither one thing or the other but it's sufficiently different from a fretless bass to be be very interesting and fun. I'm still learning on the full scale Bassix and it doesn't seem to be a problem switching between the two.
  21. Thanks guys, most helpful. This looks ideal. Tbh, I have a hankering to add Relax to our set list and just need the looped one note bassline so I can play keys on the number live. May even do the loop from the keyboard as it'll sound more authentic. Looks like the one to be with for the price. Thanks again.
  22. Need a looper for bass for one number so don't want to spend loads. Anyone with any experience of a reasonably priced looper? Suggestions would be welcome. Ta.
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