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Barking Spiders

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Everything posted by Barking Spiders

  1. Staind were/are bluddy woeful. They're one of those I originally alluded to that infested MTV playlists back in the 90s. I don't differentiate between post-grunge and nu-metal other than some 'nu-metal' bands incorporated rap into their sound. When I recall the likes of Breaking Benjamin, Puddle of Mud, 3 Doors Down, Shinedown, Godsmack, Theory of a Deadman, Papa Roach, Coal Chamber, Crazy Town etc blah I rate LB even higher for their first 2 albums and the best tracks off Choc.
  2. Incidentally, check out the great bassline on Something Else, the last track on the debut album, with Julian Crampton totally slaying it!
  3. There are actually hundreds of lady bass players in well known bands or known in their own right. Not many among classic rock or funk bands I see but loads in alt-rock or indie-bands, not just in all-female groups but also in mostly-men bands. My own faves are Tina Weymouth, Kim Deal, Sean Yseult (White Zombie) and Sara Lee (Gang of Four). I appreciate the skills of Tal Wilkenfield, Esperanza Spalding, Mohina Day etc but I just don't care for the genres they work in.
  4. I never said Mastodon were Nu-metal. I said I saw them at the same festival and while LB put on a good show, Mastodon were as boring as f***. They just stood there, no audience rapport, nada. Dunno why they get all this kudos. Very dull. If LB sucks then Korn, Linkin Park, Mudvayne, Deftones and the rest of the nu-metal crowd suck at least equally. I agree the album name Choc Starfish.... is risibly puerile and that the next albums are all pretty poor but I still stand by the first two which means they at least had two good albums which is two more than every other nu-metal and post-grunge band. I'm not sure which country originated the worst new genres that went mainstream in the 90s, the USA or UK. The US produced trash like pop-punk/skate punk, nu-metal and post-grunge while in the UK we had to endure the dreck that was Britpop, Spice Girls etc, 'Madchester' and shoegaze. Let's not get started on the noughties which is also a low point.
  5. Snap. I am too am mostly on a funk/soul trip at the mo. I do like a bit of the brothers, partly because Louis is my fave player. As I work I've been flipping between the Pasadenas first album and Hearsay by Alexander O'Neal, so here's a bit of both.. BTW why The Pasadenas never gained the popularity of Take That, Boyzone etc boggles my mind. They had better vocals and sharper moves.
  6. I'm a big fan of 80s-90s hip hop and, while never a fan of any other metal band, actually thought the two styles went well together e.g. as on RATMs first album and LB's Significant Other. Chocolate Starfish was more hit and miss but I still enjoy Rollin', My Generation, My Way and Take A Look Around. The following albums are admittedly utter gash.
  7. I've read all this 'Limp Bizkit' suck stuff which seemed to happen after the Chocolate Starfish album came out, and only then did they become rock's fave whipping boys along with Nickelback. Seems to me all this hate for these bands along with Coldplay and a few others is just bandwagon jumping without any substance. Any criticism you can level against LB and Nickelback can easily be said of '000s more. I used to see loads of 90s metal/hard rock bands on MTV or heard the kids or mrs playing them so I do know what I'm talking about. BTW for my wife's sake I took to her Sonisphere 2014 (mainly for her to see Metallica) and Download (as SOAD is a fave band of hers also). I saw LB at Sonisphere and they were by far the best act of the festival. Great crowd report and they got everyone moving. The likes of Deftones, Mastodon and other 'respected' bands were as dull as f***.
  8. Yep, that truly is atrocious but the remarkable thing is they managed to record three utterly c@ck covers on one album, the other two disasters being Pretty Woman and Where Have All The Good Times Gone?
  9. Never mind just being a low point in metal, it's one of the lowest points in music ever. I still have a soft spot for the occasional Limp Bizkit track but the rest of the scene was utter pants and in the UK we never exposed to the worst of it on national radio. Unfortunately, MTV gave way too much broadcast time to some truly terrible bands. I'm not a metal / hard rock fan and not being too hung up on sub-sub genres I lump together the likes of Korn, Creed, Staind, Five Finger Death Punch, Disturbed, Evanscence, Godsmack, Shinedown, Nickelback, Three Days Grace, Taking Back Sunday, Daughtry and Audioslave and SOAD. I'm only able able to name these as my mrs and her offspring all like this kinda thing. I even had to see some of these at Download, which was a very tough day for me. God forbid we ever see a resurgence of this stuff.
