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Everything posted by Harryburke14

  1. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1484324765' post='3214739'] Fill it with bees so it doubles up as a honey dispenser. S.P. [/quote] [quote name='J3ster' timestamp='1484324234' post='3214732'] Fill it with beads so it doubles up as maracas [/quote]
  2. Ive always wanted one but I dont have the quids. Je cri. GLWTS
  3. I think that silver one looks real nice. I dont think Ive ever seen them in that colour but man is it pretty.
  4. looking good! a pound and a half(ish) lighter could make all the difference. Even more excited 😊
  5. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1484076510' post='3212518'] Foxton used an Ibanez 2388B/DX neck-through, like this only black: You'll note it has Gibson style pickups - although they're both single-coil units, not humbuckers, so do tend to be quite bright. The same bass was also sold badged Greco, but you won't find too many in the UK. This model probably stopped production around 1974 or 5 - later ones were more accurate but far less cool, IMO. These are hard to find and sellers do tend to want high prices for them when they do turn up - even rough examples are unlikely to be less than £500. However there are plenty of different Fakers out there, and they come up for sale regularly. If you're not already a member, get on to the [url="https://www.facebook.com/groups/78514186083/"]Rickenfakers FB group[/url]. All the basses we can't sell on BC turn up on there, and so far it's a John Hall-free zone. Fingers crossed... [/quote] Ive requested to join. Ive always wanted a bass like Foxtons (the man that made me buy a bass in the first place) but never had the cash to buy a real one.
  6. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1484002349' post='3211942'] I have to say that I've seen the Rockinbetters and not been inclined to pick one up. [/quote] Ah right. Anyway, what Rickenfaker would people recommend? Looking for a 4001 copy that looks like (and at least sounds a little bit like) the one that Bruce Foxton used.
  7. Wow... still, 10 oz is a step in the right direction. Even more excited now...
  8. [quote name='addictedtobass' timestamp='1483995815' post='3211871'] made up my mind . its a shorty for him. and ill get myself the pb50. would have had the £40 jobbie but warrington is a bit of a trip. [/quote] Let us know how they are. Been eying up a PB50 myself from Harley Benton.
  9. Yeah that looks far too lovely to not play just because it smells.
  10. I too am interested in QP Jazz pickups, unsure. Are they the best Duncan J pickups for the guitar rock/punk music my band are playing or are there better? (Both SD and others)
  11. How much does your average rockinbetter weigh? Ive heard mixed reports about them being an anchor or being "a decent weight"
  12. Eyes are constantly on the classifieds for any nice pups to drop in when its all done. Search your parts draws people, there may be something there that interests me... Looking good so far Andy.
  13. Ibanez Mikro, Squier shortscale (cant remember if its Jaguar or Mustang) both good shouts. I also remember hearing the Harley Benton Shorty P Bass is very good VFM.
  14. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1483905763' post='3211048'] Those veneer jobs are really nice! For the OP's HB, I'd have to question whether it's worth a lot of money spending on it. If the chip is on the black bit of a sunburst finish, it could just be filled with a dark resin and be pretty much unnoticeable if done right. There seem to be two bare wood guitar body sellers on ebay: guitarbuild https://www.guitarbuild.co.uk/ and someone who is selling seconds (might be guitabuild ones?). I've just built a Partscaster using one of the seconds made from Paulownia wood, which is really light; I coloured it with some dark oak stain from Homebase and oversprayed it with some matt lacquer - it looks really good! Back to the HB - is it solid or ply? if it's ply, then stripping it back will be a bit disappointing. Best of luck, anyway. (And did I mention that those veneer jobs are nice?) [/quote] For me, the money being spent on it is definitely worth it. I am getting a custom made, personalised bass to my spec built by a master craftsman at a very low price. Should all go to plan, this will be my number one bass for as long as I can play.
  15. How much does the Chowny weigh? Looks different enough to interest me...
  16. I may buy it considering theres currently an empty wall hanger here while the Harleys with Andy...
  17. The Pots are a Ki0gon loom so youd have to speak to him as to what they are. That being said the originals weren't bad, I just change pickups semi regularly and therefore wanted a no-faff solderless loom.
  18. if you can drop to Castle Bromwich, North Birmingham I'll take it.
  19. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1483879395' post='3210763'] [facetious quip] I haven't gone to the polling site to look at what you came up with because I thought "The Spitballers" sounded just fine. I'm just hoping you didn't have that as one of the names already. [/facetious quip] Good luck with the venture my friend. Break legs. [/quote] Damn why didnt I put the Spitballers in there...
  20. After about an hour of spitballing, we came up with the following names. If anyone wants to be a star and help us vote then that would be greatly appreciated: http://www.strawpoll.me/12055529 vote for up to 3...
  21. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1483809887' post='3210318'] OK - this is the part where those of a nervous disposition must look away. For an instrument that is already built, there are basically three ways of removing wood to remove weight. [list] [*]Slim it down from the back [*]Cut and cover chambers in the back: [/list] This is my Indie Les Paul. Beautiful and totally over the top. Full over the top spec. Still heavy after THIS, but now playable rather than (reinforced) wall hanger material [list] [*]Do the same but from the top. With Paul_S's Sterling, we kept it under the scratchplate - more limited weight reduction but doesn't require re-finishing: [/list] With Harry's, we are going to have to take much more wood out. So the option is: [list] [*]Route out large chambers where there is the depth to do so [*]Cover them as you would a wood control chamber cover [*]Sand it all down [*]Veneer over the top [/list] And this is the veneer we're going to try: and....please, those of a nervous disposition and those who hate real wood veneer being stained...it's going to have the Andyjr1515 fountain pen ink approach to end up this sort of color: For those who think the whole thing is a travesty, you'll just have to trust me... ...that if it all goes well, it will be stunning ...and if it all goes badly, I will have to buy Harry another Harley Benton (but happily for him, therefore without the gig dings!) [/quote] Have some faith in yerself
  22. There she is. @tom1946 This was yours once upon a time, hope you dont mind... And it really is solid ash? Wow...
  23. How many amps we on? may bring the Fender Rumble 500 and Orange 410 i bought yesterday. And a cake if i can be bothered to make one, if not I'll bring one from Costco (unless thats cheating?)
  24. Just had the chance to see it in person while handing my own bass over. Different it most certainly is...
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