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Everything posted by gadgie

  1. not classic rock but...........Teenage Kicks
  2. That VOX doc was good. Reminded me that I have a 61 AC30 in the loft. Totally forgot all about it. Battered to bits but it sounds sweet.
  3. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1417181808' post='2617879'] Tragic. I often wonder if Ziggy Stardust album would have been the hit it was without the input of those genius basslines. [/quote] I would reckon... yes it would have.
  4. My mate had one of these. Loud as a loud thing. Also......make sound good with guitar believe it or not.
  5. I forgot mention I have the powered cab as well. I used them at a gig last week and although it didn;t seem to be blasting out and rattling my trouser legs, the GF did say that the bass sound was really nice and clear in the mix. So I guess that's what it needs to be at the end of the day.
  6. I like a nice shirt for gigs. Jeans are usually black and decent looking boots.
  7. I'm currently trying to learn scales. However, what I'm having trouble with is what I should play in a minor or major thingy. I'm sure someone told me to play on the 5th fret for something in C, but can't remember if minor or major. anyway, played guitar for years knew loads of chords and were to play them, but didn't know the notes in the chord(s) doh!
  8. Nothing wrong with beards. My girlfriend doesn't like it when I shave it off. Maybe you're not doing it right Blue.
  9. [quote name='Legion' timestamp='1416917954' post='2614956'] Having owned a cub at the same time as flightcase (albeit a super-flightcase) there was a fairly big difference. Also be aware that the few cubs I've owned have had a noticible hiss. Some people either don't notice or aren't bothered, but it annoyed me and would be worth bearing in mind. The super flightcase is silent and sounds awesome so its a keeper [/quote] Ok, I stand corrected. sorry.
  10. My Jazz has though. That's what I meant. Oh I'm tempted....really tempted.
  11. I have a PJB Flightcase. Really like the sound I get from it. Not the loudest combo though (150watts) and 4 x 5 drivers. The Cub is only 100 watts, but I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be much difference in the volume. Funny enough the Cub was the first on my list, but a the flightcase came up for sale on here so I bought that instead.
  12. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1416869710' post='2614640'] I am playing a charity event next weekend and not only will I be playing for free, I will be making a modest donation as well. I will not be the only one doing this. I know the people organising the event (in honour of a very good friend of a lot of us) and I know that they won’t be making a penny out of it. Also, I understand that the venue are letting them have the room for free (although I imagine the bar staff will get paid)! I am getting to an age where a few friends are starting to leave us all a bit earlier than expected. I have been surprised to learn at a couple of funerals in the past few years that the guest of honour had been very quietly (yet significantly) involved in various charities / fundraising and giving their time to help the less fortunate. This made me think that perhaps I really do not do enough myself – playing the occasional gig for free is the very least that I can do… If you don’t trust the organiser of a charity event then don’t play at it. If it is legit, then don’t make a fuss and just help out where you can… [/quote] +1
  13. Found this definition of charity online: the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need. I can understand people working in a bar where the gig is being held need to get paid. They have little choice as this is their place of work. but I feel if you agree to play a charity gig then it should be for free. I don't think anyone should make a profit out of charity. however, I do understand that people make good money out of charity.
  14. I often think bands play too loud.I agree about the drummer as well. Of course they should be able to play at lower volumes. sounds like a drummers excuse......"I have no volume conrol on my stick/drums"
  15. I don't see what he has to be offended about. I think charity is a great thing when done correctly. not sure that came out right. It always surprises me when I see that there are overheads to pay..lighting etc. do they not do it for nothing as well. Ok they maybe had to buy the gear to do it, but I'm pretty sure all the players have had to buy their own gear to use...................for free.
  16. Even with the came finish....she would notice the block markers for sure. lol
  17. Nice! I think I'll have to turn of the laptop...it's giving me GAS:(
  18. Now, if I thought my GF would not notice the difference between this and my VM Jazz, I would probably go for it...also she is very good at spotting stuff like that. Grrrr. nice bass though.
  19. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1416477505' post='2610533'] I have a similar one which I might sell, but I might keep it. Anyone interested? [/quote] I might be, but then again I might not be interested.
  20. We have an old PV copy powered mixer...(a "pod" or something) playing through some old SX200 EV speakers using SM58's. To be honest no one has complained about the Vocals, and it all sound clear and crisp to me. saying that, I've not played through a big dollar set up. I also have a pair of concentric Tannoys which sound ace, but quite a bit bigger than the EV's
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