  10. I particularly loathe these two acclaimed covers of two fave TFF songs of mine
  11. It is utter trash for sure. I'm a massive fan of 80s post-punk and A Forest is one of the top 5 tunes from the era. Also Sound of Silence is my fave S & G tune and the Disturbed cover is a total travesty
  12. Can't stand The Jam nor any of Weller's other incarnations so for me this is a marked improvement 👍👍. Got to agree with all the other noms apart from Bill Shatner's Rocket Man and Len Nimoy's I Walk The Line. That's entertainment, mr Weller 😁
  13. I'm having a bet with myself if any of the BC massive have ever heard of Blue States? They're usually lumped in with the trip hop / downtempo crowd but actually it's more John Barry, Ennio Morricone and 60s spy film themes meet hip hop beats. Check it out 👇
  14. It is odd when people say being a musician etc isn't a proper job. Following whatever reasoning they're using do we assume Beethoven, Bach, Mozart etc were misguided and basically wasted their time and lives when they could've been doing something more 'useful' and productive like being an accounts clerk?
  15. They mean you should be doing a proper job like writing opinion pieces in The Spectator, being a .. a hedge fund manager, PR consultant, pet pyschologist, f/t equality-diversity-inclusion officer, corporate lawyer, being a middle manager in the company I work for..(btw I'm not one of them)
  16. A horn section?!!! WTF . I'm imagining it and it seems bluddy terrible, just doesn't fit in at all
  17. I liken it with going back to cities, towns, places where you've holidayed etc with which you associate some very fond memories. Fr'instance I've not been back to Liverpool since I left in the late 80s. From what I've learnt from chats with people I know who do still go there, a lot of my fave haunts have since gone. I don't want to tarnish the memories of very happy times by going back there and seeing how much it's changed.
  18. I've never bothered listening to them post Hugh C. I don't 'hate' the new band members but for me the original line-up was too seminal and distinctive esp HC with his sardonic vocal style. Now with Dave G gone IMO it's a case of 'what's the point?' I feel the same with many other bands where the 'classic' line-ups made the best of the albums. Dr Feelgood are one such. I like both the Wilko and Gypie Mayo eras but without Lee Brilleaux i think they should've called it a day.
  19. Picked up the Back Room by Editors in a charidee shop today. I originally avoided them thinking they wore their Chameleons and Echo ATB influences on both sleeves. They do but actually are none the worse for that.
  20. Are we sure Brown and Liam G were not hatched by the same mother at some monkey breeding farm on the outskirts of Burnage? Their simian features, delusional arrogance, total lack of stage presence, a shared inability to hold a tune in a bucket, similar levels of virtuosity on the maraccas and of course a shared history of being in monumentally overrated Manc bands?
  21. My formative music years were the mid 80s -mid 90s so groups from this period still resonate more strongly with me than any others. However, whenever I see ads for legacy tours, often featuring just the singer from the original line-up, I wince a tad. I don't want my memory of these tarnished by the images of these people now in their early 60s. I did make the exception of seeing Heaven 17 doing the Penthouse & Pavement tour a decade + ago - they would've been in their 50s then - because they never gigged back in the day.
  22. Ye gods, that is one parade of fugly basses to which Id add Mayones Cali range of mini basses
  23. The first two albums are 5 stars in my books but thereafter the albums are mostly patchy though I'd put Aural Sculpture just behind those ones. As for Black & White, I have it on CD but cant recall which side is which but from Tank to Toiler it's great. Just don't enjoy the more experimental tracks. Ditto much of The Raven though Duchess is a fantastic tune. For newbs I'd say try and get hold of The Hitmen 1977-1991 2 x CD compilation. It's out of print but there are used copies on 'zon and Discogs. For the casual 'fan' it's probably all you'd need, though across its 43 tracks there are some that'd could've been left out.
  24. between you and me I didn't last the full length of the 'song' either
  25. This tune isn't exactly post-punk but I like it and it takes me back to the 80s.
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