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Barking Spiders

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Everything posted by Barking Spiders

  1. A slight detour but on the theme of Glast, I've been reading about and seeing recent photos of all the stuff left behind, the usual tents, sleeping bangs, plastic packaging (!!) etc. Not quite in keeping with the supposed spirit of this particular festival, which has been sponsored by Greenpeace for ages and makes a bit of a mockery of the cheers and applause when Greta Thunberg did her thing.
  2. I'd have also liked to've played bass in The Bangles as I'd have got close to Susannah Hoffs 😛
  3. For sure. Can't say I ever wanted to marry or even have a relationship with any of my cousins. One of the reasons is some were boys, secondly I'm not from Norfolk and thirdly the female ones' families weren't sufficiently rich.
  4. A trio of the biggest Canutes ever barfed up by the music biz. Not only did Morrison come out with diatribes he wrote anti-lockdown songs, one sung by Crapton. Here it is if you want to put yourself through it..
  5. Here are some gems from Morrissey Said at 2009 Coachella - '“The smell of burning animals is making me sick. I can smell burning flesh…and I hope to God it’s human.” What he said about dance music in Details mag in 1992 -'It’s the refuge for the mentally deficient. It’s made by dull people for dull people'...of which I'm one it seems. Can't actually think of anything more dull than the music of the Smiths and his own solo 'career'. In an interview with poet Simon Armitage in The Guardian 2010 - “Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific. You can’t help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies.”
  6. I find it a refreshing change to see something basswise on YT other than the usual slap frenzies from Flea wannabes and metal oriented channels. There are a couple of other good vids of guys playing House basslines on the b/g. Being a descendent of disco, there are loads of great basslines to hear in House even if most are not played on the b/g
  7. Eight years ago this month Justin Bieber was in Amsterdam and made a visit to the Anne Frank house. On leaving he signed the visitors book writing "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber." In the annals of acts of crassness committed by 'stars' this has to be at the top. I mean, where do you start? Any other anecdotes of embarrassingly stupid things they've done or said in public
  8. Ah, another of my threads sinking faster than the value of Sterling against the $.
  9. Hmm so were The Beatles, Stones, Who , LZep etc blah, yadda formed with the intention of improving the UK economy's balance of payments? Will need to check out how much dosh music and entertainment actually puts in the Treasury coffers. Out of interest, when UK bands gig overseas, where do taxes on their incomes go to? The UK Treasury because that's where their business is domiciled (assuming it's not St Nevis, Jersey etc) or the countries where they're generating revenues? Besides, being a 'sir' or 'dame' in rock isn't very ..erm 'rock n'roll'.
  10. But this is the point, 'services to music'. Surely everyone making music and performing is providing services to music? Why don't all the pros here get an MBE by that token? Music is one of life's enjoyable luxuries and the success of its famous and successful exponents is rewarded by vast wealth. It's sort of on a par with companies giving high value cars and other stuff to very rich and successful sportsmen etc i.e. giving more and more to those who already have lots.
  11. With 'Sir' Paul McCartney obviously being in the limelight of late, what do the BC massive think of musicians of any ilk and other entertainers getting gongs for their 'services to music' etc. My take is they're hugely rich and successful people doing their dream jobs and surely that's enough. I'm 100% against titles in principle but accept that some entertainers may get one for setting up and running successful and worthy charidees or devoting themselves to worthwhile causes . And Ringo Starr is a Knight Bachelor but I dunno why. Jagger got knighted for 'services to music', which are I ask?
  12. I don't listen to much bass guitar for inspiration but generally prefer to transpose 'synthetic' bass lines I find on House, drum n' bass and trance tunes onto the b/g. While psy /Goa trance bass composed on Abelton, Serum whatever sounds simple it's deceptively tricky and knackering to play precisely on the b/g over 6+ minutes. Anyway, I was doing a search on YT when i came across this guy playing his own trance composition on bass. Very tasty IMO. Just the right amount of delay and a lovely tone
  13. Not a fan of The Who but it'd have been great to be Nathan Watts gigging with SW. Ditto to be in Louis Johnson's boots playing uptempo songs from Off The Wall and Thriller live.
  14. Pylon is the most recent one and the one before was MMX11 which came after Absolute Dissent https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=killing+joke+pylon
  15. Based on what others have been saying I've been checking out sets on iPlayer for Wet Leg, First Aid Kit, Kruangbin (sic), Black Midi, Amyl & the Sniffers, Idles, Dry Cleaning, Mitski and a couple of others I've forgotten. Also watched some more familiar stuff like Primal Scream. Sorry people, it all reminds me of a 6th form battle of the bands but without facial hair. Not sure who was saying Glastonbury has lost its indie vibe. There were scores of indie bands
  16. Hmm kind of nothing really, it sounds like a wannabe P Funk jam but without a catchy riff or melody in the vocal. Soz
  17. If I were in a famous band I'd want to be playing on the main stages at Glasto and other huge festivals and working the crowd into a frenzy. I've now watched quite a few sets from last weekend (more like part of them) and I don't see the problem. I think for younger peeps, pop's in a pretty good place right now, better than it has been in years. For myself I prefer something more bangin' like The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Basement Jaxx etc who I have seen at previous Glastonburys. The only big name, loosely of that ilk, were the Pet Shop Boys, one of the limpest acts of all time
  18. Actually bass isn't my first choice of instrument, drums are. Gig of choice would've been in The Prodigy at Rock am Ring 2009, with tens of thousands of Germans going ape$h1t.
  19. In the car this evening I had The Orb's Abolition of The Royal Familia blasting away. Great album and IMO after the Adventures and UF it's among their 2 or 3 best. A solid mix of 90s ambient house, dubtronica and beatless ambient.
  20. To be fair to Diana Ross, she always did have a thin, reedy voice and not just at aged 78. One of the things me and mrs Spiders bonded over when we first met was our shared intense dislike of 60s/Holland Dozier Holland era Tamla Motown and in particular the abrasive tones and hollow timbre of miss Ross's vocals. This goes back to when we first met in a pub where someone put a Supremes song on the jukebox and with nothing more than a shared look of horror, we hightailed it out of there.
  21. On record they're about as stimulating and invigorating as a cup of Horlicks but in the festival context they work very well. A lot of that is down to Guy Garvey's presence.
  22. 'Just little pop songs' ? What's wrong with pop anyway? As for Primal Scream, it it wasn't for Andrew Weatherall's production Screamadelica would've been very run of the mill. I like the JAMC but back in the 80s they were infamous for their short gigs and rather surly stage demeanour, often with their backs to the crowd, probably to avoid being gobbed in the face. I have their albums but wouldn't ever bother seeing them live.
  23. Dunno much about OR but for me Sigrid is the best pop star there's been for aeons. She's made two excellent albums, has the best voice of any current female singer, is a great little mover and has a cracking band behind her. I'm envious of those who saw her set.
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