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Barking Spiders

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Everything posted by Barking Spiders

  1. Let's take a step back here. You do ironing!!!? 😱
  2. Ah, forgot my two fave Clutch albums. Earth Rocker and Psychic Warfare. Crackers all the way through Also forgot to say Music has the right to children and Tomorrow's harvest - Boards of Canada Adventures beyond the Ultraworld, UF Orb, Abolition of the royal familia - The Orb Music for the jilted generation - Prodigy Tri repetae, LP5 and Amber - Autechre Looping state of mind - The Field Supermodified, Permutation and Out from out where -Amon Tobin Lifeforms and the Archived series 1-6 though these aren't 'proper' albums - Future Sound of London Suzuki and No hassle -Tosca Hydroponic garden, Interloper and World of sleepers - Carbon Based Lifeforms Dream of 100 nations and Rejoice rejoice - Transglobal Underground
  3. There are a few in my collection, off the top of my head those with 8+ tracks being Lexicon of Love - ABC A secret wish - Propaganda Stella - Yello House of Love's epon debut Dubnobasswithmyheadman - Underworld brown album - Orbital Vertigo -Groove Armada Life is Yours - Foals Chairs missing - Wire Giant -The Woodentops Rattus Norvegicus - Stranglers Title of Record - Filter Doolittle - Pixies Risotto -Fluke Fear of Music - Talking Heads Leftism -Leftfield Endtroducing - DJ Shadow Fat of the land - Prodigy Probably a few more
  4. Not sacrilege in my books, in which Prince isn't all that hype /myth have cracked him up to be. The original sounds so much of its time and has dated badly IMO and so was due for a bit of freshing up. I'm not a fan of this genre of music in the vid but it's definitely better than the original.
  5. I've read many anecdotes suggesting he really is a grade A a-hole, as are his former Metallica bandmates, what with their constant hazing of original bassist Ron McGovney
  6. I really like the Pixies take though I wouldn't say it's better than the JAMC original. I agree about it being an odd choice. I've always thought the Pixies style would've been well suited to taking a country music classic and totally bastidising it.
  7. Right now it's the top LP5 by Autechre, maybe Greater Manchester region's finest, jostling for that spot between 808 State and Future Sound of London.
  8. No, me neither. When I was very young Autobahn was the first pop tune I heard that grabbed my attention. My dad had lots of Beatles 45s which I heard many times I didn't care for them then, still don't. Far prefer the Fab(elhafte) Vier to the Fab Four.
  9. Shame for you as again it was great. It's now the only must-go to festival for me and the mrs. The science talks and seminars are always very interesting and the line-ups always imaginative and eclectic.
  10. Saw them when they headlined 2019 BlueDot fest. It was great to see them for the first time, me a near lifetime fan, even though there was no Florian Scheider there, not that anyone could tell
  11. Not surprised unfortunately. Reading festival has always stood out as one where trouble nearly always kicks off. I recall my eldest daughter going a dozen years ago and she came home early as trouble was kicking off on the saturday e.g. with bottles of p1$$ liberally being chucked into the crowd.
  12. ...as is all ambient electronica and Warp type stuff like early Orb, Autechre, Boards of Canada, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Biosphere, Plaid etc. Well that's my taste in instrumental music. At the mo' on Planet Rock they're doing 100 greatest guitar solos. Seems to me voters can't distinguish between a guitar solo and and solo guitar instrumental, what with a fair few instrumentals being played e.g. SRV's Little Wing, Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson. No doubt there'll be some Joe Satriani higher up the chart.
  13. There were plenty of c@ck formulaic rock bands jumping on various bandwagons in the 80s, 90s, '00s be it hair metal, death metal, shred, nu-metal, metalcore, southern rock, pop punk, landfill indie.... The Leeds-Reading line-up isn't the worst I've seen. At least there a few goodish bands like Fever 333, Enter Shikari, Run The Jewels (cracking rap duo).... err that's it. I try to keep an open mind and regularly check out artists who get name-checked as something worth taking notice of. To my ears the only Brit band debuting this century I've time for is Foals. Nearly everything else is cloned and boring as f3ck. As for North American bands? I'll get back to you if I can think of any.
