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Barking Spiders

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Everything posted by Barking Spiders

  1. News to me! Yep, hope their injuries aren't serious as I'm deffo a fan, well of the first half dozen albums anyway. Dave Garibaldi is a major influence on my drumming and with Rocco Prestia formed one of the best rhythm sections..in any genre.
  2. I'm a massive fan of most things Ninja Tune and am rather partial to JJ meself. You might also like to check out Polish alt jazzers Skalpel, also of Ninja Tune
  3. 'Leftism' by Leftfield. 20 years on and still the one album I can play without skipping tracks
  4. On an obvious note Barber's Adagio For Strings gets me all choked up as does the first few minutes of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSRYvYN1ayw
  5. Viz this fame chat me and the family happened to be among the crowd in Leicester Square last summer where the premiere of some Star Trek film was. My missus and girls like this stuff, recognising all the thesps strolling by. The only face and name I knew was Simon Pegg and that's only because I love Spaced. I relish being an out of touch old f*rt. As for musicians are there any who are truly famous, beyond their constituencies?
  6. IMO Talking Bass should be much higher than #35. Best tuition site I've come across, the way it's laid out, the structure of the tutorials. Mark's easy to follow explanations and his delivery plus he's a top player.
  7. I'm majorly into the golden age of hip hop from the late 80s to mid 90s and the instrumental hip hop /turntablism of acts like DJ Shadow and lots of stuff that came out on Ninja Tune e.g. Herbaliser, Blockhead. No too fussed on chart stuff of the last decade or so. The lyrics are'nt generally much cop and there isn't the imagination that you'd find on a Bomb Squad track
  8. I play drums myself and TBH the live stuff wasn't too bad, certainly no worse than many in indie bands who pass themselves off as drummers. That type of drumming isn't particularly hard to play but I've heard a lot worse
  9. Sorry but I think that's absolute gash. I don't much care for even proper jazz of the Blue Note variety and have even less time for Cullum's ersatz efforts.
  10. On the plus side, for those who used to buy Classic Rock and Metal Hammer you now have some spare money for your monthly issues of Razzle
  11. 'Classic rock' does look like it's now going the way of jazz here in Blighty. I'm not a fan myself but I've noticed that six shops that used to stock Classic Rock and Metal Hammer pulled them off their shelves early this year even though two them still have Bass magazine. Seems the under 40s are generally not interested.
  12. Not a bass I'm afraid but I'm getting meself an Epiphone Sheraton II
  13. I don't own any Ibanez basses but have a couple their guitars despite their association with dull plankspankers like Satriani. If there are good used basses out there under £300 I'm gonna get a couple.
  14. When I hear a bass virtuoso playing Moonlight Sonata or some such on the bass, I think why FFS. It sounds a bit precious and pointless.
  15. The thing with many of the top technical players (same goes for guitarist and drummers too) is they seem strangely drawn to the jazz rock /fusion genre, one which has all the appeal of genital warts. I've watched vids by bands like Tribal Tech on YT and despite the undoubted high quality of musicianship I'm uninspired.
  16. Flea - partly for the unedifying images of him playing on stage in his shreddies, partly because many RHCP fans seem to think he invented slap bass, and partly because I can't stand his band. Geddy Lee - no doubting his chops but I cant get my head around his band's music to ever be able to appreciate them fully Vic Wootten - aye, a Steve Vai of the bass if you will with some incredibly impressive double thumbing going on and all that jazz but it's like with some beautiful looking women. It all looks great on the surface but you know there's something that doesn't hit the mark but you're not quite sure what.
  17. I'm not a gospel fan but I really like the bass playing in that clip. I like that Jamerson style where there is minimal repetition. Although my music taste leans mainly towards funk, instrumental hip hop and trip hop my #1 album for consistently great basslines is No Rest For The Wicked by New Model Army with Stuart Morrow. It's all there, the intricate lines, the superb tone etc . Here' s a clip of the original line-up at the Marquee in 1985. One of the most underrated/overlooked bands of all time. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMTsqAaUngQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMTsqAaUngQ[/url]
  18. Heard a couple of tracks being played in HMV the other day. I wasn't sure who it was and thought to myself it must be some cackanded retro wannabe bluesmen..and I was right.
  19. IMO one over-praised band which made a half a dozen or so cracking tunes, several are which on LC. If only they'd stuck with just the original sides 1 and 2 of the vinyl release.Mind you, this is more than I can say for Paul Weller and his output. A good singing voice and one with 'character' aren't mutually exclusive!
  20. I only bought half a dozen new albums this year but quite a few used ones. TBH I'm pretty underwhelmed by much of what I've heard from supposed best albums lists. For me the best is a toss up between The Source by Afro Celt Sound System - fusion of electronica, hip hop, celtic folk, banghra, African styles. instruments include keys and electronics, cittern, dhol drums, bodhran, djembe, flutes, uillean pipes, bagpipes, kora, talking drum, vocals..for starters Shout It Out by Balkan Beat Box, NYC based Israeli dudes mashing up Balkan folk, klezmer, hip hop, reggae, Gypsy punk, funk, cumbia, brass bands..played on trombone, drums, saxes, bass, guitars, sampler, vocals,. Both albums have been gestating for aeons but are bluddy brilliant..IMO that is
  21. And indeed many do say it of MK but not me. There are many who diss slap bass but I'm not one of them. We all have our musical beefs and one of mine is guitar shredding
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