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Everything posted by gadgie

  1. Fender Dunlop 65. Sounds like a motorbike racer
  2. So I suppose anything is easy if you know how to play it. Jazz Standard: Is that the one with 2 doors and cassette instead of CD? I did mention by standard that I meant songs that bands rolled out in the pub week in week out.
  3. I was just wondering what the hardest 'standard' is. I'm not talking about things like HMWYRS (Dury), but the type of song that nearly every band rolls out as a standard in their set. since taking up bass, I've started watching/listening to bass players in the pub bands more. Some of the song they are playing seem quite easy. cheers
  4. Either way, it's a rip off!
  5. I worked with a Giddy, which was short for Geddes, therefore I think it should have been pronounced Geddy, but due to our Doric twang his name was spoken Giddis. Oh well Doric lesson over for today lol
  6. Thanks guys. Good info
  7. Hello BC I've got a pair of Peavey Bass Bins. I'm pretty sure they have a build in cross over which is switchable (but I'm not sure). These are quite old Hysis models. Do I simply run a cable from my PA amp into them, then up the the tops? Cheers
  8. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1414622297' post='2591627'] But the age-old question, [b]would I be able to tell in the mix? Not a chance.[/b] [/quote] Ah a man after my own heart. Been saying that for years now.
  9. Well played my first gig on bass at the weekend. Just a half dozen songs at a birthday day. I thought it went ok until the singer and LG suggested we do a song we had not practiced as a band. Went from playing a reasonable tight bass, to a load of half hearted notes. Spoiled a little for me:(
  10. Thanks Barneyg42. The items fits like.................erm! A glove:)
  11. Thanks and a great feedback thumbs up to Geek99. Got my part today. Great cond and packed well.
  12. Never seen it. Got two tips once.....to stop playing and don't give up the day job lol!
  13. Just done all this RSI aining stuff this week at work. Big companies have to take it seriously these days. However, during the training I got the impression it was more of a CYA exercise. It was all tracked on the database so that they would have little or no comeback if I got problems in the future. New position in the company last month which involves going to different location....hence a laptop. Got a proper mouse sorted out, but workstations in these locations are basic. Back at HQ however, got myself sorted out with docking station, twin monitors, and proper keyboard and mouse. Also an adjustable keyboard shelft thingy. If your company are being sh*tty and not buying you a fullsize keyboard and mouse etc, then take the hit and get one yourself. Also worth consider hitting cokeconvertors for a sencond hand monitor. Gee come to think of it, I've probably got an old monitor and keyboard lying around if you pay P&P I could send it to you free. Cheap way to see if it improves your wrist problem.
  14. Commando Jaguar Spitfire Sprite Zephyr Zodiac Viva-Viva Add Switchback to any of the above to denote the wattage changes etc
  15. Och just one?? Okay another girl another planet - only ones
  16. [quote name='TheSiberian' timestamp='1412622546' post='2570543'] I would rather give 100€ to a poor guy in the street than buying a chinese bass with this amount. [/quote] Good on yi. Go out and do it now:)
  17. only been trying to play for a few months but got two already. It's not for the lack of looking at getting more though lol VM Jazz Ric 4003 20 guitars and 7 amps 2 Multi FX and a multitude of other 'must haves' over the years. Ebay here I come
  18. I think it's a nice guitar. Over recent years it has surprised me why Gibson have made so many different models of what is basically the same 2-3 guitars. Les Pauls for example...gee where do I start? How many is there of them going around in various guises, studios, BFG, classics, blah blah blah!. I'm new to bass, but it does seem that Gibson only make higher end gibsons....or so it seems to me. At least with their sixers they made different models of their guitars. Jrs....that Greenday one, satin finished, gloss finishes of the cheaper end, and the custom shop end of the scale.
  19. Call them and tell them that they are out! Tell them you want to do bigger things and add that if they are willing to tow the line and book bigger gigs, then you might consider keeping them. Seriously though...it seems like you pretty much laid it on the line with your remarks at the gig. Time out might be the answer.
  20. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1411724157' post='2562232'] I'm a geek, I'm firmly in the mould of "always got a cable/battery/tool kit on him" bass player. I love geeking out about basses, bashes being the epitome of that. But I've met bass players at gigs who simply aren't that into it as would spend any time talking about gear or techniques, they just play and then wander off. You must have experienced it - Me: "Great gig, really enjoyed your playing." Bass player: "Thanks very much." Me: "Nice bass you've got there." Bass player: "Yeah, it is." [i]awkward silence where you expected someone to wax lyrical about the type of wood it's made of and got nothing[/i] Me: "OK, well, cheers!" Hell, I've had indifferent exchanges at bashes before. So I'd love to believe that we're all a happy, polite gang of bass geeks, but it doesn't always pan out that way. Of course I've met some gems of bass players who are geeky, gregarious, gear mad and happy to talk the hind legs off a donkey about bass. They're ace. It must be me, I am the only common factor in all these encounters of variable friendliness and engagement. Perhaps I'm coming in too hot for the reserved type, maybe I give off an aura of loserness that some people pick up on and have no wish to engage me in conversation beyond the perfunctory. I am not the most confident of people, and meeting new folk doesn't come easy to me, so I may be overly reserved or I may overcompensate. If you ever encounter me, and if you're feeling generous, please bear this in mind. I do warm up, honest Maybe one day I'll accept that it's OK for me to take up the square metre or so of space that I occupy, and that it's also OK if I don't click with every person I meet. Oops, that was deep. [/quote] You could always try asking Moon Moon how to get on with people. only joking
  21. Don't even start me on the dear gear is better thing. All I will say is that when you are on stage with a full band c/w with a loud as hell drummer and screamer for vocals......it doesn't matter what you play because the people out front (and probably yourself) won't be able to make out the little sweet toney bits that you hear at home playing away to backing tracks etc.
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