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Everything posted by PatrickJ

  1. I played a modern at Bass Direct a few months back - lovely instrument and I really liked the Pre-Amp. IIRC correctly they are chambered to keep the weight down.
  2. That's lovely. I've got some real sadowsky GAS at the moment and seeing things like this doesn't help.
  3. There's a new Sadowsky site up for the new range Basses. https://www.sadowskybass.com/
  4. I've been looking for a suitable bag for mine, thanks for sharing this!
  5. Since receiving my custom last month I've not touched another bass. I'm sure going to miss it whilst it's back with Jon for some tweaks.
  6. Another +1 for NewTones I'd been playing all sorts of flats recently but I wanted rounds for my jazz bass. I opted for Newtone Platinum Roundcore Nickels. I didn't want anything as bright or snappy as typical rounds (coming from flats), these worked out perfectly.
  7. 5 days left and there's a nice Japanese Sadowsky Metro teasing me in the FS boards at the moment I've decided to put the cab purchase off for 2020 and stick with the Markbass 2x10 and Ashdown 2x12 I have. I do need to research and order some pickups however as I'm having my custom bass rerouted for soapbars rather than Jazz pickups. That's my evening of self-isolation sorted :).
  8. I'm due to see Marcus Miller in July and Steven Wilson September. Hopefully they'll go ahead still
  9. Assuming it still has the stock pickups you're not going to get that classic 60's tone if that is what your friend is after but as Cuzzie says in the mix it gives a reasonable P bass tone.
  10. Get him to sell the skull guitar on Guitarchat, that will fund a few rehearsals until he gets a job. Win Win :).
  11. Hmmm, so a petition hosted on a Goverment run website that raises concerns about Goverment decisions has been taken offline "to be checked", for days.
  12. Lovely guitar, very tempting indeed. Agreed, the guitar is based in Hungary, and the question posed (effectively can you confirm if this is a Japanese model) was posted in Hungarian. Nothing wrong with that.
  13. When you google Rochester Compressor the Red Box is what comes up so you might well be right, it would just be a bit disappointing. I've been using the Deluxe comp and it's been alright.
  14. I did see this but from what I read the Red Box is effectively a pre-dunlop MXR Dynacomp clone. The dynacomp is already modelled so I'm not sure this would add anything particularly new to the range of available compressors and would be a bit of a disappointment.
  15. Any information on what the Rochester comp is? I did a bit of a Google search and from what I saw Sheehan used a Ashy rackmount stereo compress or the classic MXR Bass Compressor. The meters sound interesting.
  16. I don't know Ellen, I'm looking forward to listening to the videos you posted later this evening.
  17. Add me to the list @Al Krow Since recently receiving my custom J and buying the HX FX I really dont need anything other than a light 12" cab. After spending all of 2019 declaring my absolute disgust for them I now feel I need one following a complete directional change in music style. I should be able sort that before the cut-off. Hopefully this challenge will stop me buying another amp head I don't need and from ordering one of the new Metro Express J basses from the Sadowsky / Warwick partnership (because I'm curious). -- What's the thinking on pickups , included or excluded?
  18. 🙄 - I know that feeling. -- I'm up to 4 now, which feels excessive. - Sandberg VS4 - Sandberg VT4 - Mayones Jabba V - Shuker Custom J I keep going hot and cold as to whether I should sell the Mayones but having a fiver in the arsenal is useful. The VS4 is a bit surplus to requirements but it plays beautifully with Low Tension Flats and sounds great with the Nordstrand NP4v pup.
  19. What's the science behind string gauges being what they are, I.e why did 45-65-85-105 become the norm for 4 string bass and what makes the .20 the optimum distance in gauge string to string. I.e. a typical light gauge set would be 40-60-80-100. Why not a .18 variation such as 42-60-78-96. What would the implications of such a string set? Surely the sound would be more even string to string if the gap was lower?
  20. If his goal is to try and impress and pick up the chicks at the retirement home I hope he went for lead guitar and not bass!!
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