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Everything posted by thedontcarebear

  1. Not surprised the shop closed with the staff in there! Wouldn't be surprised if they dissappeared altogether with their rubbish website too.
  2. I got the Dickens one a while back for very cheap off the net somewhere (don't remember where), but haven't had time to sit down and properly go through it, seems okay though.
  3. ...these 2 smilies is causing me great trouble, as they are, the best smilies ever!
  4. You might be able to pick up a used Ampeg B2RE for that, or pay £400 for a new one.
  5. Been delayed because of one of the pickups being dead, so no to Wednesday now, think I will keep the day off anyway and play xbox, haha.
  6. I finally dragged this up to my room to join the rest of my musical crap, anyway.....
  7. Yeah, I did like the Mesa, but I gave up bass for a couple of years and concentrated on guitar and it was before I gave up that I sold it. Not sure the trace model, it was a 1x15 combo, 300 watts I think, and I had the matching 4x10, it was my first proper amp, spent my uni loan on it from flying pig music!
  8. I've owned a couple of SWR, Mesa Boogie Basis M 2000, Ashdown Superfly, Trace Elliot, Markbass Little Mark, and a bunch I cannot even remember anymore! If I decide to get another amp, it'll probably be Eden or a Thunderfunk, or another Markbass as I did like that and it was the closest to what I want, or maybe even a POD XT pro and a poweramp to give the versatility.
  9. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='128311' date='Jan 26 2008, 04:59 PM']What sort of stuff were you playing on the SWR?[/quote] I play kinda hip hop stuff, I am actually still yet to find a sound I am totally happy with, I have an issue with so many different style of songs and not enough bass sounds (hence why I thought the superfly was a good idea). When I was younger, I pretty much exclusively played in metal and hardcore bands.
  10. I dunno, probably 6/7/8 months? What do you want to know? I'm not very good at describing amps, I never had a use for the overdrive, so apart from turning it on once or twice when messing around and bored I can't tell you much like how it cuts through etc. Sounds like a normal SWR, it wasn't modern and clean sounding enough for me in the end (like markbass are), when I started playing SWR were my dream heads, and I guess that's why I picked it up, but at the end of the day it doesn't suit what I do now. I miss my markbass now, but my vocalist is travelling the world, so I hardly play (hence why I have a dirt cheap superfly).
  11. I had one, and had no issues whatsoever with the reliability in the time I had it, I just went off the sound in the band I played in (and had a cheaper head I could use instead, which was a markbass).
  12. Or buy one for cheaper from Coda! [url="http://www.coda-music.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=3071&oscsid=bb1756dd351f5974dd05806c4686529a"]http://www.coda-music.com/catalog/product_...d05806c4686529a[/url]
  13. Played with them a while ago, one of the worst bands I've ever seen, haha, she seemed nice though, watched my bands whole set and chatted with our vocalist after.
  14. [quote name='proghead' post='71998' date='Oct 10 2007, 07:48 AM']...well... Anyone else a Thumb Bleached Blonde? Andy[/quote] I'm not one, I have brown hair.
  15. Bumppppp, don't waste money getting an SX from America, buy this instead.
  16. [quote name='WarPig' post='127351' date='Jan 24 2008, 09:55 PM']haha i thought this was going to be a link to someone selling Aldi trolleys on ebay. [/quote] You're not alone!
  17. I've not heard another ACG to compare to! But I should be in the studio with it sometime, so you can all hear it then, or if I go to one of those bash thingies.
  18. This is an artists impression of what mine shall look like, but, from what I've seen so far, it will look much better.....
  19. [quote name='nash' post='126420' date='Jan 23 2008, 08:27 PM']well its gonna be for my 6x10 when its built[/quote] Marshall sell the stuff, and for a cheap price too, I got a bunch of purple levant from them a couple of years back, and some nice cloth.
  20. I've seen them for sale quite a bit, but never tried one as I think they are hideous.
  21. Awesome price, someone else buy it so I don't! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hiwatt-200-watt-bass-head-ampeg-orange-matamp-vintage_W0QQitemZ300193325832"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hiwatt-200-watt-bass...emZ300193325832[/url] Look at their other items for the cabs.
  22. Booked next Wednesday off for delivery, if you lot are lucky, I may show you some pictures then.
  23. Should get it next week! No pictures til it's in my hands though.
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