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Everything posted by PaulWarning

  1. yes doesn't he? till he blow up his Marshall valve amp and bought a tranny one, he packed up playing abut 6 years ago, when he got it right he was good, trouble is towards the end he made a lot of alcohol and lack of practice induced mistakes, shame
  2. yes and no, we do punk covers fairly faithfully, being a punk band, but other covers we do like Daydream Believer, Leaving on a Jet Plane, 500 miles etc we punk up
  3. in my experience the E string does sound a bit 'loose' and seems to lack a bit definition, careful EQing helps, but it's the nature of the beast, notes played on the E string above the 5th fret don't seem to sound as defined as those played on the higher strings, but they can cut through better in the mix YMMV
  4. it's all in the fingers 😂 seriously I find it easier to do fast up and down picking with a slightly heavier pick, I use 0.94's
  5. get a list of fosters takes ready about guitarists who aren't ready for the next song or any other anecdotes for the audience's amusement, even if it doesn't make any difference it'll fill the gap nicely, our singer launches into "I married a monster from outer space " during any technical issues
  6. I think you need hearing aids, without mine my social life would be limited
  7. just watched the "Punk" program, how fat has John Lydon got? I barely recognised him, he's huge, can't say I enjoyed it that much, Dave Vanian came across OK, but using the isolated Bass track on the Pistols doing God Save the Queen at the Winter Gardens was a bit below the belt
  8. if it was an instrument cable and it got hot and partially shorted the amps protection circuit cut's in, I've had similar when a (proper) speaker lead got a partial short on it, the amp was fine when another lead was used
  9. there's probably a very good reason, but my first thought was why not fit lighter gauge strings?
  10. my 2008 lefty USA P came with a left handed case, not very rare at all I wouldn't have thought
  11. I tried an Epiphone SG, the neck dive made it unplayable standing up (for me anyway), maybe I was unlucky, but judging by internet comments it's a common problem
  12. aren't they just putting off the inevitable? wouldn't their efforts better be served by getting everyone vaccinated as quickly as possible? I understand the vaccination program is not going well
  13. that's happened to us a few times, regarding venues with dodgy electrics, that's one of the reasons I went wireless
  14. no, just the power supply needs testing
  15. I use Audacity for doing band demos, it's good enough for that unless you're using virtual instruments, I tried Reaper, couldn't get on with it I found it very unintuitive, proper DAW's do loads of stuff I don't really have any use for.
  16. went to see our singers other band last night, originally it was scheduled for outside, then moved inside because it might rain, it didn't, but it was hot and sweaty and it's only a small narrow room so it was fairly crowded inside, I've had both jabs but I was less than comfortable in there, people were pushing past all night to get to the bar or the toilets, and as you'd expect with loud music there was a lot of shouting with the spitting that goes with it, we moved to the back of the room after about half an hour, I'm a lot more comfortable on stage than off it
  17. no problems with customs? with it coming from the EU, like additional charges
  18. the only ad I see is for Basschat strap locks, I'm with @Stingray's friend, I don't mind ads, unless they get stupid like erectile dysfunction, I don't want reminding of that thank you very much 😂
  19. I would say if you keep the volume down you won't do any more damage
  20. I've always got a set of earplugs in my wallet, I never forget that 😀. I did try the moulded ACS earplugs, never got on with them, to difficult to take in and out, I couldn't hear normal conversation with them in and when lost one I didn't bother replacing them, I've been using the generic ACS ER20's, easy to take out to hear what someone is saying, and as I said earlier in the thread, my hearing hasn't got any worse while using them
  21. I've got a friend who got when he fell over in the bathroom and banged his head on the toilet bowl
  22. probably just showing off, seeing as he wasn't actually playing, I mean, St Bob was playing Sax on a candelabra 😃
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