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Barking Spiders

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Everything posted by Barking Spiders

  1. The history of pop is one of crap songs with good to great basslines. Here's a godawful slice of rank cheese but listen to that bass!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=catKKJvf9zM
  2. The Trombone Shorty band were a country mile ahead of the rest though Royal Blood weren't bad but I still don't get the hype. Likewisethe meejah's love for The xx is befuddling. They were mind numblingly dull and did the bloke on bass actually do much on it apart from a series of root 8ths? Haim's song was repetitive pants and bassface wasn't in full gurning mode either, which was disappointing. The country singer was just another anonymous guitar strummer you hear on Bob Harris's R2 show all the time
  3. Mostly liking funk, soul, disco, reggae/dub, drum n'bass and hip hop this is all too true as far as I'm concerned though fans of downbeat piano plonking/guitar strumming with warbling might disagree
  4. Of course there are much better WP numbers than MS (IMO) like Land of a 1,000 Dances and 634-5789 but I've yet to see any band cover these!
  5. Later seems to avoid like rap, metal, prog and many dance/electronica styles like plagues unless a band is particularly big e.g. Metallica or a one-off token effort. There are also several acts wot have been on more than once too
  6. I've never played Mustang Sally either and I'm a mahoosive Wilson Pickett fan. Ay caramba, I don't get how some posters haven't picked upon the light-hearted tongue-in-cheekiness of the OP .
  7. I'm with the OP. By being proficient on several instruments you can kinda 'cross pollinate' so fr'instance if you play piano you're arguably more likely to be more dextrous than those who only play bass. Moreover your range of influences on a given instrument usually goes beyond other players of that instrument. The main influence on the great jazz guitarist Martin Taylor is piano jazzer Art Tatum, which gave rise to MT's left handed technique
  8. Hah pretty much every indoor one I've ever played in and that's over 200. Low ceilings, stuck in a corner + half pissed half disinterested crowd+ crap beer+ underlying threats of random violence (often featuring a pool cue)+ heckling = the norm Nowadays I'd only ever play daytime, outdoor gigs e.g onion & other fayres celebrating different types of vegetable or summer fruit (we get a lot of these around Glos and Worcs ), Women's Institute jamborees, beer festivals and being at the arse end of the bill at summer festivals. I like to be in bed by midnight and don't want gigs to get in the way of watching re-runs of Law & Order UK and Midsomer Murders
  9. And would you need either one of these http://www.stollguitars.de/en/files/2004_derlegend%C3%A4reAustibass_imEinsatz.jpg or one of these http://www.notreble.com/buzz/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/traveler-ultra-light-bass-620x179.jpg I would if it was an all women audience
  10. I dont think he needs anything more than a couple of hours in the stocks. Sex on Fire on the other hand warrants a sound flogging with the cat
  11. It's toss up between http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8Amv2QjE3M and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hktcsp9msBo
  12. Nothing in either episode 7 or 8, as with the rest of the series, leaving me thinking that the future of music is in good hands. Soz people but IMO there's zilch coming out from anywhere now that wasn't done better 20, 30,40 + years ago whether funk, soul, rap, metal, folk, indie, electronica, dance, jazz...
  13. Have a party attitude viz gigs. I dont want to be around showboaters and general egomaniacs with a 'look at me aren't i great' attitude. It should be all about putting on entertainment with an upbeat party vibe that gets the crowd involved. I don't like playing the sorts of 'us and them' gig with the crowd just watching and occasionally clapping. Will stand their round when it comes to getting the beers in. I can't stand tightwads, especially in pubs, the sort that hang back and offer to get the drinks in when everyone has gone onto halves and orange juice
  14. For me the 80s was also when alternative rock peaked, when former punk bands started to get interesting and when' indie' really meant independent labels and not used as a euphemism for the types of dreary and earnest beardy guitar bands who crop up all the time on Later With.. The 90s also threw up a lot of good stuff so music was dead then as many would have you believe, not by a long chalk. For me the rot set in across the board from about 2003, not just rock but also dance/electronica, hip hop / rap, r n b and even chart pop.
  15. As a teen in the 80s I have nothing but fond memories of the music even the cheese. It was the decade that spawned hip hop ( a very good thing IMO )when electronica took another quantum leap (another very good thing), when it was fun to go clubbing, when metal didn't take itself too seriously and when the general public realised the bass is a proper instrument requiring some talent to play.
  16. Ah , happy days when yer pop stars didnt look like shop assistants or Eng lit students
  17. I like this muchly and this guy has great technique, having seen a few of ihs other vids. That said i'm still not sure about these You Tube 'professionals' who seem like one step up from bedroom noodlers. As with guitar I really only like listening to bass when it meshes with other instruments.
  18. Other than Chic it was really early-mid 80s electro, mainly Japan, Simple Minds, Level 42, Paul Young, Sade, Duran, Blow Monkeys, FGTH, Wham and Heaven 17 when the bass was mostly slap or fretless.
  19. I quite enjoyed the first couple of minutes before he started to let rip and fill in any spaces with lots of notes. An Yngwie Malmsteen approach to bass methinks. I've seen tons of You Tube clips of session players like Bill Dickins doing similar stuff. While it impresses my brain it does nowt for my heart and gut. Bernard Edward's 2 note stabs in the opening bars of Le Freak do more for me than any hyper speed slap noodling.
  20. I'm more likely to dress up as a nun than ever use a capo on a bass again. Tried it once but i cant see the point. For me capos are only for fingerstyle on 6 string acoustics
  21. Sounds like a right cheeky douchebag. Must have been very tempting to tell him to feck right off and keep his dirty mitts off. I know the score and now never have any of mine on display. I've had other people's kids paw at my guitars with jam covered fingers and when I kindly ask them not to their parents excuse them saying they're only curious and dont know any better. No but the bloody parents should
  22. Yes, I was more than gobsmacked to've just read that in the online Guardian. Soundgarden were the only band from the grunge scene i like, definitely a cut above.Saw them a few years ago playing Brum. A quality. live act. .
  23. I'm looking forward to Nigeria, India, South Africa and Brazil becoming honarary Europeans and then we might have a chance at hearing something half interesting
  24. I've not bought it in ages but agree with the font size thing. Another bugbear of mine - and this is not directed specifically at Bass but is a general comment - is that in trying to be fancy with designs many magazine articles, printed labels etc have white fonts on yellow or other pale coloured backgrounds or alternatively black fonts on darker blue, red or green backgrounds. Doh!!!
  25. So far in the series i have mostly only liked Goldfrapp and err that's about it. Still seems to be mostly about veterans from the dark ages (Blondie, 10cc), interchangeable indie bands, 'quirky' female singers from small European islands and um 'legends' to use JH's word. It's all very polite but Later's badly in need of some edge and energy. I'm not a fan as such but I'd welcome some extreme metal to shake things up.
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