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Everything posted by rasher80

  1. rasher80


    hola from a fellow Manc - welcome to the board!
  2. +1 for Ain't No Doubt. The bass line is ace. She's lyin'
  3. Pump It Up - Elvis Costello Love firing this one out at soundchecks
  4. it's probably a bit silly to make childish comments like that - as we all know, MIJ Fenders are of brilliant quality, but hard to come by - meaning another professional, courteous exporter would be welcomed by many on the forum; but i think you will alienate quite a lot of potential buyers with that attitude. Just my opinion like; i for one was interested in your prices but ultimately would think twice now as you have shown yourself to be quite rude James
  5. I know it's a bit sad but i love the bassline from Michael McDonald's "I Keep Forgettin'". Lifted in part some years later by Warren G. Ace line though
  6. As far as a bridge goes, most people will recommend either a Badass II or a Gotoh 201, both really good bridges IMO
  7. [quote name='PaulWarning' post='606647' date='Sep 23 2009, 01:35 PM']There's just been a left handed MIA P bass on ebay, and it went for £750 + £35 postage, you can get a new one for £899, WTF is going on?[/quote] Serious? Blimey i wouldn't pay that for a used one! And lefty Precisions are quite rare to boot, but i've never heard of them holding their value as well as that
  8. +1 - very underrated bassist is Paul Ryder.
  9. is that £820 delivered or before customs charges and tax? Been on the look-out for a Lefty 75RI for a while (haven't i LeftyJ )
  10. i've always wanted a Hofner, but being left handed it might be a bit much! I've heard some good things about the contemporary series FWIW If i got one, i think the urge to shake my head and go "woooooh" whilst playing it would be too much
  11. I used to own a MAG C115-300 and to be fair, it wasn't a bad amp. I played through an ABM 210 and i thought it was a bit better but i couldn't fault either. The MAG is a bit "vintage" sounding, but if that's your bag then you've found a decent amp haven't you? it's all subjective. The only gripe i had with mine was the combination of weight and lack of transport (not the Ashdown's fault) so i got shut.
  12. All the prices are at least a year out of date as well. I smell bull-sheet
  13. ha ha, i change my mind more often than my socks (believe it or not!) i'm currently waiting on delivery of a 62 Precision from GE, i have an old-ish MIM standard Jazz so i thought i'd pick up a P for now and sort myself out with a MIJ Jazz at some point in the very near future
  14. [quote name='cytania' post='576584' date='Aug 21 2009, 12:01 PM']Hi Rasher, check this out regards your sig; [url="http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/dubiousquotes/a/hunter_thompson.htm"]http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/dubiousqu...er_thompson.htm[/url] Interesting huh?[/quote] Hmm, indeed! i feel like a right t**t now. If i'm being honest, i lifted it off a Manc-based music site, as it's an accurate precis of what the local scene is like - so i'm going to blame them for the paraphrased quote. bar stewards!
  15. gotta be Andy Rourke for me. I actually did a gig and he happened to be in the audience to see another band. It was the most surreal, nervewracking experiece i've ever had on stage, and all i could think was "i bet he's thinking 'what a sh*t bassist!'"
  16. i'd love to take this off you, but every spare £ is designated "Precision" money :wacko: Damn that GAS attack! Have a bump on me James
  17. [quote name='spongebob' post='566497' date='Aug 12 2009, 08:54 AM']Got tipped off about a Radiohead webcam thingy where their guy was playing a Jag.[/quote] Yeah, they did a cover version of The Smiths' "Headmaster Ritual" and Colin Greenwood plays a black Jag in the web video - it looks really nice!
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' post='565778' date='Aug 11 2009, 11:29 AM']. Anyone can book bands and hand out tickets, promotors should be promoting shouldn't they?[/quote] Absolutely. I think there is nothing wrong with the band undertaking some self-promotion; i think there would be something fundamentally wrong if they did nowt to publicise a gig. BUT - as Cheddatom rightly points out, to be a successful promoter, you have to work hard at it. We list in the local media, the web, we poster everywhere we're allowed and (SHH!) hand out flyers too. Some of the best band nights in Manc run solely off reputation. The gigs don't [i][/i]need[i][/i] to be advertised as they are always brilliant, and unsurprisingly they have lists of bands wanting to play as long as your arm. Our night has only been running since June but it's going from strength to strength. Promoters are supposed to promote, end of - that's their job. We have some right characters on the scene; one such person ran a busy night at a well-known CC venue. A band asked to be given their share of the ticket money they'd earned (about £80); the guy said "here's a tenner, now f*** off" and got the doormen to eject them from the premises.
  19. It's tough alright. I'm in the position of being both in a band and running a monthly night in Manchester. We are struggling ourselves for gigs, Manchester's "indie" scene is massively overpopulated with bands, and as such, unscrupulous promoters use the local scene as a cash cow, fleecing bands' fans and mates whilst doing no promotion. We avoid these guys but they are widespread, meaning it can be tough. Ws also started our own night in response the the so-called "pay to play" gigs that are almost ubiquitous nowadays. Bands come to our monthly night, which has a great mix of comedy, music and performance poetry, and take 100% of the door. We do it for free because bands shouldn't get nothing for playing a gig. However - you wouldn't believe how difficult it is just to make sure the nights run smoothly. Every month without fail we have someone let us down. One band's guitarist left and they didn't bother to tell us until we sent them out the soundcheck/stage times a week before. We thought that bands would want a gig and we'd be over-run with gig requests, but more often than not we have to chivvy and chase people to play!
  20. i changed from the MAG C115-300 to the Shuttle; the difference it makes to your back when carrying it is unbelievable! Plus, the GB is an awesome amp too - you won't regret it a bit Have a bump on me
  21. i asked Adrian about this and he said that the black blocks on the maple necks are painted on. He does offer MOP inlays for rosewood necks but it's EUR 100 dearer than the standard model
  22. They look pretty amazing from the pics on the website - thanks for the link to the other thread!
  23. I've now enough money to splash out on the lefty 75RI Jazz bass i've always wanted. The lowest price i can pick one up from new is £999 @ Guitar Emporium. It's a pain seeing as the price was only around £700 a year ago, but the pound's weak and all the other recession-y stuff isn't helping! I stumbled across the Maruszczyk website [url="http://www.public-peace.de/"]Maruszczyk Instruments[/url] and after a brief chat with Adrian, i found i could have a custom-made option with well known pickups and hardware such as EMG, Delano, Schaller, Gotoh etc at no extra cost, as well as a bound/blocked rosewood neck and colour matched headstock for less than the Fender. It's just that i don't know many people who have heard of them, let alone played them. I was concerned about re-sale value but i'm pretty certain that i'm going to keep this bass for a hell of a long time. I know Fenders are known the world over and i might not be able to command a decent price against the Fender should i wish to get rid of it, but it will be built to my specs so i should in theory have my dream bass! Anybody have any experience with the basses?
  24. [quote name='lozbass' post='540109' date='Jul 14 2009, 10:46 AM']Err...where are you in Manchester[/quote] i work at the MRI so i'm fairly central most of the time! might take you up on that offer I've had some fairly interesting replies - i did think that the emergence of the VMJs would make the natural option a bit more common, i know of a bassist who has one so that could be another reason to go 3TS. Cheers for your input though!
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