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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. That is very nice, great choice of colour! Congrats.
  2. I'm going to have to practice that pose, looks like a bass player classic
  3. The worst culprits are FMIC! They even have the nerve to put the Fender logo on their copies! All they really did was buy the rights to the instruments from CBS who bought them from the real Fender. What have they got to do with the originals? Nought! They didn't even make Fenders in the goddamn US of A for a few years but they called these guitars made in Japan Fenders! How does that work? The original Fenders stopped being made once Leo and George buggered off, everything else is a copy. And another thing, Team Lotus my hole! I thank you
  4. What are you complaining about? You've just been given licence to do whatever the hell you want with your basslines and you know none of them are going to bicker about it. That's the dream gig. Score!
  5. Really like these, but ain't buying unless it gets the 54 spec countoured body. If they did that and gave it the "roadworn" treatment, I can't help but feel they'd sell shedloads of them. Or they take that poxy Sting logo off the other one Bass direct had a trans white 54 style, custom shop model, a while back... I'd have killed you all for it
  6. My old ESP, it's just got the magic tone, been the right bass at the right time for almost 20 years now. Excuse the humongous pic.
  7. For what it's worth I recently entered the world of 20 year old Warwicks and, after undoing 20 years of neglect, I have to say I'm completely smitten with my old SS1 Streamer, they're a serious step above the more recent offerings, in my opinion. I think, at some point, I will be hunting for a similar era Thumb. That is all
  8. AC/DC isn't about being clever with flash fretboard w***ery, it's about nailing the groove, making it swing, getting the lads to shake their heads and the ladies to shake their arses. Perhaps this ain't the band you're looking for?
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1319640010' post='1416769'] Good result, but were you offered any recompense or at least given an explanation. [/quote] Yes, it would be shame to have read through all of this without an explanation
  10. That's shameful routing for an instrument of that price. Not just the hole, but the lazy neck pickup route and channel.
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1318976312' post='1408615'] Fender are going mad with loads of new gear lately. [/quote] Depends on what you mean by "new", I suppose
  12. Doctor J

    Dick Tease

    Also, meant to say it before, but your singer's quiff is probably the greatest quiff I've ever seen. Total respect, honestly
  13. Doctor J

    Dick Tease

    [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1318420753' post='1401854'] Thanks! Full version out soon... [/quote] How soon?
  14. Get out now. Sometimes having a bit of breathing space away from it all isn't a bad thing. I stuck it out with my last crew long after it stopped being fun and it was a mistake. Eventually, enough sh*t happened to make me put and end to it and, to be honest, I've been delighted with the decision. I'm a lot happier at the moment just writing and recording at home and getting my chops back in order than I was throughout the last year of the band - to the extent that I've no real desire to seek out another band at the moment. Once it stops being fun, get out of there. Opportunity will present itself in the future if you choose to look for it.
  15. Doctor J

    Dick Tease

    There's something quite hypnotic about that video. Good show!
  16. I quite like the D shape on my LX, took a while to get used to but it does have a certain charm once you get to know it.
  17. Very nice indeed, great fretboard
  18. Never saw one of them before, withdrawn but amazing!
  19. Looks like a fancy assed Hamer impact, no? I've never played a Hamer bass but a friend of mine had one of their guitars back in the 90's, very nice it was too.
  20. Sorry to see you got another duffer, Gareth. As already said, I'd take the refund and chill out for a while, based on what I've just read. Perhaps new EBMM aren't quite what they used to be. There are plenty of great basses out there for that kind of money but, instead of going custom, perhaps you'd be better off finding one which meets the standard you're looking for and buy off the shelf. Maybe a day out in one of the better bass shops over there? Anyway, hope you find the right bass.
  21. Lakland 55-02 has 19mm spacing, like you I can't really get on with narrow spacing. Give the Lakland a shot.
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