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Barking Spiders

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Everything posted by Barking Spiders

  1. I've seen them live twice, both among the very best gigs I've ever seen. That's the thing about AD. Don't think I've seen a performer with his level of charisma and presence. The Coconuts were as sexy as hell to the point I could barely take my eyes off them either and the band was tighter than a gnat's chuff. Rare gigs which have you coming out of the show feeling really good about life. Plus the music is great fun with witty lyrics.
  2. You're probably right with regards to rock. It's a genre chocka block with distinctive vocalists which from a technical/musical standpoint are found a bit wanting. On the other hand I've never heard any equivalent in Soul. Every single soul singer I've heard can sing well whether solo stars, lead singers in bands or vocal groups. If I were to make a list of my top 20 singers pretty much every one would be a Soul artist. Much of the greatness of many Soul songs is down to the quality of the vocals. Anything less and they'd sound a bit shyte.
  3. Maybe but there's no quality live footage of him from his heyday with the original line-up - particularly playing Everybody Dance - and for the sake of being tasteful I didn't want to put up a vid of his last ever gig before he soon died
  4. Indeed, I wanted to avoid list making hence why I said just ONE nom cos often when one decides to do something it's usually down to one event or person. For me it's when I heard Le Freak
  5. When asked who our fave players are, we all come out with an arms length list but who for you is tip top of the pile and why. So, just ONE name, not two and put up a YT vid showcasing demonstrating what it is about their playing that does it for you. For me it could be a 3-way tie between Louis Johnson, Larry Graham and Bernard Edwards but BE just edges it mainly for the many cracking, memorable basslines he wrote and played not just on Chic tunes but all those other artists BE and NR wrote songs for and produced. It's not just the lines themselves but his fantastic tone and nuanced playing using muted notes. Incidentally Nile is also my fave rhythm guitar player (not heard anyone quite nail his style and tone) and Tony Thompson is a fave drummer who had a brilliant hi-hat technique. This clip contains BE's famous 'chucking' technique, something which I still struggle to get quite right.
  6. I saw them top the bill at Glastonbury 2016 and they were excellent. They've probably upped their game over the years and are maybe better suited to playing big stadiums
  7. Indeed, though I disagree about Coldplay. They are nice blokes, who also make music I prefer listening to than those others ☺️. I do wonder whether all those people who diss Coldplay have listened to their albums, particularly the early ones. But that's another topic for another day
  8. I take your point as one or two of my fave bands have front men with errm 'singular' sounding voices e.g. Talking Heads but it kinda works. As for those I mentioned, plus The Stones and CCR, while the vocals are what do my head in most there are other reasons I don't care for them e.g. some of the band members are utter dickw@d$
  9. Too close to call but yes he's total shyte too and pretty much the main reason I've never been able to stomach that band either. If they'd had a decent singer they'd have been 1000x a better band. Mind you, there are many other bands who'd have been much better with a decent vocalist e.g. Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, Axl Rose, Smashing Pumpkins, Smiths, Springsteen, AC/DC, Cure, Megadeth, Rush, Happy Mondays....
  10. ha ha, while that terrible band is in the past, they're still very much with us, older but as obnoxious as ever and now making twice the amount of extremely shyte music
  11. It's one thing being genuinely talented but a total dickw@d but another thing when you're the latter but with all the talent of something you've scraped off the bottom of your shoe. Liam Gallagher's without doubt the worst singer from a successful band of the last 50 years. As for his brother's c@ck songs where do you start the list of cr@pitude? The meaningless drivel that pass for lyrics? the rudimentary guitar, bass and drums accompaniment? Noel's shyt3 guitar playing?. Soz people, Oasis are one band I genuinely do hate and I get carried away.
  12. On the drive back down this evening I've been playing a House comp, Lost in House. Here are a couple of faves
  13. Cracking dancefloor tunage here from Gary's Gang in 1979, sampled 20 years later on boss House tune I Cant Get Enough by Soulsearcher
  14. why can't that talent free tool and his even more hopeless brother just fk off permanently
  15. Fair enough and likewise viz other replies to my comments, which is why you guys are doing this while I packed it in. A drummer mate of mine has taken early retirement and makes his pocket money gigging in 3 or 4 different bands. One bands plays a lot of Britpop stuff, which he cant stand but is happy to play them as long as the band performs well. Me? I have to like the music I play whether in a function band or other sort. I used to play in a function band that specialised in soul, funk, disco etc. As that is right up my street I was happy playing whatever we did. If any band I was in said we'd have to include Oasis songs in a set I'd resign.
  16. OK a sleb may support such and such a charity but that's very different from founding and funding one e.g. Elton John's AIDS Foundation.
  17. Errm not if you're a permanent member of a band and you're outvoted by the others. This happens. I've been there.
  18. But WTF are Ringo and Jagger 'sirs', particularly for the simian faced Jagger whose fave charity has always been himself. Never let it be forgotten he moved to France to avoid UK taxes so he's not even been that bothered about supporting the UK economy.
  19. Oh dear. That's a pretty dispiriting list. Surely It's something of a struggle summoning up the enthusiasm to play these
  20. It's kind of sad that at pub gigs the Poundland funk pastiche that is Uptown funk always gets the nod over a genuine 70s/80s funk classic
  21. It is a fact Glast is now part of the season for the chinless hoorays along with Wimbers, Henley Regatta, Royal Ascot, Glyndebourne etc
  22. Hmm now you mention it, when I was in the music store I explained to the staff I wanted to buy an instrument but wasn't sure exactly what it was called other than it was spelt b-a-...something something. Maybe I bought the wrong thing after all😲
  23. Unfortunately and most irresponsibly manufacturers and retailers market some tent ranges as single use products. Sure there are some festival goers who are responsible but unfortunately, in the UK many dumbasses seem to be hard wired to not giving a f3ck.
  24. For sure I have. The first records I was exposed to were my dad's collection of New Orleans jazz and the trombone was what I fancied most. I took a few lessons when I was 12 but struggled with my embouchure and gave up. Took up playing the alto sax and clarinet instead and I've never looked back. Then many years later I heard At The River by Groove Armada where there's some lovely trombone by one half of the duo, Andy Cato. The trombone solo makes the tune. I thought of taking it up again but didn't really have the time what with other stuff going on
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