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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. tch tch. cheap bass or not, it's brand new. If it's packaging that's done it, then it wasn't properly packaged. I too would accept a gift voucher and live with the cosmetic scar, which will be repairable to a certain extent, Oh, the thought of re-packaging, sending it off, waiting a few weeks.......grrrrr Oh, don't forget to take the roundwounds off. So much damage to the fingerboard is possible with them.
  2. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1326197488' post='1493541'] This one: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_rb_corvette_basic_5fllh_bks.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...c_5fllh_bks.htm[/url] Should be all right. I've got a 4 in natural and a 5 in dark blue, so was missing a black one Ordered yesterday late afternoon, shipped this morning via DHL. [/quote] Mad price!! looks ok in black too.....temped........help! give us a review when you get it?
  3. My son has a Westfield P bass and it has a great neck.....which may go missing.........onto one of my basses....would be a reveres headstock, me being a south paw....
  4. For me, van halen 1 album, a bit of 2, then......leave it alone.
  5. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1325901557' post='1489760'] wonder if they will do one of these beauties in lefty? [url="http://www.brucethomas.co.uk/?page_id=24"]http://www.brucethom....uk/?page_id=24[/url] [/quote] Is it healthy to quote yourself?! I enquired re: left handed versions. Barry from the Bass Centre says there are no plans for L/H's unless the bass becomes extremely popular. fingers crossed
  6. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1326151904' post='1493176'] Too late! I've ordered one!!! [/quote] As I say, very basic look, but I've played a lot worse higher end basses. I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised!
  7. regarding the buzz spots, you're not using roundwound strings are you?? anyway, why not ask the Bass Doc on this forum.
  8. it's the old stock and yes, all fretless. I bought mine over a year ago from elsewhere. £179. Great player but so basic looking. I did a paint mod on mine, loks like something from Bootsy's dark cupboard but hey, for that price I feel I have a bass that is reasonable good sound ( great fretless sound, even if the pups lack a bit of volume) and visually fits my personality. If you don't have a fretless, aren't arsed to be seen with a bit of a flat slab for a body, it's well worth grabbing one of these to practice with or pick up for a song in your set..
  9. Eh? You married? couldn't you store you wife away instead? Basses are better company so...... prioritise man!!!! seriously, I can't understand why you can't have your bass. you have a bed? the bass goes under. BTW, obviously, my marriage ended.
  10. wonder if they will do one of these beauties in lefty? [url="http://www.brucethomas.co.uk/?page_id=24"]http://www.brucethomas.co.uk/?page_id=24[/url]
  11. I've only just heard about the ibassmag. I have to see the PIno edition!!!!!
  12. hmmm.....not my cuppa. HFB album is just Oasis to me. Predictable songs dictated by the chords they know. (Wonderwall 2 seems to be on the album) Sorry mate but in the grand scheme of rock'n'roll, this guy aint a God. I find the Gallagher's obnoxious. Everyone to his own!
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1325853853' post='1488744'] What language is Ashington's...? [/quote] [b]It's Geordie that's been left next to a fire for too long.[/b] surely this is a whole new topic!
  14. As someone said earleir, Warwick Rockbass. Great build and sound, despite the price and somewhat blander version of it's bigger brothers. I have a fretless and it sounds more' fretless' than some much hight priced stuff i have tried. Lok out for a s/h earlier version of the Rockbass (has the words (Rockbass on headstock) as later stuff is more expensive, albeit slightly better shape etc. I picked mine up brand new for £180..
  15. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1325844648' post='1488517'] Would someone from Ashington pronounce it "Sairndborg"? [/quote] Ha-ha! I was in Ashington and a dog jumped up at me. the owner said, "Leave the mairn alairn y' baird laird"
  16. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1325803470' post='1488183'] As far as I'm concerned gigs have only ever been one thing to me.... More trouble than they are worth! Maybe I've always been in the wrong bands, playing the wrong venue's but I can honestly say, I don't really enjoy them. [/quote] oh dear, oh dear oh dear. that's a shame. I think a gig is what you make it.
  17. Money. Is what I would say if that was all that was important Mostly the third option, I like to treat every gig like there is someone important watching, like I am making my debut on Jool's Holland, like it's my one and only chance to get noticed, like it's a crucial audition (for me, not the band!) Hey, there may be only 40 people in the crowd at times, but you relaly don't know who might have popped their head around the door!
  18. "gone very dull sounding" = dead strings. Time for some new strings mate. Treat yourself!
  19. [b]Andy Fraser, Pino , Mick Karn[/b] (the reason I ordered my Wal)[b] Graham Maby[/b](Joe Jackson) and all other bassists of the world. We are influenced by all that we come across, even if it's to make us realise we don't like, which in turn can inspire us in the opposite direction. Deep!
  20. Hard to grasp. How can Gibson make some beautiful guitars like the Les Paul ( Iv'e tried some custom shop jobs, play like heaven and immense build quality) yet the basses....? It's like they have no passion for bass. A token gesture?
  21. good stuff. Wish you were here is their best album, after that everythind sounds like a rehash (oooh!) second song, so Zeppelin "whole lotta love" vibe!!
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