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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. Could your physical struggle be caused by having a heart problem? I just wonder if this was a warning sign for you?
  2. I think it's a bit of both?
  3. I have a P, a J and a B bass - what do I win?
  4. The 3rd link @TrevorR posted has a picture of what appears to be that actual bass.
  5. Lauren Laverne is one of the best people for the job - she is insightful and intelligent and actually appears to listen to people she interviews.
  6. I recognised at least 40! Mostly from 6Music, to be fair.
  7. I believe said device is known as a She-wee?
  8. Well, certainly not amongst the pro session fraternity, that's for sure - the Precision is pretty much all they use.
  9. I 100% agree with this - in the same vein I think the Formula W racing series is not the great leap forward some are suggesting it is.
  10. Nice detective work @anzoid 👍
  11. I watched approximately 2 minutes of this. Pretty tragic I thought. As one of them is about to board a plane, spewing effusive praise about how welcoming British Airways are. Flight Attendant stops him, saying 'We're not ready for you yet'
  12. I recently had my eBay account restricted for daring to ask if I could look at some wheels with tyres before bidding on them. Their suggestion was that I should have bid on them and then rejected them if I was unhappy with them.
  13. Of the first 20 images he is playing a Precision in over half of them, but hey, whatever...
  14. Not a user but Nolly certainly knows his stuff.
  15. The essence of Hendrix has been missing for 48 years! I thought it was bloody impressive, and shows clearly how versatile and intuitive the Seaboard is.
  16. To be fair I've not heard many bad reviews 👍
  17. That's under 1% though, no business is sustainable at that level.
  18. That's pathetic, no wonder they are folding.
  19. I've been meaning to try the TI - they're not cheap though!
  20. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/source-audio-hot-hand3-wireless-ring-system/97624?gclid=CjwKCAiA9qHhBRB2EiwA7poaeAX0vJNOYQHQCQ8dHgNyRbp6M4HiV1q9y6D7leQKSupCLlf2vyM7-BoCyt4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
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