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Everything posted by Burns-bass

  1. It's all about the rent and location. The new store is in a building that will be pulled down in a few years, and the inducements to take space there are massive. I imagine they won't be paying rent for the first year. It's also opposite the musical college too. Parking there is a nightmare though, you're right.
  2. Bristol store has moved. Last time I went in there the staff were being really helpful to a young guitarist and I was very impressed with the service I got.
  3. There’s a 99% chance everything will be fine. While, like you, I prefer to test out guitars in person sometimes you don’t get the chance. I’m getting a new guitar delivered tomorrow for this very reason.
  4. Bump for these books – I'm heading to the post office tomorrow, so these can be with you in the next few days for some serious jazz noodling.
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  6. I’ve updated this listing as I have been playing this bass again, but still looking to sell.
  7. Shame he’s lost his emotional connection to it, but it’s a slab of wood with some value! I used to part out Fender basses in the early 2000s and they almost always sold for more than the whole. So on a purely financial basis, splitting it might be best. As a player I’d keep it together!
  8. These are some of the most exceptional instruments I’ve ever played.
  9. I stubbed my toe on this when I went to my music room. That to me is a sign. Now £199.
  10. That's a really good point about the back plate. I have absolutely no idea what's going on there! Anyone care to weigh in? Perhaps 200is the series name and this is rated at 100W Any Ashdown experts know?
  11. Apart from the £20 you spend on it. And as any audiophile will tell you, streaming is no substitute for a CD or the aural nirvana that is a record!
  12. One here for £180! https://reverb.com/au/item/50537128-psk-dst-3-distortion-1990s-vintage-rat-clone The mind boggles...
  13. This is my PSK DST-3 Distortion Overdrive. This is an 80s distortion pedal that I've had for the best part of 15 years. Sounds great, nicely made and apparently now quite collectible. There's one for sale here https://reverb.com/item/36964682-psk-dst-3-distortion-overdrive-rare-vintage-guitar-effect-pedal-made-in-korea, but I'm not convinced it's worth that much, so how about £20?
  14. This is still here and I need to get rid of it. I'll sell it for a bass-tastic £225. Collection only Od, if you want the ultimate pub rig, I'll sell it with my Ashdown cab for £250. That's 100kg of UK built bass amazingness.
  15. I'm clearing out for the winter, and I'd love for you to buy these. All in good condition and come with CDs and download codes where appropriate. (I don't notate the books, so they're all tip-top) Some sold. These remain! Fingerboard Harmony £7 Serious Electric Bass £10 Improving Jazz bass £7 Bass improvisation £8 Save money on shipping by buying more (or all of them!)
  16. Here are 3 super double bass books. Read, used and enjoyed! Simandl (classic) £10 Playing the string bass £7 The Augen Cruft School of Double Bass (Rare!) £25 Can combine for cheaper shipping. Also, see my listing for jazz and theory books!
  17. This is an old-school, no-frills, but beautiful sounding Ashdown ABM115. It kicks out 100 watts of British watts (could be 200, see below!) and comes fitted with a lovely cover! This is in well gigged condition. The back has gaffer tape on it as the tolex was peeling. I bought this as a cheap cab to chuck in the car to do blues gigs and let anyone use, and for that, it has performed admirably. Now we're earning more cash, I've invested in a Barefaced set-up. £50 collected from Bristol.
  18. Also, don't prop the bass against the wall using the neck. That's a recipe for disaster!
  19. I recently got a guitar from a smoker. We’re telling 50 a day, stinker. It came with a leather guitar strap that’s in good condition but smells like a saloon in the Wild West (very smoky). I don’t want to chuck it but I don’t want to keep it, either. So it’s yours if you can use it!
  20. Here’s my Levy’s MSS30 strap. This has been lightly used but is in excellent condition. Ideal if you have a heavy bass. This works best with straplocks and that’s why I’m getting rid of it (none of my basses now have straplocks!) £30 posted sound fair?
  21. Jamerson was paid to sound like Jamereon. A pro is paid to sound like whoever the person paying the bills wants them to sound like! Guy can obviously play, sounds tight and about as good as any other semi-pro I’ve heard. Give it a go!
  22. I guess it all depends on what work you want to get. Semi-pro to me says cover band or tribute band, and I’m sure given a bit of time you could nail anything. Felt a bit mechanical to me. But that’s precision bass playing (no pun intended!). As for rocking up at a studio and being pain to create parts or read charts for recordings, assuming this is still a job, it’s often about who you know, your attitude and approach.
  23. I listened and I could barely tell the difference. But it still sounded great! (and Taxman is as tone deaf as it was then as it is now). Personally, these endless remixes seem like rent extraction. Beatles fans are numerous and devoted and anything like this will generate huge amounts of cash for the estate while doing nothing for the legacy. The Peter Jackson docco on the other hand was well put together and worth the subscription fee!
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