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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. I think I'll stick with the one I have!
  2. I think this thread shows that there should be recognition of each other's needs in a successful relationship. For example, my missus has no say over how many instruments I cram into my music room (as long as I am making my contribution to household running costs) whilst I accept that she can have as many wierd additions to her musical therapy space as she likes. Currently I have 19 bass guitars and 2 6-strings. She has loads of singing bowls, a massive gong, a koto/monochord in one, several drums, a tongue drum and a Rav drum. I was asked to help her decide which Rav drum to get which is why she ended up with one tuned to B Dorian - it goes lovely with a 5-string bass
  3. I put a set of Elite Stadium Flats on my Vintage fretless - it sounded crap! Swapped for really light Roto roundwounds and it absolutely sings.
  4. If rock peaked in 1971 why is Daltrey bothering to release an album now?
  5. Thanks Andy. There was a thin strip of what appears to be maple glued over the truss rod channel, but unsure of what lies beneath. I meant the whole thing really, I guess the only way to find out is to bite the bullet!
  6. I forgot to update this - it's fixed! Need to make a decision about the finish, it's a little knocked about. Does anyone have any idea what wood they used on these? I'm wondering what it would look like stripped?
  7. I finished putting this red Precision together today - body, bridge, pickguard and neckplate from an eBay seller. No idea what make but the finish is reasonable and it's pretty lightweight. A Kmise neck, Kent Armstrong pickup, a decent solderless loom, Gotoh string tree and genuine Fender machine heads. Setup is almost there, going to let it settle overnight before final tweaks but initial impressions are really good. Sounds like a proper Precision The finish on the neck is seriously impressive considering it only cost about £30.
  8. One of these. Vintage V940 Active Bubinga...
  9. Whilst I am not sure about finish, construction obviously makes a huge difference to tone. I have a bare wood Jazz-alike here that is significantly louder acoustically than most of my other 18 or so bass guitars, my 80s MIJ Fender is similarly loud, but has a Nitro finish.
  10. Confirmed - Bass Collection tuners are as you say.
  11. I quite enjoy mixing dance tunes - especially the ones with proper dirty fat baselines.
  12. It's a great envelope filter, funk in a box if you will. I like to combine it with distortion for interesting synth-like sounds.
  13. Really like the look of these - don't have £300 spare though
  14. EHX Q-Tron, the original big box version.
  15. Wasn't that S Club 7? (I have a daughter who was into them - in my defence)
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