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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. As with discreet I only really play my bass doc built 74 precision replica. Lots of people mistake it for the real thing with the nitro paint and tinted varnish. I only wish I had had it reliced as I don't get the time to play the wear into it
  2. I have an American special jazz and it's as good as any American standard I've played. I would placey bass-doc built p bass ( from jap parts) on a level above both
  3. Could we have the "follow/unfollow topic" buttons shown on the mobile version please ?
  4. I bought an issue recently. (October so probably sept issue) on way to Disneyland Paris and it was good, if somewhat expensive read.
  5. Sounds like it could still be worth a try - thanks for the detailed responses
  6. Ah yes - string thru - Hadn't spotted that although I'm not convinced it makes much difference Yes it does help, thanks both
  7. Hi can some kind soul tell me if the Special is worth the extra ? 2013 model. Cant see a lot of difference in the specs. I thought graphite rods were nornal in American standards these days along with custom shop pickups ? thanks
  8. [quote name='stingraybassman' timestamp='1384616079' post='2278788'] Right folks, last price drop to £580. I'd rather keep it that let it go for any less than that. [/quote] Very fair price, have a free bump
  9. He was a very fair dealer with me. I seem to recall him saying that the red/white/rosewood precision bass shown used to belong to Musical Youth
  10. Thanks for the tip Markus, I might keep an eye out for a Thumb
  11. bump for quoted neck width following enquiries.
  12. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1384903896' post='2282277'] Plus you get all the fun of dealing with the unknown, unwashed public on ebay ( the good, the bad, and the downright dishonest and ugly!). [/quote] Ebay-wise : I'm on my third timewasting, non-shipping, non-refunding, communciation-challenged seller in a row. Set a decent reserve/sensible start price you muppets, then you wont be disappointed at the final hammer price. Never been stiffed on here.
  13. £7 per listing / £20 per annum is not massively expensive. The owners do have to buy server space, bandwidth etc. I'm pretty sure they're not driving a new Ferrari every day on the back of Basschat profits.
  14. Could we see the "content I follow" button ported over to the mobile version please ?
  15. Geek99


    Good price - free bump
  16. If it's still here, absolutely I will sell to you then
  17. I'm impressed with the brass frets. No wear after years of use and look lovely after just a little cleaning that took literally two minutes.
  18. [quote name='Bassdude BE' timestamp='1384290177' post='2274989'] ooh lovely, i still regret selling mine, i miss that growly tone you can only get from a warwick... if you still have this by september 20th i'll take her of your hands if you like. [/quote] Next year, or do you time travel ?
  19. Stick with it Doggedness is the trick with eBay
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