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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. [quote name='StraightSix' timestamp='1325637128' post='1485651'] He is an under rated player in my book - I'm a big fan. Just listen to the end section of Mr Big for great tones and timing. [/quote] He played the solo different every night. I particularly like the studio version. Such a mature player for a 17 year old. If you have the Free DVD, Free Forever, take a look inside the booklet. The colourised pic of Andy was done by me. OK it's just manipulation, but it was intended as a T-shirt design but it involved too many colours at the time. Anyway, I am happy that it ended up where it did! Big fan? oh yes, me too ,
  2. Andy Fraser picked an EB-3 because Fender basses were physically too big for his diminutive frame. I just loved the honking tone he got (with a nice amount overdrive from the speakers live), I believe using solely the bridge pick up. I had wanted one since the late 70's, partially because being left-handed, they weren't too bad to play upside-down. Of course if I came across a nice one and had floating cash, I would grab it and and join another Free tribute band. After all, I was in one for 4 years. Best bass lines I ever had to learn.
  3. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1325617778' post='1485299'] He's always answered my emails too. Usually about signal routes and compression use! Really nice guy. Shame he's a scientologist. [/quote] scientology (!) doesn't make his bass playing any worse
  4. He may be king Shredder, but Billy has some great advice. Reveals his techniques, well worth a watch http://youtu.be/3CAGinmT9Po
  5. The ones I have tried have been awful. Ploddy. Even the EB-3's, which I lusted after for years being a big Andy Fraser fan (Free) have turned out to be a massive disappointment. Gibson basses.........yuk!
  6. [quote name='jackduran' timestamp='1325471116' post='1483517'] A couple from the brilliant Derek Forbes of Simple Minds: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2EYHN4Gptg"]http://www.youtube.com/embed/B2EYHN4Gptg[/url] The man himself with demonstrating his trusty P Bass playing 'Colours Fly and Catherine Wheel' from New Gold Dream: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FX0eJkGmYUw"]http://www.youtube.com/embed/FX0eJkGmYUw[/url] Love P's with maple necks! (Apologies if the vids haven't embedded properly, always forget how to do it!) [/quote]there'a a 'share' button under the vid in youtube. copy, then paste here.voila! listened, yes, great choices!
  7. Joe Jackson's bassist, Graham Maybe, anything from the "I'm the Man" or" Look Sharp" album's Great thumping plectrum work. [media]http://youtu.be/el66jnuItYc[/media]
  8. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1325360393' post='1482594'] [u]fretless p [/u] [u][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF5xVnTo8gs[/media][/u] [/quote] hmm...shame he's not playing live! (violin?...haha)
  9. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1325358536' post='1482561'] Still in Love With You, off Live and Dangerous, Thin Lizzy featuring Mr Lynott [/quote] PLECTRUM DRIVEN HEAVEN! The whole of L&D, incredibly tight, considering Lynott's relaxed approach to the timing with his vocals. An incredible talent. Yes, good call.
  10. I have a passive and active bass. I use a Hartke 350 head with options for both. They balance out when in appropriate inputs. I have however used my active bass in the passive input of an Ashdown combo for around 4 years. No problems.
  11. Social club. Inside fire escape like the stairs from the Exorcist , times by two. Concert chairman, as we are about to go on stage, " My Dad just died and I've found out today my wife has cancer,.anyway, .enjoy yourselves" He was pi**ed by 7. 30. I love the working men's clubs, me!
  12. I once had some trouble with a seller. Ebay were pants. Almost automated responses. Long story but, to be honest, but it went on for about 6 bloody weeks. I think you may end up disliking the bass because of bad feelings. Personally I would write the situation off because the more it drags on, the worse you will feel. I recently bought a Squire P/J bass in 'perfect working order," just a few minor blemishe"'. True, except the fact that the truss rod is to it's max and needs repairing. I paid £90 for the bass.Will cost me about £40 to repair. But I can't be arsed with the hassle/dispute etc. I put it down to experience. I know the majority will disagree, but I just want happy bass playing vibes. If it's more about principle to you, **** it. Turn the other cheek and move on man. Good luck
  13. Just been listening to Best of Chic.(1991) woow, if you want to tighten up while getting funky....here ya go! Bernard Edwards....jeez he's da man when it comes to dance/funk. even if you don't like this genre, its true ' in the pocket; grooving. go listen and feel the funk!
  14. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1322342776' post='1449785'] Not generally a fan of the later Jamiroquai output but that is awesome! Great distinctive bass sound too. [/quote] Jamiroquai...terrible melodies!!! one saving grace, the funnnkeii basslines.
  15. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1325263588' post='1481501'] I agree with all of the above If it fits, swop it - you are unlikely to regret it, and it might transform the feel of the bass. While it (may or) may not make a huge change to the actual tone, it certainly is most unlikely to reduce it and, if you feel better with it, your playing will improve which will improve the sound in any case. While you're at it, pop a set of D'Addario Chromes on - smooth as flats but bright as rounds... Andy [/quote] Andy I've been using Chromes for 5 years. Brilliant strings. Beautiful feel, and as you say, a surprisingly bright tone
  16. As usual, I used my Wal Custom at a gig tonight. It sounded particularly special. The acoustics of the room were just right, and my bass sang its heart out, and my heart almost bursts with pride knowing that I have now owned one of these beautiful things for almost 28 years,.custom built for me. I will use it again tomorrow, and the next day. The other basses will just have to sit it out on the bench, this is the Pele of the bass world we're talking about! eternally grateful to Wal and Pete.
  17. Pete the Fish. Met him along with Wal when I visited the factory in '83. His signature inside my bass will always remind me of a wonderful, wonderful day. God bless ya Pete. x
  18. Attempting the truss rod myself = deeesaster! Funny, the Westfiled, which was given to me for free, has a lovely deep sound acoustically
  19. you have some grrrreat basslines to kick out with this project. Rio....mmmmm !
  20. I often buy it, but the reviews are so 'back-hander', almost automated. I think they should invite a working bassist to co-review. Someone from basschat for instance! A different 'public opinion every month. I just find that it's almost like they copied and pasted the manufacturers press release.
  21. So I decided I wanted a P bass, not enough cash for the real deal,bought a Squire P/J cheap from Gumtree only to find the truss is, as someone else put it, Maxed out'. I can get it sorted for say, £40 but my local luthier. But |I have a Westfield P bass in bits, I really like the neck, even though it may be deemed as 'cheap crap' by bass snobs My question: how much does a neck affect the overall sound produced? thanks for any help
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