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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. Without wanting to make @mcnach hurl even more 🤮, what about cream/aged pearloid, that’d go nicely with the maple.
  2. Yet, you are not surprised and a little part of you is glad that some things can be relied on 😉.
  3. Scottie Devine Collie Mould Puli McCartney Jaco Russell Pastorius Tina Weywoof Not slap players, but we all know this thread is now headed into pun central.
  4. My new JMJ Mustang had a weird resonance on the open A and 12th fret harmonic. I went all over it trying to find the source. It turned out it was emanating from the nut slot. A quick pass with an nail Emery board fixed it.
  5. I’m a Tech21 fanboy, so I’d say the Behringer BDI 21 is a great place to start and will also cover recording duties. Then, if you like what it does, you could upgrade to a full on BDDI or VTDI.
  6. To be honest, there’s nothing wrong with my Maruszczyk bag other than it being somewhat wide in the body. I think it’s a combination of liking a bag/case that hinges up to a big reveal (like my Protection Racket) and lockdown ennui.
  7. Just revisiting this, the TGI Extreme from Bass Direct measures 106.5cm internally. Given the Mustang is only 1.5cm longer, you’d think it would fit with a bit forming at each end. Just £39 plus postage. I’m tempted.
  8. I like the middle option, it softens the whole look.
  9. Ooof! That is very pleasing to the eye. Any chance of some specifications?
  10. Catherine The Great - The Divine Comedy
  11. It’s interesting, listening to all the clips shared here, that the majority seem to be P basses and often played with a pick. It certainly is a recorded tone that stands out.
  12. Great P tone. However, at the risk of being burned at the stake for heresy, is that an MSG I spy there @Kiwi?
  13. I’m separated from my Phil Jones rig until May, so looking forward to hearing what’s the new Mustang is like through the Flightcase. That little Eden rig looks sweet @Lw.
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