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Everything posted by deaver

  1. I joined on the basis of buying one bass and then legging it. Boy, did that ever go wrong
  2. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1330422993' post='1557040'] Hey John, didn't know you were having an op. Hope all well mate! I imagine Citeh's lofty position in the EPL has kept you cheery [/quote] Cheery and a little bemused, not really been used to winning over the last forty years. Op details forthcoming on Telebass' don't get old thread. Not for the squeamish mind you
  3. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1330029799' post='1551831'] An awesome rig which, did I not have similar quality Acoustic Image rig, I'd be all over! The quality of the seller goes without saying Hope all's wel mate Chris [/quote] Very kind words, I'm recovering nicely from the op now. With regards to the rig I'm withdrawing it from sale. The band has a pile of recording coming up so I'm going to get full use of it.
  4. Between hospital appointments bump (plays emotional blackmail card)
  5. My perfect Precision as well. Haven't got the dosh at the moment though
  6. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1326185485' post='1493333'] Have you had any lessons Deaver? even one would give you a huge amount to work on and to have a close up inspection/appraisal of your technique is IMO invaluable. [/quote] I haven't as yet, I understand what you're saying but it is, to use a dread phrase, a question of priorities at the moment. Realistically it won't be until the summer at the earliest.
  7. I had a quick go at this Rabbath lark earlier today and I think something might have clicked - lessons will still have to wait I'm afraid (time and money). Fairly sure I heard an improvement in intonation, I'll report back in a month or so
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. [quote name='philparker' timestamp='1325930291' post='1489872'] Hi Everyone! I live on the Hants/Wilts border, but my roots are in North Manchester [/quote] I'm not so far from the Hants\Wilts border, my roots are South Manchester though. Welcome to the forum - hope you enjoy it
  10. [quote name='jackduran' timestamp='1325107153' post='1479973'] I'd be all over this... if we could have 2 John Taylors'! [/quote] You could have three - it's my real name. Thankfully I'm bald, fat and talentless so the tribute circuit can be spared
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. There's one here [url="http://www.arcellussykesmusic.com/index.php?/transcriptions/"]http://www.arcellussykesmusic.com/index.php?/transcriptions/[/url]
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  15. And hello from Salisbury, welcome aboard
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1322300761' post='1448998'] This is my old Ibanez 2366: [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/albums/m496/h4ppyjack/Ibanez%202366%20FLB%201972%20SOLD/"]http://s1128.photobu...%201972%20SOLD/[/url] The fret-ends appeared to be factory-fitted and were a God-send when I first started playing fretless. That bass would probably fall within your £200 budget if you could find one. Bloody heavy, mind. [/quote] Damn, how that bass has tormented me over the last few years. Never seems to come up when I've got the cash
  17. deaver


    A pleasure as always to deal with Paul. A pleasingly Old School deal this one involving a cheque (ask your parents), the only downside being that no meet up was required, A thorough gent both on and off the forum
  18. I have just sold Alex my OM Yamaha BB414, all went very smoothly and I found Alex very pleasant to deal with. I wouldn't hesitate to deal with him again
  19. Bought a Warwick Streamer STD off Andy and I am very pleased with an excellent deal. Enjoyed a painless transaction and he was happy to accommodate my delivery date request, can't ask for much more really. Top bloke to deal with.
  20. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1321139987' post='1435917'] Great stuff John. Let me know when you're next playing and I'll come and heckle...:-) [/quote] We've got a support slot at the Winchester Gate next Friday, if you fancy it let me know and I'll send you some more details. We're the 'special guests' mentioned here, not the bunch of shiny happy people pictured - but you knew that anyway
  21. Time to update, other commitments have meant I haven't really had time to learn an awful lot. However I can just about hack out some blues scales and open minor scales in half & 1st positions (I think). After some cajoling from the keyboard player I took the bass down to a local midweek jam night and gave it a thunk. To my surprise I really enjoyed it, I'm not a natural jammer and I don't like performing out of my comfort zone but ther's something about this instrument that makes it more enjoyable on stage. Photographic evidence below - note current jazz 'Mad Professor' hair style
  22. [quote name='deaver' timestamp='1320607932' post='1428950'] Probably the last bump for a while, I'm leaning towards keeping this rig now... [/quote] I do talk some rubbish some times. Bump again for the weekend. Any trade deals out there?
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