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Everything posted by musicbassman

  1. If white spirit doesn't work try this:
  2. Well, that is truly perfect - and there's my homework for the next few weeks! But I guess I'll never nail it quite like this guy 😥
  3. Years ago I worked with a singer who used to get so frustrated with the less than accurate drummer that he used to beat the floor with his foot all the way through some numbers. And this was back in the days of massive platform shoes, and he was a BIG bloke. Surprised he never put his foot through the floor on some of the old wooden stages we played on. His beating was usually way louder than the kick drum, so it was easier (and safer) to follow him rather than the drummer...
  4. Slap bass can be great, but let's face it, these days you're unlikely to be turned down for a band vacancy because you're not a great slap player - unless it's a strictly '80's cover or tribute band.. And if you're in an originals band trying to 'make it' and you're being asked to play slap bass on the band's own material then I suggest that maybe it's time the band took a good hard look at itself and rethought what they're trying to do. This is 2019, not 1985.
  5. 1969 - A Linear Conchord amp (15w?) and a homemade 2x12 cab. The first 2x12 cab I made had two Fane Crescendo 12" speakers. They arrived with instructions for building a suitable cab for them. I must have misread or misunderstood the instructions as the cab I ended up with was the size of a large wardrobe. It was made of half inch chipboard, and I painted it all black using several tins of blackboard paint... yep, and it looked ............great! By standing on a chair, I managed to put the Linear Conchord on top of this - now I had a proper "stack" !!! I plugged my bass in and plucked an open E, and both speakers blew instantly................... 😯 Anyway, this is what a Linear Conchord looked like - they were quite commonly used in bands in 1969
  6. -Translated from Ghrythinden to 20th/21st century English Hey, fellow archaeologists! We’re continuing our research and exploratory digs in some of the rather less polluted and safer areas of the small planet that we know as DMP 538695 - and was apparently called ‘Earth’ at some time in the distant past. This object was unearthed a while ago and has been carefully cleaned. Carbon dating would suggest its over 5 million years old – but what is it? Any ideas? Some experts have suggested that it has some sort of pagan or religious significance. The four metal ‘leaves’ at the top actually turn - maybe so they could be aligned with particular stars? And the metal ‘eye’ above the strange hieroglyphics was possibly to ward off evil spirits? And what on earth could it have been attached to – we are guessing maybe some sort of large ceremonial drinking vessel. Let me know your thoughts!
  7. Oh dear - pity you're not a bit closer to Chichester - I'd be right up and ready for that! But that's a two hour run each way from here. Best of luck - don't cancel the gig - I'm sure you'll find someone, there's some good people on this forum. Of course you could try Facebook, maybe the group MUSICIANS AVAILABLE - WANTED - SOUTHERN UK.
  8. Adblocker, surely? I use YouTube a lot and I never see an advert there. I know Adblocker must really, really annoy Google/YouTube and all other similar media platforms that rely on ads for revenue, but I'd rather pay a small subscription for an entirely ad-free service than have inappropriate and intrusive ads appearing all the time.
  9. Bl***y clickbait, I hate it. Aaaarrrgghhhh!!! – I RUINED my $300,000 1954 Precision with this one simple mistake! How to play your best bass lines ever with this cheap kitchen gadget !!! Top Ten bass mistakes that even the Pros make !!! Unboxing my new 17 string bass ?? Whoops !! Learn this one simple bass fingering pattern to make sure you get the chicks at every gig !!!! I play my bass with my massive spanner!! You won't believe this!! Watch what happens !!! etc, etc..... 😨
  10. The most important thing is that the drummer can hear the bass loud and clear - then he's got something to keep time to 🔊...🔊...🔊...🔊... ☺️
  11. Yes, but how are they mounted on the instruments without cutting holes in them? Do they use a converted neck plate?
  12. Has anyone ever come across any other bands or players having their guitars on rigid mounts before? It looks so weird to me. Opinions? Anyway, here's the band messing around with the monstrously talented Chris Thile. Absolute all round excellence, and his movements remind me of Wilko Johnson.
  13. Have a good one! Who's the bass player, do you know?
  14. I'd never heard of this site before - I've just had a look and fiddled around with it and it really is pretty bad. It's like someones picked up some old Woolworths stock control software from 25 years ago and turned it into a website. Always remember the golden rule - just because something is sort of possible doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea ..... 💩
  15. I posted this bass cover of "Never Gonna Give You Up" the other day in the thread about 80's synth style basslines. It's not actually out of tune, but it really bears no resemblance to the actual line whatsoever. Anyone else got some fine examples of "instructional" videos, bass "lessons" or covers proudly posted on YouTube by their possibly slightly misguided creators?
  16. OK, let's consider the bassline on Go West's 'We Close Our Eyes' (1985). It sounds just like a very well written sequenced bassline now, but at the time it seemed to tear up the bass rulebook in terms of phrasing. Around 1986, Richard Drummie was a guest musician as part of a bass and drums workshop in Brighton which I attended, and he explained that the bass line for this was originally the vocal line from another song he had written with Peter Cox - " we fiddled around with it and it seemed to work" - God, if only I was that clever! But maybe it does help explain why it sounded so fresh. Here's two bass players covering this - contrast and compare - Mattivenn goes for a very staccato approach, but Doc 40 Khz is very slightly more legato. ( By the way, doesn't that Yamaha sound the biz ?)
  17. Never Gonna Give You Up really does have an excellent synth bass line that I don't think can be learnt in 5 minutes. Or, you can do as this guy - just ignore the original line and play it your own way ! 😀
  18. 'Hottest' ? ....... What are we, back in the '80's ? Anyway, wheres Mononeon and Sam Wilkes ? 🙄
  19. Wow, that's what my darling wife said to me when we first met !
  20. I would suggest that this list is not way different to some cover band's lists NOW ! - easy to laugh, but there again if you're asked to do a gig for someones 60th birthday then this list (with a few exceptions) might still be spot on, and exactly what the punters would want..
  21. Yes Mick, me too. Never venture any opinion at all really should be my current gameplan. Auditioned for a long term dep gig a few weeks ago. Just a rock covers band. A new rehearsal venue for the band, apparently, and it was immediately obvious on arrival it was going to be acoustically appalling - an old village hall with brick walls and a high ceiling. Guitarist arrives late, proceeds to turn up to 11, and suggests we 'warm up' with 'Sweet Home Alabama'. Jeez. I can't hear myself play at all, so when the noisefest has finished I suggest that 'maybe we need to take the volume down quite a bit' 'No', says the guitarist, 'your amp isn't loud enough' He then avoided any eye contact or communication for the rest of the session The evening went steadily downhill from there, and about an hour and a half later we parted, agreeing to 'stay in contact' (yeah, right)
  22. Yup, another trick is to show a pic of your 'original purchase invoice' (reasonable enough) - which just might happen to show the full contact details of the original purchaser (i.e yourself)
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