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Everything posted by bass_ferret

  1. Make him play right handed. He will be in for a lifetime of unsatisfied gas if he carries on leftie. IMO obviously. He wont get a left handed piano!
  2. Should have read it more carefully. Doh. Presume the Schroeder is 4 ohms so you cant just get another one. I have had this problem myself with just using one cab - I always take both even if I know I am only going to use the top one - it is still coupled to the floor through the other cab and at a level where I can hear it. Using some sort of cab stand never worked for me.
  3. My Brain Hurts and I am not explaining myself very well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the drawing each pair of 10's is shown as a separate parallel connection to the 15. But its not. The two pairs of 10's are wired in parallel, and then the whole 2 x parallel 10's are in parallel with the 15. Thats why Protium thinks the 15 and each pair of 10's gets a third of the amps beans.
  4. Your drawing is wrong. You have each pair of 10's in parallel with the 15. They are both in parallel with the 15. I cant do this drawing sh*t but the lines from the sides to the 10's are wrong - there should only be one and then the 10's are parallel within that.
  5. Yes the amp only sees a 4 ohm load, but each 8 ohm cab will get half of the watts. The amp does not care whats in the cab - its an 8 ohm cab.
  6. Dont get hung up on meaningless cab power ratings.
  7. I dont think you will really notice 600w being louder than 480w to be honest. Obviously lighting the LED on the tube is a matter of taste and thats the great part about having a pre and post tube vol control so you can get it right on the cusp if you want to drive the tube with your playing. I have only had the limit light come on at one gig when I was only running one cab. Not sure what cabs you are using but it sounds great with 2 Genz Benz NeoX112T's.
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. Make sure you give a full report. Personally I love my Genz Benz
  10. [quote name='Protium' post='365793' date='Dec 29 2008, 09:47 PM']Aye - quick check, and I've mucked it up slightly - works out as 150W to the 15", 75W to each 10" (assuming the amp is putting out the full 450W)[/quote] I dont think so. The amp only see's what is connected and that is two 8 ohm loads that get 225 watts each. The amp does not care if the cab is two parallel pairs of 4 ohm drivers wired in series or four 16 ohm drivers in parallel.
  11. See the [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:bi-amping"]basschat wiki[/url]
  12. [quote name='Protium' post='365781' date='Dec 29 2008, 09:19 PM']No, you will be pushing 450W between all 5 speakers = 90W to each.[/quote] How do you work that out?
  13. What he said. Thats why often a dollar price turns into a pound price. Usually retailers only have to honour the internet prices for internet sales unfortunately, but the gallery dont have internet sales in the usual sense so you could insist they match the advertised price. One thing puzzles me though - if you bought a Tri 112 in preference to a Tri 115, why do you think a Tri 112 and Tri 115 will sound better than two Tri 112's?
  14. What he said. Sounds like a dodgy lead. Presume you were daisy chained, i.e. amp to cab and cab to cab?
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  16. Horrid. Give it to me and buy yourself a new table-top
  17. Here we go again............................................................ Dino is talking such bollocks can you believe anything he says? There are two approaches to rigs:1 - use your ears; 2 - learn about what the specs all mean. If you trust your ears then bollocks to the science but you did ask about the different volumes of the cabs. [b]410HE[/b] Frequency Response (-3dB): 60Hz-18kHz Usable Low Frequency (-10dB): 43Hz Nominal Impedance: 8-Ohms Sensitivity: 98dB Maximum SPL: 122dB [b]15E[/b] Frequency Response (-3dB): 50Hz-3kHz Usable Low Frequency (-10dB): 33Hz Nominal Impedance: 8-Ohms Sensitivity: 98dB Maximum SPL: 123dB So there is f*** all difference between the sensitivity but a huuuuuuuge difference in the frequency response, and I would expect the extra 3-18kHz of the 4x10 (depending on tweeter setting) to be more audible than the extra 50-60Hz of the 15. Sticking you ears in front of the cabs to check this out is not recommended though unless you are wearing ear defenders. A better test will be to get the longest lead you can so you can listen to the cabs in isolation and together at gigging volumes - preferably with both cabs on the deck to try seperately, and stacked both ways when combined, and use what sounds best. If you are DI for FOH and the rig is just for monitor then who cares but you.
  18. I was laughing at your expectation that the mods will miraculously move this thread.
  19. [quote name='ryan0583' post='364142' date='Dec 27 2008, 01:19 PM']Cheers guys, good responses! I do like the sound samples that thunderfunk have got on their website, but that amp's expensive and I haven't seen any good deals on a second hand one. ...........snip[/quote] Robbie at RIM Basses was doing the TF for £1050 so it might be worth dropping him a PM.
  20. I tried a Fender Precision Lyte and was distinctly unimpressed but that was my opinion. I dont agree that heavy basses sound better, my back is particularly opinionated in this matter. My lightweight GB's sound fantastic. But then I do like a bright sound.
  21. You can get flashing LED's but I think the GB controller and the variety of options it has is unique.
  22. Steve has also been lucky enough to play my GB's. Mine were built for me like Russ. I got my first one, the black fretless, cos I wanted a new fretless to replace the Ibanez Musician I had that was a bit lighter as the Musician is one heavy M/F. Thats what Bernie built for me, the same neck dimensions, half the weight (even with 4 9v as I have side LED's). Its a beaut. Loved it so much I got the red one built but as I did not want to get just a fretted one the same I had a 69 P pup and EBS actives. Still plays and sounds fantastic. Cos I wanted light basses they are both made of swamp ash - that was my choice. I find it ironic that BGM reviews custom basses that have been built to a particular customers specification and then criticises those specifications rather than the bass.
  23. Thats quite heavey. Like others have said you could try ultra light tuners (Schaller or Hipshot) and some light weight knobs but weigh a tuner and knob on your kitchen scales first (oh er missus). You are f***ed with the two piece bridge and planing the body is not really an option.
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