  14. I sometimes tune into Wyatt and Derren mainly because of the between song chat. Good presenters but the music selection is mostly meh
  15. I recall them doing this a few years ago. And indeed, you're quite right if you'd picked the #1 spot back then. I doubt anything will have changed. Be nice to hear some more unpredictable choices e.g. the solos in Another Girl Another Planet by The Only Ones, Just What I Needed by The Cars and Shot by Both Sides by Magazine. I nommed these but doesn't seem many others did. I've also entered submissions for the Rock Block, including the likes of Pixies, Killing Joke, House of Love, New Model Army, Echo ATB and other post punk and US alt-rock bands. Seems PR doesn't wanna know.
  16. In my 20s I was playing regularly in function bands and on a semi-pro basis, to earn extra dosh while I was doing my engineering studies. Over the last 20+ years I've taken several breaks from bands due to marriage failures, bringing up kids, serial dating, further professional qualifications and other interests. It's not just the bass that's taken a back seat but all my instruments. Music tastes have also permanently shifted from guitar based stuff towards electronica so there's been very little that's inspiring me to play bass. Recently though I've been doing occasional depping which has been enjoyable but just a handful of gigs a year is enough to satisfy. It's clear I was never cut out to be a pro.
  17. Only what i remember from playing clarinet and alto sax at school but never learnt bass clef. As I get older I may end up remembering it all while forgetting where I live
  18. In my 20s - 30s I only ever played in dance music bands (disco, funk, soul, house etc) so It was beholden on all band members to be able put in the moves, some choreographed others spontaneous. Anyway when you're laying some some infectious grooves you'd have to be pretty dead from the neck down if you remained stock still
  19. I was a happy hater of PG era Genesis and then after they separated Genesis started coming out with a few decent tunes. +1 for 'Los Endos' and also the Seconds Out version of 'I know what I like' plus two from Wind & Wuthering (Wot Gorilla and Afterglow). PG came into his own after splitting, from Genesis that is, not in a mitotic way.
  20. Just one or two is indeed quite a big ask. Liking three tunes means you're almost a fan 😊. That said, the more albums a band has you may actually like several tunes while still generally disliking the band. I generally can't abide Aerosmith but half of Toys in the Attic is pretty good. All that's good from AC/DC is summed up on 'If you want blood'. Always thought BiB is pants.
  21. Rush and Radiohead. Other than 'Far Cry' by the former and 'Just' by the latter, I have no time for either band. Viz Rush, 'Far Cry' shows Geddy Lee can sing normally which begs the question why he inflected that caterwaul over other albums
  22. Some least fave bands of (y)ours have possibly come up with a single, solitary tune that you like a fair old bit, usually one that's atypical for them. So, what bands/solo acts do you normally avoid except for one or maybe 2 songs of theirs. To kick things off.. How Soon Is Now by The Smiths - I remember buying Hatful of Hollow in 1984 on the the strength of this track. Unfortunately, it became clear this is nothing like what they normally did. Enter Sandman - never had anything to do with Metallica until I heard this and bought the black album on the strength of it. However, it's by far the best tune on it Owner of a Lonely Heart - the clear standout track on 90125 which is the only Yes album I can listen to Jane by Jefferson Starship is still a cracker IMO, unlike anything put out by J Airplane or Starship Sheep by Pink Floyd - this aggressive uptempo track is pretty unusual for PF and is chocka with great guitar riffage Gallows Pole off Led Zeppelin III - maybe I really like this because it's a trad tune and not penned by the band. Great bassline too.
  23. I'd always heard they're much despised by more discerning music listeners over the age of 17 but today I thought I'd check out The Chainsmokers for myself. And yep, they truly define the lowest common denominator, disposable and forgettable EDM fodder. I can objectively appreciate stuff that's not my bag but this duo are categorised as an electronica/dance music act, a genre I know a bit about. Things is, some of their songs are getting 2 BILLION plus views while topping the Billboard singles charts several times. Here's one of their 'classics'. Enjoy 😁
  24. When I was a teenage scrote I only ever listened to ballsy rock with loud guitars and dismissed anything that was melodic and slower. My elder sister had 'Abandoned Luncheonette' which I couldn't tolerate at the time. As an adult, I've largely moved on from loud guitar-based music and now have several H & O CDs. They're one classy act and IMO Daryl Hall is one of the very best male singers of the last 50 years. Just so many great tunes.
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