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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. Trying a wider audience on gumtree also so may disappear without warning Inexplicable but market is slow
  2. Narrower goats .... Feckig autocorrect
  3. Yes me too - did think i had overpriced it but I've been away overseas and haven't been pushing it as I've not been here
  4. I'm toying with the idea of flats. I currently use 45 105 rounds . What gauge flats should I get to avoid fiddling too much with the neck Thanks @bassdoc particularly interested in your view; this is for the 73 replica precision you built for me last year
  5. Yep There is an IATA rule on flying prems Flag carrier airlines aren't so tightly bound so hopefully BA will fly us I couldn't get iplayer to work in us
  6. Possibly - our baby was born prematurely here The airline won't let us fly home - trapped as I said.
  7. Stuck in Orlando still - can someone record it for me ? MP3 perhaps
  8. No idea but when the jack socket dies, be aware thAt you can get a Neutrik one for £3 from maplin
  9. Oh that's just SO nice Said he in a "deeply jealous, stuck in Orlando" kind of way....
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1399561198' post='2445354'] Yes - but another one of their options is called 'Interparcel Standard', who have been UPS the several times I've used them. [/quote] Yep quite right and they have always been early or on time, even to Northern Ireland on a bank holiday
  11. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1399557362' post='2445291'] Most courier insurances don't cover guitars or other instruments, not just MyHermes. I gotta say, I've used them quite a lot and have never had a problem. [/quote] Ups have been just fine
  12. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1399213262' post='2442112'] It's got nothing to do with how they clean themselves - the primary cause of infection from a bite is bacteria from decaying food stuck between the teeth, which is exactly the same reason human bites are infectious. Cats are very fastidious animals, certainly a lot cleaner than many humans are. [/quote] And also the fecal bacteria on their tongues
  13. Let's see - they clean themselves using their tongues which are next to their teeth so yes, bites will likely be an infection risk
  14. Neck stretching time ....
  15. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1398982134' post='2439783'] You're not being thick i find myself in the same boat with online type learning. That's why i'm ebbing on the side of getting a real live person to teach me. [/quote] I got a lot better quickly with a real teacher. My confidence grew quite a lot too
  16. I'm a Suffolk local too
  17. Love of learning will take you a long way
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