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Everything posted by thedontcarebear

  1. His guitars make his penis smaller? That's amazing.
  2. I now changed the subject, as people really do seem to have a hatred for guitars! Here are my basses (and one of my guitars, left the others out)! Tokai AJB PRS Anniversary CU24 10 top (the guitar, booo hissssss) Cort GB334 NN P Bass Sandberg JJ4 (with the superfly and Warwick cab) A picture of the ACG Skelf which I've not put on here before (it shows the wood off nicely) Warwick Corvette (passive ash) No picture of my Conklin GT5 I'm afraid, not played it for years, but it was my gigging bass when I first started. I love the Sandberg, really love it a lot, I used to have a bullet years ago (with a single MM bart and flame maple top), but I like this one a lot more, the Cort is awesome for the price, I go off the Warwick sometimes and won't play it for ages, but then will get it out for a bash and love it once more. Thinking I may get rid of them all apart from the Skelf when it arrives, the Sandberg and my old Conklin.
  3. [quote name='Jayfaedoom' post='131517' date='Jan 31 2008, 08:08 PM']i am basically meaning bands along the lines of Charger, Eye Hate God, Iron Monkey, Sourvein, Crowbar etc.. etc..[/quote] Iron Monkey were one of the greatest bands ever.
  4. They are usually good at responding to e-mails, you can try that.
  5. Cheers, I thought that would be the case.
  6. [quote name='Sean' post='131275' date='Jan 31 2008, 01:23 PM']I really hope it goes to someone on Basschat that will cherish it and use it and not to someone who will ebay it to make a quick buck.[/quote] Hmm, anyone in mind when you say that? Haha.
  7. I have seen 2 different looking versions of this, anyone know which is the new and which is the old design? The bottom one is what is on the Tapco site.
  8. I'm still happy from seeing the assembled pictures anyway, haha.
  9. I didn't, but they are an awesome band.
  10. It'll probably not be ready til 2 weeks later anyway, haha.
  11. Well good for you, you sound like a very angry young man.
  12. [quote name='ARGH' post='130290' date='Jan 29 2008, 09:00 PM']I love this sort of Yankee ignorance [url="http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/extended-range-guitars/44470-first-9-string-bass-made-uk.html"]http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/extended-...ss-made-uk.html[/url] Tossers[/quote] Your reply makes you come across as the tosser to tell the truth, and very stuck up your own arse.
  13. I don't think you need to be qualified to flip a switch? My Superfly is 230v.
  14. So, what should I set it to?! Haha.
  15. I just ordered one, I know Alan from ACG just got one delivered too, I am planning on using it with a POD XT Pro.
  16. I wonder why my 6505 came with it set to 220/230, it had the UK adapter attached to it! I have changed it now, I guess it doesn't make much difference though.
  17. This isn't a bass amp (guitar amp, booo), what should I set it to? 240v in UK isn't it? I have options of 220/230 or 240! Danke.
  18. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=4177"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach...ost&id=4177[/url]
  19. I would pick a Sandberg over Spector, and Warwick now too, even though I used to love both of those.
  20. Ahh, that looks very nice indeed, don't think I need anymore basses though, infact, I think I need less.
  21. [quote name='DaveDDF' post='129822' date='Jan 29 2008, 10:06 AM']In my search for a nice jazz, someone has mentioned sandberg as being a good option for me maybe? I play pretty full on metal, and the likes of Andy Sneap etc recommend them in the studio etc etc.[/quote] Bloke from The More I See whose name I cannot remember (Lee maybe?) is endorsed by Sandberg, and I know Sneap is mates with Gizz Butt and has recorded them, so might of heard of Sandberg via him. Anyway, they are awesome, I love mine.
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