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Everything posted by thedontcarebear

  1. Electro Music were selling one with a flight case for £650 I believe it was.
  2. [quote name='mr_russ' post='135621' date='Feb 7 2008, 11:55 AM']Hasn't the bass centre closed now? I thought they were only remaining as an online company r[/quote] Yes.
  3. [quote name='Biggsy' post='134953' date='Feb 6 2008, 12:47 PM']Oo, that's not far up the road.. It can't be for Stringfinger though?[/quote] Na, for another project, where I am playing guitar instead! And Muppet I once years ago had a band practice with Stace on drums, I asked him to play a bit in half time, he had no idea so I had to show him.
  4. Bassist needed, must be relaxed, preferably in their 20's, influences like Pelican, Biffy Clyro, Will Haven, Isis. Must be flexible in regards to practice too, as it's a matter of practicing whenever a slot is available at the time. And obviously, must have the equipment, as well as money to pay for things (practice, travel, studio etc).
  5. I never bother with a backup at gigs anymore either, never had to use one, I have others I could take though.
  6. If the seller doesn't reply to contact then you shouldn't bid anyway.
  7. £270, or £300 with an SKB case (same as Fender used with the outline of the guitar on the outside).
  8. Try to get hold of T-racks.
  9. I used to suffer really badly from it, the main problem was I could afford what I wanted, so since I started playing (in 2000 I would say it was) I probably have owned 100 guitars and basses, god knows how many drum kits/cymbals, keyboards etc, but I am finally managing to cut back on it and save! But it meant I bought instruments I couldn't play (like guitars, drums etc) and got decent enough on them, and have recorded and played in bands on those too, so it had a benefit.
  10. I am amazed this thread is still going on.
  11. [quote name='Welshbassist' post='133381' date='Feb 4 2008, 12:48 AM']I don't have the money right now, but I was wondering if you could use this to record, as in bass>pod>(audio interface?)>computer?[/quote] Yes you can.
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  13. I used to have a GT4 as well, but sold it years ago for some reason, I got the GT5 from Dallas in errr, 2000 I think!
  14. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='130574' date='Jan 30 2008, 12:10 PM']I demand equal rights for emoticons! This one is far more useful (especially on Talk Like A Pirate Day. Arrrrrrrrrr!)[/quote] On the board I run we are pirate smily mad, look..... There are about 10 more!
  15. I'm liking the new BTB and the new SR too.
  16. [quote name='flip' post='129263' date='Jan 28 2008, 01:37 PM']I listed a few earlier, but in case you missed them here's an expanded list; Kings Of Leon, Bloc Party, Biffy Clyro, Against Me!, Muse, Dillinger Escape Plan, We Are Scientists, Minus The Bear, Rancid, Alkaline Trio, Hot Water Music, The Dismemberment Plan, Six Going On Seven, At The Drive-In, The Matches, Bad Religion, Les Savy Fav, Constantines, Mastodon, Fireside, Sick Of It All, Billy Talent, These Arms Are Snakes, Rise Against...[/quote] You have some good taste there! Biffy Clyro are awesome, DEP are good, Minus the bear, HWM, ATDI, Mastodon, SOIA etc all fantastic.
  17. What's the obsession with being different and moving things forward? Do what you want to do, and let others do what they want to do.
  18. Oh and I believe they were both the mass produced ones, although don't take that for definate, I just assumed.
  19. I used to own that, the fretless neck and a matching one with a different top. I believe I got them both from eubassix, didn't get on with them, so got rid on ebay.
  20. It arrived today, which is awesome, been having a play and it does sound very nice indeed, easy for me to use too as I already have a guitar pod xt, might get my recording setup sorted again sometime.
  21. Cheers for the info! Thinking about getting a poweramp to go with it, and hopefully then I should get the versatility I am after in my band (live, and then hopefully be good in the studio too), might look for one of their boards, it can use a normal midi pedal too can't it to change channels?
  22. I have one on the way, hopefully be here on Tuesday, Ped I liked the sound on the first bit you played on the youtube video, what model etc did you use for that?
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