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Everything posted by MacDaddy

  1. Absolutely, I for one am often to be found anxiously awaiting the countdown of the weeks best selling baked beans 🫤
  2. As not to derail another thread, I'm putting forth the notion that music is a competition. Or rather music that is commercially released, is competitive, and it is the results of this which feed your Spotify and YouTube algorithms. If music was not competitive we would not have The Hit Parade. Thoughts?
  3. To quote Lister from Red Dwarf "that guitar is a genuine Gibson Les Paul copy".
  4. I'd say wrong tree. Possibly you need a pickup adjustment, possibly raising one of the poles, depending on what pickup you have. Edit, to say are you sure it's not a dead string?
  5. I bought a gig bag from Bass Wielder. It was mightily well packaged, excellent comms, can heartily recommend to the Basschat masses!
  6. I sometimes wonder where my old Shuker 6 string ended up, and maybe tracking it down and buying it back.
  7. Digitech BP355 Multi fx pedal but includes ⬆️ I had a short scale bass with floppy strings, so I tuned up a tone, and set the pitch down a tone so that I would be tuned 'normally'. The tracking was flawless.
  8. Natural valve compression?
  9. In terms of 'popular' music, there is no modern music, and hasn't been since the 1990's. In the 1950's there was modern music that would have been out of place in the 1940's. In the 1960's there was modern music that would have been out of place in the 1950's, and so on until the 2000's where for some reason popular music reached its current state of stagnation. I'm open to suggestion for any music from the last 20 years that sounds like it couldn't have been released before the 2000's.
  10. Dave Ellefson formerly of the Megadeth never used compression.
  11. If alcohol can damage your short term memory, just think what alcohol can do.


    1. petecarlton


      Ha ha





      Ha ha




      Ha ha

  12. My basses are like Aston Martin's, so 100% 😉
  13. I am in no way affiliated with Sennheiser, but I am a TS SMF 😎
  14. Must have been after his stint in The Grumbleweeds.
  15. Let the market decide, put them both up for sale and keep the one that doesn't sell first.
  16. Just found out that a dentist near me has been arrested for selling drugs. Shows you how wrong you can be about people. I had been going to him for over 10 years. Never knew he was a dentist.

  17. I recently received a gig bag, but it was paid for last year 🙂
  18. Not me, my Dad. I've told this story elsewhere on Basschat so I'll make it brief. He was out with a band called The Applejacks, who featured in the Hit Parade of the time. When fans were asking for the bands' autographs they also asked my Dad. He looked at the singer, who said 'just sign them!' So there must have been Applejacks fans looking at their autograph books later thinking "who the hell is that? Probably thought he was the bass player...
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