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Everything posted by leschirons

  1. I've owned a couple of F basses. A BN6 that I only had for about 6 months just before I moved away from 6ers altogether due to the onset of arthritis, and a BN5 which I had for nearly 3 years. They are incredibly well made, and with a huge tonal palette. The standard (for F Bass) scale length of 34.5" goes some way to ensure a great feel to the low B string. My BN5 had a Macassar ebony fingerboard which I found much nicer to play than the maple ones I'd tried. The basses balance well and I found I could cover more or less any type of music that required a specific type of tone. They're not light basses by any means and that shape is not for everyone. In fact, the BNf shape, like the Alain Caron sig, I hate. The preamps are fabulous and the basses really hold tuning well. The lacquer can sometimes be prone to cracking but is purely cosmetic. Seriously fast and comfy necks. I bought mine new for just over $4,000 from Bass Central. If you're going that direction, bear in mind the import taxes, VAT etc. The only reason I sold it was that I wouldn't take it to gigs for fear of it getting knocked over, scratched etc. Ergo, it was only getting played at home so pointless having it.
  2. You're right. A fabulous sounding bass that's also a work of art and, a feat of engineering is a very difficult thing to produce. Yet here we are.
  3. Here are my best and worst. Second one wasn't what I thought it was when I won the auction.
  4. Lovely new hall, hired out for a big company end of year party for about 500 employees. Huge stage (I prefer small venues) and great acoustics. Good pay, but the worst gig of the year for me. I've woken up this morning, 300 kms from home, (Air BnB) singers husband still in bed and I, just want go home. My arthritic wrist is killing me and we didn't finish playing until 3.20 am. On top of all that, our guitarist had a pedal board problem and decided to check every f#####g connection mid song rather than just cut the board out of the system and finish the number. He has 23 pedals on the board of which in my opinion, about 19 are not actually needed So that's how my gig was.
  5. Sorry if this has been done before but I did search. You know that fantasy that most of us have probably had where (normally at the start of a playing career) you imagine that Marcus Miller, Victor Wooten, Mark King, Roger Glover, Chris Squire or whoever, has slammed their hand in the limo door and the MD shouts out "is there anybody here that can play......." That number that you've nailed because you just love it. Hard or simple, doesn't matter. Just that dream song that you'd love to play with THAT band, on stage, and get to be the hero. Out of interest, mine's Danger, breakdown dead ahead by Bozz Scaggs.
  6. I had a Junior way back in the 70's (cherry of course) and also an SG100 (slanted pickup near the neck) after that. Never got on with the 100 but the Junior was a fabulous guitar. Beautiful creamy tone with the tone backed off and cutting rock sound with the treble hiked up. Eminently playable on long gigs and a do it all classic. Miss mine.
  7. No, the four Yorkshire businessmen sitting around talking about when they were poor. Now, does anyone want a job or not?
  8. Interesting. That's the fastest I've seen a thread go from someone trying to help out people to quoting Monty Python. Must be a record.
  9. So is your bass simply passive now or do you retain an active mode?
  10. When I bought this, the seller handed me a copy of the original sales receipt with his name and address on to prove it was his. It came from Andertons Music in Guilford if that's any help
  11. One will turn up at some point I'm sure.
  12. I know it's all down to preference but why are you changing the pups and preamp? I must admit, I'm perfectly happy with the originals so I'll keep it like that, just curious as to what you don't like about them.
  13. Most suppliers call it satin jade pearl when it has the tort pick guard but I've seen it listed as "champagne pearl" when it has the white pearl guard.
  14. Been looking for one of these beauties for a little while now. This suddenly appeared on Ebay. Best neck ever and serious tonal palette. Loving the 18v preamp.
  15. As far as "classic Van" goes, out of the two, this one is the more appealing and by far, the least boring of the pair.
  16. I'm a nightmare. I take/have... Spare bass, head, guitar strings, gaffa tape, drumsticks, hi-hat clutch, bass drum pedal, mic, various cables, tools, batteries, plectrums and for two gigs, a spare snare drum after the drummer forgot his. I also usually take two sets of clothes to change into for functions in case our singer's hubby ( our sound man) looks like a sackofshit.
  17. Sorry to hear this so yeah, keep us posted. But only about the first three eh?
  18. We played it tonight at a pub in Bourges. I think the owner was a.little worried that stuff would get broken. Not in a bad behaviour way, but down to everybody being a little over-enthusiastic with their dancing and King Louis impressions😆
  19. Brilliant. Not Torquay is it? I've seen some really cool and very different buskers down there in the shopping centre.
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