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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. hiho,Dunlop super bright steels for me ,sound great and break in beautifully,excellent feel ,tension and loadsa tone . Had them on 4 months now 2 gigs a week and practice,still going strong.
  2. Good choice sir. Seriously underated and I like the industrial"take me out gigging" finish. Had mine from new in 2003 and still not scratched it,worn through the finish on the neck in places but that,s it
  3. hiho,here,s an early SUB with a black carbon fibre scratcher and a d-tuner,had it from new in 2003 and it is as good as the real thing ?.I tried my one against a classic ray which was £2700 and I couldn,t hear or feel much or any difference. The good thing is the finish is gig proof which is a few steps up from nuclear blast proof. Perfect basses for gigging recording and playing if your after the Ray sound and want to save some cash for more GAS attacks. Don,t think for a minute that these are inferior to the real deal,they are the real deal in overalls not a fancy suit.[attachment=182885:DSCN4683.JPG]
  4. Sure is and £549 oh dear here we go again-GAS ATTACK
  5. Aha a new sp212 cab at the same price as the old one-interesting.
  6. hiho,ob1 500 about 550 and the 300 about 440 quid that is and due in april so I believe. Roughly the same as a TB500 for the 500 version.
  7. Replace the TB-dinnae be silly. Plenty room for all of them and a balanced line up.S/S,Hybrid,All Valve ,choice for everyone. It would be nice to hear them A/B . Is Orange going to make a cab for this like a 2x12,8 ohm,600 watt conventional cab,not isobaric,that would be neat. I will gladly road test the prototype,I do about 100 gigs a year and practices so I could road test them in the real world.
  8. Hiho you need a Forum 95 to round it out. They,re the bees baws.
  9. Dunlop super bright steels,low tension ,nice feel for stainless.Had them on for 3 months and going strong,great sound.They were made for slap heads but sound brilliant with a plectrum and does a nice finger sound as well,3 months,2/3 gigs a week and practice-that,s good,happy with that but I think I,ll get a few more months out of these,can,t say more than that. Like the man said you can turn down treble but you can,t create it.
  10. Try a bdi21 pedal in front of amp,you can use any bass then and they double up as a DI box as well-very handy.You can gig straight into PA without an amp.Good back up if amp/cab goes down,plug into PA and gig saved or open mic nights,amp sound without amp and before I forget ,very good for recording as well. Worth a go there is a lot of us use these marvelous cheap pedals but don,t admit to it cause it,s behringer . if you like what they do then you can upgrade if you want to.I,ve had mine for 6-7 years and it was s/h when I got it for £6.
  11. Hiho,I,ve had a terror 500 head and sp212 cab for 18 months now and the trick to open up the eq is to stick a bdi21 pedal in front of the amp,more than enough top end. It just has that tone and commands a place in the mix,no nonsense. Me to,found my sound or it found me. Always fancied doing some valve rolling but it sounds great.My one is a later one with the DI fixed and they may have used different valves to the original batch in v1 and 2. Still swithering over second cab but happy with one,does the job easilly.
  12. Just an update these strings are still going strong,gigging up to 3 times a week and a practice thrown in as well. They feel great as well and are stable. Well done Dunlop.
  13. Just a thought-isn,t the jewel light powered off the heater coil circuit in V1 ?
  14. Hiho,got a terror 500 and sp212 cab with a bdi21/hartke bass attack/line 6 in front of amp and it can go very cut your head off glassy as well as deep dub. These heads love pedals/multi fx in front of them and sound good on there own. I,m not a fan of 15" speakers for grindy,gnarly ,growly sound.12" are great and 10,s as well. If you have presence on your pedal,give it a good crank and max the blend.Do this at gigging volume as the sound will change when you turn down.Keep the gain down to about 3/4 and use the gain on the pedal to rough it up,volume about 4,set level to unity/same volume pedal on/off. Geddy Lee uses sansamp in front of OrangeAD200 heads,dummy load for cabs,signal out to PA and bobs yer uncle.
  15. hiho,lightweight Orange-easy Terror Bass head and a sp212 cab,bdi21 in front of amp-job done
  16. hi,the SP212 Orange cab is 600 watt at 8 ohm,so you should be pretty safe.A lot of us use them with one cab maybe cause 1 is enough and the price doesn,t really justify getting 2 although I will get another one some day They are Loud the Terror bass head-4 on the gain and 4 1/2 on the volume and that was serious loud,had to turn down a bit. Let us know how your cab n head sound together,I think you will like it cranked-that,ll be about 4 ish then
  17. Oh forgot,pod,v-amp and a lot of multi effect units you can plug in cd/mp3,your bass and headphones and can practice without annoying people unless your quiet a hard hitter and get get complaints from the settee that they can,t hear coronation street for ping,ping,clackety clack. Anybody mention a good strap ? or is it good for metal
  18. Hi,welcome to the low end world of bass. Get along to jam nights and play with everyone you can,playing live and thinking on the spot is the best practice.Learn to wing it. GAS is on it,s way,slowly at first until it,s a raging thirst like being in the desert with a horse with no name. Have a ball ,it,s fun and enjoy. Ps Orange amps are good as well as rickenbackers,musicman,Usa peavey,s,thunderbirds,maple necks,strings and things,pedals and the list constantly refreshes itself but a bdi21 is worth it,s weight in gold.
  19. Orange terror bass 500 and sp212 cab-good to go and one lift.. Loads of great gear out there,whatever floats yer boat.
  20. It would be good to find out what they are for future reference if speaker/s go down cause they work very well in the SP cab. I,ve got the sp212 and I still get a giggle when I turn up with a little box and a 2 slice toaster and fill the room with lovely big sound. Has any one changed out these speakers to another type/make and how do they compare ? Just have to save up and get another as you rarely see these s/h and you can do a deal and get one for near enough the same prices/h.I got mine for 400 squid brand new in the box,still got the box.I,m not throwing out a box that cost that much.
  21. Hi,you might need to raise your saddles a touch due to no wear on the strings where they contact the frets,I get little flats on the strings after a while where they contact the frets,it,ll be only a couple of thou wear,this might be what your hearing but they will bed in hopefully. Quarter to half turn on the saddles might just do it-works for me.Sometimes strings work harden over prolonged playing and don,t bounce around as much,the played in sound.
  22. Legacy strings goood for the price but I,m on Dunlop super bright steels now ,good if you can get the buy one get one free deal . They are bright but sound great and you can EQ them down and still retain that lovely growl
  23. I changed over to super bright steels and they are just what I,ve been looking for. Great feel and grip,no overshooting or almost reaching a slide if you get what I mean. Very good especially if you get the buy one get one free. I think they are aimed at the slap brigade but you get the slappy sound with a pick easy peasey if you want it,good dynamics,might not appeal to everyone if your after the thud flatwound experience but you can roll off the tone and they thicken up nicely. Had them on for over a month now gigs at the weekend and practice through week and still sound great,maybe better now there run in,played in.Very stable holding tune very well.
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