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Everything posted by Burns-bass

  1. Not really my thing, but it’s a good tip!
  2. Over the last few weeks I’ve been including some ‘blind’ practice into my routine. My wife said I looked like the karate kid when I played with a mask on, so now I just play in the pitch black. I use a drone and work on intonation, tackling scales and so on. This is a brilliant tip that has helped me make some great process that someone here raised. I’d never considered it, but it makes perfect sense. Any other good DB practice tips you would care to share that I can use during lockdown?
  3. PM sent. Always wanted one of these!
  4. I’ve found something I want now, so can someone buy this so I can afford it without jeopardising my marriage?
  5. Will do! I’m very much a beginner at recording so trial and error I guess.
  6. Yeah, it’s really nice. Like a lot of people on here I got it when they weren’t bonkers money. Saved up for years to get it. It’s a lovely bass but (if I’m honest) the Fender special run modern jazz I bought sounds better and is better built all round. I know it’s controversial, but the modern pickups are better, the neck is nicer, components are more reliable and the case is sturdier. This one just means more to me than the modern one does, if that makes sense. I used to gig it a lot but now it can spend months in its case as I don’t want my kids whacking it with their toys (happens).
  7. 1966 by all the features but the pots day 67, so let’s go with that.
  8. Perfect, that looks like it should do the business.
  9. Plays amazing, looks amazing, sounds amazing and took a few years to save up for. And the paintwork is utterly destroyed so, as my dad pointed out, is pretty much worthless and I should take it all off and start again.
  10. (Firstly, move this if it’s interesting he wrong category - I couldn’t figure out what was right). I’ve been asked to record some backing basslines and share them as MP3s with some band mates. I’ve got some super gear but no idea what I need to do this. I’ve got a nice MacBook with GarageBand and an iPad Pro, so guessing either of these would be fine. I’ll be recording an electric upright bass through a Fishman preamp, or 60s jazz which has quite low output pickups. Budget wise I don’t want to spend huge amounts. It’s a bit of fun during lockdown. Links to things I can buy is best.
  11. Messaged about the multi-effects yesterday night but not heard anything yet. Assume sold!
  12. Dragging this back to the topic in hand, I’ve found that practicing in front of a mirror has done wonders for my left hand technique. It may sound weird but you can see the position of your elbow, your fingers and even the thumb too. (Think this was a Geoff tip, can’t remember) I’ve also found being conscious to get the right thumb position has improved my fingering too. I’m actually a fan of the Simandl book as I like the way the exercises build on one another, but I can see why they may be frustrating (and in some places not musical).
  13. I only had a 60s jazz for about 10 years. Now I have added one more jazz to the pile and the I’ll thought out Shuker.
  14. I built a Jaco replica bass from a 68 body and a 70s neck. Fitted it with Wizard pickups and vintage hardware and it was amazing. Sold it a decade ago and still miss it.
  15. Trade fell through, so still here... Anyone got anything interesting to trade or are interested in parting with some cash for a stunning handmade bass that looks and plays amazing(ly)
  16. This is why Basschat is awesome. Buyer gets a good deal and passes it on for the same price when the time comes. Nuff respect.
  17. Few trade offers but nothing concrete, so up again!
  18. The US Fenders are, in my opinion, worth the additional price over a Mexican jazz bass. The components are better, the build quality higher, you get a hard case and the resale value is better. Mexican jazz basses are brillint but even US ones justify their premium. Previously they didn’t as they were awful!
  19. I don’t entirely understand what you mean! Current Mexican Jazz basses are great (I’ve had two) but I was so impressed with the Special run Fenders (I forget the model) that I bought one. I also tried out US standard fenders and they’re fantastic instruments now. This is my view etc etc. The Player Series are exceptional entry level basses but personally I’d say they would need nodding and upgrading if I were to gig one regularly.
  20. The current models are actually very well made basses.
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  22. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  23. Exceptional bass, and a wonderful seller with exquisite taste.
  24. I spoke with one dealer who said they value instruments based on their intrinsic value (not necessarily who has played it). Taking that into account, EB-Os like this are around £5,000 in the States and very rare. Add the original case and you’re looking at more than the asking price here. Exceptionally rare bass, faultless provenance and I want it.
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