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Everything posted by MacDaddy

  1. [quote name='SJA' post='246734' date='Jul 24 2008, 11:46 AM'][url="http://www.recordoftheday.com/cgi-bin/rotd-mb/rotd_config.pl?frames;read=151937&expand=1"]http://www.recordoftheday.com/cgi-bin/rotd...37&expand=1[/url] sounds like a deal is imminent.[/quote] Peter Jones did say on the show 'I know people at Sony, I'm not saying that's where I'll take you...' Hamfatter. I've heard the name before, were they one of the bands that didn't get very far on that Battle of the Bands show Jo Wiley, and the bassist from Blur did?
  2. IIRC it was meant to be [i]future proofed[/i], but Yamaha haven't given it the support needed since it was launched. So not many updates or new software. There's a thread with more advice somewhere...
  3. [quote name='fede162162' post='247048' date='Jul 24 2008, 05:10 PM']hi. i'm thinking to change my markbass little mark 1 for something of superior class. maybe i have the possibility to sell tomorrow my little mark and bye the m500 pjb at the same price. what do you suggest? any feedback?[/quote] I had the Dalek, whick was the full PJB stack with the M500 head. In a word [i]awesome[/i]. It's MOSFETs but IMO it totally outgunned Ampegs (I have owned Ampegs). It's all there, you need to spend some time with it then you'll find your ideal sound. Then after you've spent more time with it, you'll find your ideal sound again! It's all there the tonal options are immense. It's built like a tank (some of the components are military spec) and quite weighty because of it. There are people of this forum who's experience of PJB hasn't been good, but any email I sent was replied to either by Phil or one of the team usually the next day. I only got rid, because the stack wouldn't fit into my new car. Try it, and AB it with another amp, you'll hear the difference.
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  5. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='240908' date='Jul 16 2008, 02:53 PM']Mint condition Foot-Spa - once owned by Phil Collins. Includes box but no manual. Free to a good home[/quote] If it's not good enough for Phil Collins, then it's not good enough for me
  6. I'm thinking of buying a Hohner, just to swap with you! Love the JD bass any more pics?
  7. [quote name='paulbuzz' post='246215' date='Jul 23 2008, 04:12 PM']The strings budget for their tours must have been unbelievable...[/quote] I don't think he's had to pay for a set of strings since he first left the Isle of Wight
  8. [quote name='BassManKev' post='242923' date='Jul 18 2008, 05:36 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Inceni-Zoot-Custom-Shop-Bass-superb-handmade-in-UK_W0QQitemZ260264001217QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260264001217&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Inceni-Zoot-Custom-S...p3286.m14.l1318[/url] same bass??[/quote] ouch!
  9. [quote name='Jesus' post='240247' date='Jul 15 2008, 05:50 PM']Im originally a big metal/rock loving man, and am learning the bass to play in such a band, but since i've been researching and learning i've noticed my ears are now partial to a bit of blues, jazz, and funk! I find myself putting on a bit of Jaco or Bootsy when i get in from work to rewind rather than my usual blend of Avenged, Atreyu, and Dio. Has anyone else found this or am i the only one going mad?[/quote] but does this work the other way round? For example, do Jazzers occasionally realise it could be beneficial to look outside their genre and take influences from elsewhere, and so listen to a bit of rock/metal/thrash etc?
  10. If you visit the Bass Merchant, they have a room where you can take amps/cabs and wind them up as much as you want
  11. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='233785' date='Jul 6 2008, 09:46 PM']Took my new bass to practice today. It's a Dean metalman explorer. Something's not right with it. The low end notes were very distorted and badly buzzing when playd, especially at high volume. It's got a brand new battery in it (It's active) and it wasn't the amp as it's done the same on my amp and the one at practice studio, plus I played my 5 string through both amps with no distortion or buzzing. Any ideas?[/quote] What's the set up like? Could be fret buzz coming through?
  12. Dana Strum - Vinnie Vincent Invasion, Slaughter - played flying V/Shark fin type basses..
  13. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='230965' date='Jul 1 2008, 10:30 PM']Lets have the back cover off then and ave a look at the tronics stuff! I bet it cant beat a Gb into touch on that front! nice tho...[/quote] ok, will try to get round to it...
  14. Carvin LB75P It's got a HB a J and a piezo, the HB can be dual or single. A 3 band EQ, and it runs passive too - even without a battery. 5 strings and it's quite light, and I think it looks great. Here's the science Here's the pics
  15. Gutted I missed it - I would definitely have been in the queue for Argh's 9 string.
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='229073' date='Jun 29 2008, 04:08 PM']My guitarist didn't like my old pink and yellow P-Bass so i played it more just to anoy him [/quote] my old vocalist hated my silver jacket, because it made more people look at me than him. Obviously I wore it more (even I don't really like it ). BOT Nice bass, what are the pups? Are they soap bars, or smaller HB's?
  17. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='228238' date='Jun 27 2008, 07:28 PM']Just watched the Jon Shuker link to the TV programme and just wondered who is the best UK custom bass builder, im obviously biased the GB way, but there are several out there Overwater, Shuker, Status et al..........[/quote] Purely a matter of personal opinion. Of which mine is Mike and his Zoot basses, and Jon and his Shukers
  18. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='222115' date='Jun 19 2008, 01:31 PM']I'm still a maybe, but now I'm a definite maybe.[/quote] Apologies to all, but I'm depping for a band and the first rehearsal is Sunday. I tried to get them to change it, but to no avail It's thrown a bit of a spanner in the works, as I had it all planned out, visit to Jon Shuker, parents, Bass Bash. Bugger.
  19. [quote name='dood' post='221620' date='Jun 18 2008, 06:40 PM']that would rule out [s]any[/s] all of the suggestions I would have made then lol![/quote] Doh! I'll get back to you once I've decided the Korg has too many buttons, or the colour clashes with my bass - or some such nonsense
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