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Everything posted by prowla

  1. I hadn't thought of that - I'm calling it a Rickenberger!
  2. I hope wassisname doesn't see this and become inspired for his next conversion!
  3. "altered quite a bit by the person who had it before me" Erm, yep...
  4. Well, I'm about to give it a go; these are the card templates...
  5. It seems like it's a decent model, a step up from the Affinity (with nicer tuners). At £50 it's probably a good buy.
  6. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301-Guitar-Preamp-Pickup-9V-Volume-Control-Bass-Mid-Treble-Control/264401378627?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  7. My recentest acquisition... (Knackered bass bridge - getting a replacement.)
  8. On a technicality, "This does not effect function or safety at all" means that it doesn't cause function or safety...
  9. Maybe they're replacements - I've got an Affinity P and it's got the enclosed tuners. Mine's not a bad £50 bass.
  10. Chuck in a shiny old Vox and itd be a perfect storm.
  11. I had a discussion a while back with someone who said he couldn't be bothered with the spelling of a made-up name; I pointed out to him that it was the family name of a company which Fender acquired. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squier
  12. Just going by what it says on the headstock... 🙂
  13. Specially when the ignorant sod can’t even spell its name properly.
  14. The picture is part of the description, so it doesn’t matter whether the text says it or not (or that it isn’t!).
  15. I think they are the best looking, sounding, and playing bass ever made. (But then again, I'm a Ricaholic...)
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