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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. Get the mim. 97 mex basses are underrated IMHO
  2. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1398552202' post='2435285'] I'm also particularly impressed with the quality of the Squier VM made (by Cort) in Indonesia. [/quote] Moi aussi See above
  3. Nice - what sort of price are we talking ? Just curious
  4. Precisions are just amazing - I tried an Indonesian squier VM p and it totally turned my head such that the bass doc built me an awesome 70s p replica in sunburst / maple / black. I keep trying to find a jazz that's as good and keep failing
  5. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1398520663' post='2434931'] Handy to whack a sponge under the bridge ashtray, to damp the strings, like James Jamerson used to do. But originally, I think they were put there for purely aesthetic reasons. [/quote] No, it was originally part of EMF shielding . 51 precisions had an earth wire that connected to the ashtray
  6. I used to buy and enjoy it immensely, particularly the technical articles and the "new player" features. It's just too damned expensive / if it was £2.50 I could justify it.
  7. [quote name='kennyrodg' timestamp='1398346256' post='2433215'] Love mine to bits. I specc'd a heavy relic, I call it my "rat bass" It's everything I hoped it would be and couldn't be happier with it. Yes they divide opinion but who gives a monkeys, it's mine that counts Plays a treat and sounds ace. As Peety says, Mark is a top bloke as well. Limelight No24 [/quote] Sob Very nice
  8. How could you do this ? Sadist ! Very nice. Free bump
  9. <begin-controversy> I'd buy a fairly battered 70s p in sunburst and maple (tort or black, not fussy) as they just look impossibly cool. <end-controversy>
  10. Oh flipping hell How COULD you list this - are you some kind of mad, impossibly well furnished with basses, sadist ? And this on top of that lovely, lovely sunburst maple p (Sobbing) Free bump
  11. I have the est96a stingray copy and it's a very solid bass
  12. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1398077081' post='2430091'] Rudy's shop is well worth a visit. A few years back I had all but purchased a boutique bass there, but when I turned up to collect it and pay it became apparent that the agreed selling price did not include sales tax, inflating the price considerably. Not sure if this is standard sales practice in NY, so be sure if you are making a purchase that the price being quoted is the full sales price, avoiding any nasty surprises. [/quote] Yes it's normal here in the US I'm in Orlando ATM
  13. I may have missed the cost ? Interested in red tort for a p bass
  14. Bit of a thread hijack - sorry to the OP. Maybe you should start a club thread, ead. We can take numbers like on TalkBass
  15. Me too it's a head thing, not a talent thing
  16. Took me about five minutes
  17. You can get them for less than that, I'm sure
  18. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1397637639' post='2425817'] I'm happy that the OP was delighted with the music coming out of the radio and the bass tone contained within. And it seemed to be a self contained, non-projecting personal opinion too. Why some knuckleheads can't resist turning it into a P vs. J thing then a P vs. everything else thing is beyond me [/quote] Yes indeed, non projecting, just saying. "Poor" Mr Clayton gets knocked a lot but his tone is spot on on this album Marooned here by a medical emergency, sadly. Going home soon for work reasons but will have to return to collect partner
  19. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1397246470' post='2422287'] It doesn't, if it did everyone would play a Jazz and the Precision would be redundant. [/quote] Yep, can be made to sound similar possibly, but no more Put some foam under the strings and you'll be close Bob Babbitt played a 62 precision with flats as far as I know , but I think he did change them from time to time unlike Jamerson
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