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Everything posted by Burns-bass

  1. I’ve had all of these (don’t ask) and I found the Bighead to be amazing, but expensive. Don’t discount the importance of a decent pair of headphone (another plus for the Phil Jones headphones!). I now have 2 session cake things, one for downstairs and one for the office. Personally I find it a more intuitive interface than the PJB. Sadly the Session Cake was super value at £10 but I don’t think they’re for sale at that price anymore!
  2. I’ve got an 801 and I love it. I had the 802 which was enough for gigs, but I’ve got an AER for that purpose so I sold it. If you want something that’s cheap and will do a brilliant job, go with the Fender. If you want something a bit more sophisticated, or if you’re playing DB / EUB as I do then the 801 or a Phil Jones is a great choice.
  3. Just checked in it (you concerned me). It’s perfect and it’s such a bloody shame I can’t play it every day.
  4. Haha, it’s a loft conversion and we’ve got a dehumidifier so should be ok! Its either that or leave it out for the kids to break. Or sell It, which would be a horrid shame.
  5. I meant each, and they’re regularly on here for figures approaching that. Exhibit A.
  6. Yep, this was mine and is an exceptional bass. I tried lots of them and found this one the best!
  7. I mean this with respect, but Max jazz pickups are about £15 secondhand, so it’s dishonest of the shop (if they knew) and poor form if they didn’t, but hardly crime of the century. Annoyingly I had a pair of Mex jazz pickups I could have sent you but I gave them away.
  8. You need to remove the strings before you turn the truss rod. I was told by the previous seller it’s all original and I have no reason to question it.
  9. It’s personal preference of course, but I have found all Fender bass strings to be inferior quality when compared to D’addario strings. I’ve bought US, Japanese and Mexican Fenders new and always found the stock strings to be lacking. Perhaps I’m a snob but I’ll always change stock strings to my preferred strings as soon as I buy an instrument - whether second hand or new.
  10. This looks like my old one. Absolutely stunning bass.
  11. If you’re worried about the price then get a Player series and upgrade the bits that need doing (if you feel they need doing!) The Player basses are just fantastic and not worth getting into debt for or regretting your purchase. I’d suggest buying in a shop. Last time I got a generous discount on a case and a new set of strings (and the factory strings are rubbish!).
  12. I went for a run (or what passes for a 39 year old man jogging a bit then stopping) and my nearest rehearsal studio is open. The rooms are massive so I’m sure they’re following the rules. Even though the music was awful, it was great to hear it!
  13. You should hang your head in shame on a music forum!
  14. I've got one of those, but i still found it to be really loud. My Bryant is currently languishing in my loft (covered0 after a seam split. I'll bring it out again when i can get to see someone who can work on it. I'm using an MK bass at the moment, which is lovely, perhaps I'll give it a go later - if I don't melt first!
  15. My US professional bass was about £900 more expensive than the Player Series bass I bought (both new) and I'm confident at saying it's the best Fender bass I've played in years, if not ever. Obviously, it's personal preference, but I've had them all, pre-CBS, 60s ones, 70s ones, 80s ones and up to the present day and this thing is exquisitely made. Plus the case is great too. I bought a FSR run model, which apparently is a limited run model at a knock down price, and perhaps the standard ones aren't as good (I can't compare). I've used it for gigs and recordings, and it's just beautiful. But if you want a perfectly perfect bas, then the Player Series is ideal I'm sure. I should say I bought these all from shops where I played them through different amps, so was able to choose what I consider a good one. I'm certain there are dodgy ones out there, like all production instruments.
  16. Personally, I found the Player series to be great basses but everything is better on the US models. All hardware on the US models is spot on, the pickups are fantastic, finish is better and it’s lighter too. Oh, and it comes with a superb moulded case too. Player series basses are amazing and the equivalent of an older US standard but the new US basses are of a whole different order. Music shops open now. Go and give one a go!
  17. Price lowered and I can now send anywhere in Europe.
  18. It’s a whole big bag of cliches, but my daughter (4) likes this song so I sometimes play along with it while she’s dancing. The bass player here is a monster and doing a great job. I certainly can’t play it cleanly and with the confidence he does. And he plays keyboard too!
  19. Very cool! Will be downloading these and have shared.
  20. May have been a dodgy set. I’ve complained about strings before and when I sent them back we’re replaced free of charge. They asked where I’d bought them and all that, assume to try and identify the batch.
  21. What set up do you have? I use either a Yamaha Session Cake or a PJB headphone amp with a set of PJB headphones and there’s no hiss. The right headphones will help.
  22. I'm sure I wouldn't have let it get that far. What I was most worried about was their power to seize money and claim it from your bank which I still find a little strange, particularly as they don't seem to investigate these claims, but merely side with the buyer in teh majority of cases. Had it been for a trivial amount or I was in the wong, I'd accept a few quid but not the £1,200 it could have cost. Anyway, all was well in the end as I'm sure it will be with this one .
  23. Cheers Dan, the looper is (another) brilliant idea and on the list for when I have a few quid. I'm waiting to hear on some jobs, so hopefully today. I'd love to be able to practice with a bow, but much of my practice is done when the kids are in bed so it's unlikely. I'll get there.
  24. I had a similar situation when I sent a pair of speakers to someone in Spain. The packaging was faultless and there's no question that they arrvied there as they left here. I received an email a month or so later dmeanding money back, and I ignored it. I had an indentical experience with a 70s strat that I sold to a chap in France. Same deal and I ignored him too. In fact, I went to the extremes of closing my Paypal account down to stop him claiming the money back (which he didn't attempt, thankfully).
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