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Everything posted by Burns-bass

  1. I saw a virtuoso jazz double bassist at a gig BC and she was very small, but her playing was exquisite and the covered the entire length of the instrument. Certainly didn’t struggle with small hands!
  2. Great advice. When I transition from EB to DB I have to remind myself it’s a completely different technique and act accordingly. Its really worth taking a look at Discover Double Bass. I know Geoff is a member here and that resource is wonderful, particularly during lockdown!
  3. I used to have two DR100s when I was doing big gigs and it sounded incredible. Bet this amp is amazing.
  4. Snap us too. We had awful problems in my daughters bedroom with damp until my friend recommended this one. He told me not to bother with a cheap one. We have a big terraced house (4 beds, loft conversion, big extension etc) and this works to reduce moisture from all rooms in the house - including the kitchen. The smaller units are apparently just as good. My wife did once put the unit in our study (where the basses live) but it only works by reducing the moisture level to what you’d consider normal, so didn’t damage them at all.
  5. We have a large Meaco dehumidifier for our place and it had been fantastic. They’re not the cheapest, but really help with my breathing as there’s a Hepa filter too as well as obviously removing moisture from the air and the build up of mould and condensation. Even though it was north of £200 it comes thoroughly recommended.
  6. Just seems like a genuinely lovely man.
  7. It looks like he’s at a bass show or something so he’s being paid to show off like that. It’s about generating a crowd for the stand (which he does really well!).
  8. I thought “not another bloody Jaco video” then I watched the whole thing which was great. It was an expert analysis of the track by someone I’d never heard before and by someone who so obviously loves the music he was still shaking with excitement over 40 years later. These sorts of videos is what makes the internet amazing, thanks for sharing!
  9. I’ve ordered one. Get it without VAT from Thomann and I think the shorter scale will be perfect for them. Might also order a mustang too so they’ve got shorties to play with. Will give a report when it arrives.
  10. Happy birthday to you (and to me - my birthday today!) I went for the shortscale Squier precision for me and the kids. Not arrived yet but looks like a lot of fun.
  11. I always love these threads. They follow the same path. ”Should I choose A or B?” ”Neither. I didn’t like A or B and you should choose C.” ”Actually, you shouldn’t buy A, B or C without playing them so go to the shop (even though this isn’t possible).” ”Buy a jazz bass.” ”Buy a Precision.” ”Vintage basses are over priced”.
  12. The people on this shop are good guys. I’d say this is a lack of information on their part rather than a wilful attempt to deceive.
  13. If it’s a new bass you want, then I’d say Yamaha every day of the week.
  14. Apologies for my crude message. The bass here looks beautiful. Can I ask how much it is?
  15. I could never get on with the Eminence because of the rest, but it is a lovely instrument. £60 sounds quite expensive when you can get one of these delivered for £2.99
  16. I’m currently selling a 2019 Mex Jazz in white with a maple neck and it’s an absolute cracker. It’s a little less refined than the US jazz but it’s fantastically well made.
  17. Intereting. Sounds like a pick to me or she’s getting a lot of attack out of here fingers! It’s an interesting track, love the octave runs.
  18. Nice, I enjoyed that! I’d say the bubbling bassline is going to come when you get confident playing at that speed. It’ll just be a case of building up fluency. I had the same with Sir Duke, just sounded like note soup until I’d become confident enough with the riff to then enjoy it. To me it sounds like she’s using a pick, given the attack she’s getting on there too. The fills are definitely hammer ons and pull offs. I guess it’s to get it to sound quite machine-like and automated. The whole track is based around simple pentatonic, so practice those and enjoy! There’s definitely a Jaco vibe going on here too, with Teen Town being the closest I can think of. Some of the fills are certainly ‘inspired’ by that bassline. I’d also say that most of this stuff beyond the riff (the fills particularly) is likely to be improvised so getting the groove and feel is more important than being able to nail every fill accurately. Perhaps that’s just me.
  19. The rule of thumb is to assume everything has been changed unless proven otherwise! There are lots of fakes out there waiting for an unsuspecting buyer. I’d also suggest now maybe the worst time ever to pay top dollar for a vintage guitar, especially given the precipitous fall in prices seen during previous recessions.
  20. This was mine! Absolutely wonderful amp. Beautifully made too.
  21. It is pink which isn’t too everybody’s taste.
  22. I have owned about 50 jazzes from pre-CBS jazzes to modern ones and I have to say that the FSR Jazz Bass I picked up before Christmas is exceptional. Its personal taste, naturally, but the workmanship is top quality, and the materials excellent (I had a solid rosewood neck). The neck feels like a vintage bass and the pickups are warm. A high-mass bridge and through neck stringing add to the tone and it looks like the balls too. I tried quite a few and have to say that the guys at PMT were brilliant and let me play loads then offered me the online discount price in store.
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