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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought of that straight away. Right Here, Right Now - Van Halen
  2. Yeah, Dog Ear that bad boy, it'll look ace IMO.
  3. I've said it once and I'll say it again - WANT! Kudos, as always. 👏👏👏
  4. Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood - Various
  5. Another Park, Another Sunday - The Doobie Brothers
  6. I’ve been watching a fair bit of Bobby Vega recently and he said in an interview/clinic that the best bass is the one you have with you. A bit trite perhaps, but he makes a good point. Rather than searching for the ‘perfect’ bass by continually buying new/different stuff, which I’ve certainly been guilty of (often buying the same thing again later on in the pantheon of new comers), maybe find something that does the job and you quite like (at least don’t hate) and stick with it until it becomes part of you and your ‘sound’. Now, before you all start crying, “Burn the heretic!” let’s see how long it is until I forget the nonsense above and ‘must have’ a different bass 😂.
  7. Has he recovered from the imprint of 12 machineheads being smacked into his face? I have a guitarist friend/acquaintance who revels in bassist ‘jokes’. Other than it just being a dïck move, he is actually not a funny bloke and his attempts at humour always seem to miss the mark. I even think I’m as good a guitarist as he is, as he only ever seems to churn out worn blues ditties and licks and I can do that.
  8. Ooh, goody! Having just discovered the delights of SS, I’ll be following this with even more interest than usual, although I’m not sure that’s possible.
  9. Happy days on the way I reckon; I loved the tone of the Big Singles in my 1605.
  10. I was watching a video of Scott Devine interviewing the great, Bobby Vega. Talk turned to his famous ‘shark’, 61 J bass. Scott asked what wood it was made of, Bobby replied, “Brown.” Utter genius.
  11. Thereby making them the antithesis of tonewood.
  12. Simon Smith and his Amazing Dancing Bear - Alan Price
  13. Hell Hound on my Trail - Robert Johnson
  14. Love Cats - The Cure (just played on Radio Scotland).
  15. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds - Elton/Beatles
  16. You can share the kudos too (so needy 😂).
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