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Everything posted by ubit

  1. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Coban-Guitars-Bass-Strings-DCG3/dp/B01LMIDJHE/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1553075746&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=cheap%2Bstainless%2Bbass%2Bstrings&dpPl=1&dpID=41CHORBhItL&ref=plSrch&th=1&psc=1
  2. I tried them on my bass too. Rubbish and dull sounding. As you say, on acoustic they are incredible but they just sound pants on a bass.
  3. The trouble is, a lot of people say their strings retain brightness for ages but to me they sound dead. I like brand new brightness and only brand new brightness. Cleaning your hands helps. Boiling gives you another extension of life but the only real answer is to find a supply of cheap enough new strings. I like Stainless for their brightness.
  4. Is it not about his well known love of cycling and the often needed roadside repairs?
  5. I have often listened to this and thought am I hearing this right. I’m not sure if it’s f*ckers or something else. Can’t believe they let that one go. It repeats endlessly!
  6. Typical. I just got paid and it’s back up to £55 😢
  7. It’s all down to taste, innit? Some like pristine, some like worn looking. Some like worn looking but only if it’s natural. Some don’t care, as the look is what matters. Who’s right and who’s wrong?
  8. Belts, bangles and beer. The unholy trinity that will make a mess of your finish. Well these and a few years of hard gigging. It’s just that modern finishes don’t wear in the cool way that the old ones do.
  9. Belts, bangles and beer. The unholy trinity that will make a mess of your finish. Well these and a few years of hard gigging. It’s just that modern finishes don’t wear in the cool way that the old ones do.
  10. Another one of my favourites is when folks swing my mic away from me as I'm singing. No matter how often it happens, it never loses its hilarity!
  11. My Sandberg California, which is the best relic job I have ever seen on a guitar. The second pic is my old Status. It had modern lacquer on it and just looked bad after years of abuse in the back of vans and audience participation etc. I experimented with some rust paint. It still plays lovely.
  12. I get annoyed when folk say, just let it age on its own. Modern lacquer does not age in the same way that the old lacquers did. They don't crack and fade in the same way. In fact, modern lacquer is nigh on indestructible. If you want that road worn look, you have to buy a relic'd guitar.
  13. I am well familiar with this type of situation. Revellers sometimes enjoy themselves so much that they take no heed to their surroundings and completely fail to understand that to produce this music that they are enjoying, you need to be in possession of all the bits and pieces of your musical collection. Turning speakers is my biggest annoyance. If it's too loud for you mate, stand further away!
  14. I’ve just remembered. The very first song I could play all the way though, was All right now by Free. Myself and my guitar playing mate tried to impress two girls by playing it to them. Just playing. No singing. They must have wondered when I was going to come in! 😂
  15. This might seem like a strange post and maybe no one will agree with me or have any other examples but this song has always been liked by me but it wasn’t until I heard this fantastic cover ( played by a family of kids, oldest 19) that I realised just how much I love this song. They make a great job of it and her voice is incredible
  16. I can't remember what the first full song I learned but I do remember going to the local jazz club and the guy who ran it taught us a little twelve bar blues passage. We performed it and received some polite applause.
  17. Years ago, we were playing very regularly. My fingers started breaking out with dermatitis. In between my fingers became inflamed and sore and eventually, the skin would burst and I would bleed. I've actually played with blood running down my hands! I had to find out what was causing it. I tried at work to get tests done, but that never came to anything. Eventually, I worked out for myself that it was the nickel strings that I was allergic to. I changed to stainless steel strings and have had no problems ever since.
  18. Master Blaster Jammin is another bassline that I absolutely love to play along with. Again, not too challenging but a great bassline nevertheless!
  19. Not too hard but it just shows that you don't have to throw tons of notes in for a bassline to be just sublime!
  20. I have loved them since the first album. It's my Life must be one of the most iconic bass lines ever!
  21. Haven't played it live yet but I love playing "It's my life" by Talk Talk.
  22. This is the tops , I’ll get back to you on the subs https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/active-full-range-speakers/electro-voice-elx-115p-15-inch-active-speaker?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=UK - Bing - PLA - Bestsellers&utm_term=4579397210720400&utm_content=UK - Bing - PLA - Bestsellers - Pro Audio Subs https://www.thomann.de/gb/ev_elx_118p.htm
  23. Im at work just now, but when I get home I can give you the exact model no. But I think most active EV speakers will be top notch. I have tops and subs
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