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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Looks great. I really fancy a Jaguar, but it will have to be a Squier because I'm cheap.
  2. I already have a semi hollow and a Gretsch. What I don't have is 2 grand. 😂
  3. £65 for a week and a halfs work! What's he like at gardening?
  4. I'm not going to offer medical advice. I'm sure you already have all that. But here's how I (at least try to) approach life. If you ain't enjoying it, you're doing it wrong. If gigging stresses you out, don't do it. If you find it enjoyable then it's the best medicine in the world. ( Feel free to replace "gigging" with any other activity) Life is very short and you only get one shot. Might as well enjoy the ride.
  5. I love Gibson guitars. Les Paul's especially. But I just don't think they look right as basses. Especially the SG types. They're just plain ugly. The Thunderbird, love it or hate it, is at least "different" and to me looks really cool.
  6. I'm a Yorkshireman. £65 is expensive for a bass! 😂
  7. Looks ace. I'm a big fan of shorties but I've never played anything that short. Great sound.
  8. Ah that's me buggered then. It's a 6 paddle. I'm useless with anything more than a 4 paddle. 😂
  9. I didn't even know such a thing existed. I'm intrigued. Cue countless hours of YouTube videos.
  10. How do you even measure point anything of a millimeter?
  11. My old guitarist mate, back in the very early 90's when we were just wee lads had a red Charvelle. I was so jealous with my boring black on black cheap J bass replica. I'm still scarred by the injustice. Give me a pointy headstock any day over a boring standard "Fender" shaped one. I still loathe the J/P bass Jodril Bank sized tuners to this day.
  12. This has to be one of the strangest looking basses I've ever seen. More switches than Knight Rider. I wonder if it has turbo boost. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202378362822
  13. Well I suppose there's no accounting for taste (mine), but that yellow P Bass is the ugliest thing I've seen since the pink one earlier in the thread.
  14. Yeah, unfortunately as I now live in rural Bulgaria, as far as band mates are concerned the pickings are a bit slim. I'm actually lucky that I found a good bunch of mates who all happen play instruments. To be honest just hanging out with a great bunch of guys and enjoying playing is more important to me now than the type of music. I long ago gave up any delusions of being a rock God. 😂 Subbed. 👍
  15. Weirdly I've never found drummers to be a problem. I personally know 4, and by that I mean real life friends who I know from outside of the music scene who just happen to be drummers. The one in our band who lives just down the road from me and I've known for years but we've only just got around to forming a band, two friends back in the UK who are both good drummers and (as far as I'm aware) aren't even currently gigging, and my sisters ex who is in a professional, gigging, recording and signed band. Now, a good lead guitarist without a massive ego on the other hand. Now that's a rare beast indeed. I'd even settle for a half decent keyboard player.
  16. One more thing. The link you posted doesn't seem to work for me. Also a direct link to your YouTube channel would be handy and I'll subscribe. The video doesn't link to the channel, it just plays within the forum.
  17. Yeah mine too. I grew up listening to Maiden and I've seen them live many times. They're one of favourite bands of all time, along with Metallica, GnR, Aeorosmith and pretty much everything else that's now classed as "classic rock", but when I was growing up it was just rock! (When did I get that old?) Although I don't really get to play rock / metal type stuff anymore it's still my favourite genre of music. Sadly playing is now more middle of the road bluesy and poppy stuff. (Again, when did I get that old?) Keep on rockin'
  18. Love maiden. Steve Harris is an absolutely amazing bass player. Despite Playing a P bass (I'll get my coat). Great video mate. Well done.
  19. Now you see this I agree with. I love my semi hollow. It's only a budget job but to me it sounds, plays, looks and feels great. I'd take it over a P bass any day.
  20. I absolutely agree 100% with this statement. But if my Gretsch serves exactly the same purpose for me, then why would I want a P bass? You can have your cake and eat it, so to speak. There are thousands of guitars out there to cater for all levels, tastes and budgets. So there's bound to be something that feels and plays great that you also actually like the look of. The P bass is kind of the Toyota Carola of music. Ok it might be the best selling bass out there, and it might do its job really well for the vast majority of people who own one, but that doesn't make it the best bass any more than the Corolla is the best car. It's all subjective. Some people want a Ferrari, others are happy with a mini.
  21. That'll replace the whale in my nightmares.
  22. I'll be honest, I've never played one. Maybe if I did it would be a total revelation and exactly what I didn't know I was looking for, who knows. For me I just can't get over the looks. I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but damn those things are ugly! Maybe it's because I grew up in the 80' listening to a lot of American rock and metal, so I prefer a more modern looking guitar, or actually just anything that's not "that" shape. I've always found Fenders extremely beige and dull. That headstock and tuners like satellite dishes. Just no!
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