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Everything posted by bass_ferret

  1. I know I am gonna get flamed for this - and picking on a newbie as well; but better at what?
  2. I'll take your word on that ! Whilst I was banned I complied a list of lightweight cabs and amps over on finnbass - an extension of what I put in the wiki here. I took 26lbs as a definiton of lightweight so it could be soft racked and still come in under 30lbs and lots of Eden came in. But when I did cabs under 50 lbs only the D112XLT came in.
  3. I may have mentioned before that I dont understand Eden's approach with superlight amps and heavy cabs. Like Josh I would suggest trying EBS or maybe Genz Benz.
  4. Never have, never will. How long would I last ?
  5. I dont know enough about Orange as to why you amp is worth more than a new AD-200B but I'll take your word for it. Is it hard wired? Might be worth bearing in mind when you come to sell it. I think you can judge the popularity of the amps you are considering by the number of people using them - although the GK Fusion is quite new. Might be worth doing a search to see if anyone has posted reviews etc.
  6. Try an ampeg SVT if you want heavy !
  7. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' post='361416' date='Dec 22 2008, 09:14 PM']Just received the following pics from Bernie. Was hoping that it would be ready between xmas and new year but that seems unlikely now!! I am looking at other fingerboards as I think this one looks a little plain! The facings on the body look lovely when they are "wetted down" believe me. As soon as I have a better idea of completion date I will let you all know. Cheers Mark[/quote] I dont think the fingerboard looks too shabby. Dont forget a bit of lemon oil will bring out the figuring. If you want to add something more fancy Bernie does have some snake wood (or is it lizard wood ) but expect it to cost a fair bit extra. Maybe you should have stuck to your guns with the maple. Dont forget maple can be stained before it is lacquered.
  8. See [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34586&hl="]this thread[/url] And [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33811&hl="]this thread[/url] Its a bit hard going wading through it all but there are some pearls of wisdom buried in there somewhere.
  9. There are lots of reasons for using more than one bass. Fretted and fretless, detuned, different sounds.
  10. I use Status Hotwires. All strings are available with double ball for those that dont like heads.
  11. The radial is an interesting alternative to the others. I think Mark at Bass Direct is selling them. The 15v DC power is a pain though.
  12. Thanks guys. It all comes down to this: You might not like the sound we like. OK. So whats the point in recommending something we like the sound of ? I for one will not, and never have, tell anyone in your position what to buy. You have to put in some effort. When I said go to gigs, I meant your local pub gigs not guys using washing machines for backline Geddy is just taking the piss out of everyone else that uses backline for props, like most big gigs where the bass is DI and the monitoring is in-ear ! And sounds on record are no help either. Another good idea is to go to a bash and if there is not one local try and organise one - you might even be lucky and get somebody to take over like I did with the SE bash. You can try lots of gear then.
  13. Same as for all the others that have asked this question this week. Try and demo everything you can in your price range. Go to local gigs and listen to the bass. Buy what sounds best.
  14. For once I am in agreement with kiwi - EBS MBII into Shuttle 6.0. I always plug into A and add the second channel on the MBII when I want to boost the quiet bass but there are loads of different ways of doing it with just the EBS. There are lots of other options. When I want to get really radical I adjust the volume on the basses so they are all the same Edit having read the incoming post. There are two approaches to using an active bass. The first is to set the active EQ flat and then add or cut B(M)T as required. The other approach is to just turn the B(M)T up to 11. One will have a big affect on the tone.
  15. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='360798' date='Dec 22 2008, 11:13 AM']This is solid advice, Ferrert - thanks. snip...........[/quote] The new nice Ferret has patience
  16. Dont blame me ! This does get asked a lot, usually without the useful info that Old Git asked for. And what you usually get in reply is loads of posts telling you to buy what they use, usually without reading the original post, so dont be surprised if you get lots of recommendations for an Ashdown Mag 300 ! My advice is to try and demo everything in your budget, get out to your local gigs listen to the bass, and buy what sounds best to you !
  17. No they are sh*t But seriously now - I got mine from Mark at Bass Direct. Top service.
  18. No you wont. If you get two different cabs one of three things will happen. 1. You will prefer the sound of one cab and use that all the time. 2. You will like the sound of both equally and will use whichever is the most convenient. 3. If you play some venues often enough you may decide by trial and error that different venues suit different cabs. The last does require some application. I found that some venues suited my old EBS Neo 1x10/1x12 stack (that were designed to be used together - an important point sometimes overlooked), while other venues suited the Neo 212 cab I had as well. But I did have the luxury of loads of cabs to f*** around with and the budget to buy something else if I wasted money on something that did not work. Alex point about phase cancellation applies to all cabs, not just his. All cabs make a noise because the drivers move out and in, pushing and sucking the air to make sound. If you have one cab pushing and one cab sucking the cabs are said to be out of phase and the result is phase cancellation and that is what Alex is describing above. Phase changes with frequency and different cabs could be in phase in the bass and treble and out of phase in the mids, for example. It is possible some makers make sure that the cabs are always in phase but this is likely to be limited to premium gear - its unlikely to bother makers of budget gear. Now all this is complete bollocks if you like the sound of whatever phase cancellation is going on and lot of players do - either that or they are standing so close the the rig they can only hear the top cab. If you can demo gear and maybe even try it out you can work all this out. But if you are buying cheap gear from the internet or used gear off the forum pages it becomes more important.
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