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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. I just saw one of these on Instagram - anyone tried one in anger?
  2. Made I chuckle... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F382677437862
  3. 50lbs/22.6kg I think. Definitely not as heavy as my Peterson combo though- that’s borderline Trace weight!
  4. That does look like it should taste nice. I’d probably try to lick it.
  5. FYI - this sounds really good - I quite often play against 2 Marshall half stacks and you can still hear me. I just keep hurting my back and want to go back to Barefaced. A real man should have no trouble lugging this about!
  6. Looks great! Alas, I’ve been told by the boss not to buy any more basses What is the weight, kind Sir?
  7. Well it looks nice, and it was cheap, so if it plays half decent I’d consider it a win!
  8. The neck pup has big pole pieces - Quarter Pounder maybe? I really like the QPs in my P bass!
  9. Juuuust in case anyone is interested, this cab is now available in the marketplace...
  10. I think people tend not to use stereo live as only people in the sweet spot can appreciate it. However, as a teenager I had a wicked set of PA cabs and a really cheap nasty stereo chorus pedal. With the rate setting all the way down so you couldn’t really determine the effect was on at all, it really added some sort of magic to the sound. Im off to scour eBay for some dirt cheap 80s stereo chorus pedals...
  11. Nice! That’s basically what I was going to go with on my much-stalled Jag build!
  12. Here’s a cab with history! 400w @ 4ohms A Peavey 2x10 loaded with Beyma drivers by Fleabag (with assistance from the forum gurus), and finished in Ronseal’s finest outdoor wood finish by me! (so will not get ruined when used as a beer table at a gig). Currently located in Swansea, but can post for £15 nationally. All documented thusly... And here’s some piccies...
  13. Funnily enough, I’m still contemplating building exactly that!
  14. I’ve never played one to compare sorry. It would be an easy job to “Fenderize” the headstock though!
  15. I knew this bass had potential, but I lacked the tools and attention to detail to bring it out. Luckily, I knew of a very good tech in the area. Apparently, so does everyone else as he has a 4 week backlog! For years I’ve thought “I can tweak a truss rod/set intonation” etc, but I now happily admit I was wrong. The strings are sitting at a perfect height at both ends and over the frets, the action and feel is consistent on every note up and down the neck. Definitely feels like my playing will improve as a result. I am now very happy with Trigger, the bitsa P!
  16. So, it arrived. I cannot find anything wrong with it, other than the D stamp. It is heavy, and the action needs sorting, but it sounds wonderful! I plugged it in to look for problems but just sat there noodling for ages. It’s great! Unfortunately it will be leaving me this eve, as I feel guilty for spending money on something I don’t need, especially since my bitsa P just came back from my tech and it is out of this world. Still, there is now a desire for a jazz in the collection...
  17. The first one I bought was a Gibson Thunderbird jobby. I could find nothing wrong with it at all!
  18. Again, a bass I don’t need, but I got so excited about actually seeing one actually available, I bought it. £47 delivered for a jazz bass ain’t bad. Suspect I’ll be taking out a market place subscription soon, but until then...
  19. I’m not keen on the whole relic thing either, but that does look cool! Those pickups appear to be the same size, yet one has a surround that the other does not. Why? Also, is Rudolph Rock the model, or something specific to your customer?
  20. If it doesn’t have a rick neck, I like it.
  21. This is possibly one of the most over-the-top basses I have ever seen, and I love it! I imagine Dracula would play this bad boy if he were a bassist.
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