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Everything posted by ubit

  1. You have to be quite savvy with the sweary filters sometimes. meow meow riot 😂
  2. I had only ever been in bands with my mate , who is the guitarist. Now he is my mate but he also drives me up the wall. After our full band had all gone their seperate ways, we decided to go it alone as a duo. This worked for years until he developed carpal tunnel syndrome and couldn’t play. He is so tight that he wouldn’t pay for private, so waited on the nhs appointment. This, he was told would take a year. What are you going to do? Everyone asked. Oh, no one will want to play with you he said. I was mad. I was the bass player and the singer. People knew me. I decided I was going to find another band. By chance a guitar player got in touch and we secretly rehearsed with his drummer mate, who turned out to be superb. When we did our first gig, my mate was raging that I hadn’t told him but I just remembered all the laughing and ridicule that he gave me. That band turned out to be great fun. My mate is passive aggressive and a bit of a control freak. This new band felt free and we had a great laugh and produced some good sounds. My mate used to tune up after every song. This new boy would tune up at the start of each set and it was bang into the next song. I loved it, but then the guitarist started being late for gigs and coming drunk. I got cheesed off with this eventually and realised that order is more my bag. My mate finally got his operation and we carried on. Eventually we recruited the drummer and a new band started. After a few years, I’ve realised that my mate will never change and is always going to be a control freak. Now I’m at a stage where I can’t play because of my job, but I’m determined, if and when I get back, I’m not going back with my mate. He just infuriates me.
  3. Not quite so cool though is it? A kid called Slash in my school would have got the pish ripped right out of him! 😂
  4. Speak for yourself. Here in Scotland they would be called fudd. As in you are a right craddock! It funny, some cool American nicknames are our slang. Slash? I wonder if he knows that that means a pee in Scotland ?
  5. Massive Wagons , Alice n Chains and Kiss all in Glasgow
  6. ubit

    The Dirt

    The book was a great read. I think I’m gonna have to read it again sometime.
  7. Aah, Kay’s catalogue. A schoolboys dream to look through the lingerie section. Ooer missus 😳
  8. As I said before , I paid £200 back in 1984, so in today’s money that’s quite a sum. Fenders were round about the £500 back then if I remember correctly , so that gives a bit of a bench mark.
  9. Coming in March. I cannot wait for this! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dirt_(film)
  10. I can’t inderstand cheating. If you don’t want to be with someone, leave them. Why live with someone and live a double life.? I couldn’t cheat even if I wanted. Mrs Ubit and I do everything together. ( to a point )
  11. What sort of price are we talking for this baby?
  12. poasibly the best song ever written. The lyrics are superb plus I love this remix
  13. I’ll be honest and say I don’t know as I’ve never played another Ibanez bass. They are famous for their fast necks right enough, so I’m guessing they are all tight string spacing. Possibly I could get used to it, but I’m just not that bothered about a five, so I don’t persevere. It’s a nice bass and I love the finish. I see Fieldy has now got a white one as his bass. Even although I’ve got the black one and am not struck on it, I still get gas for a white one!
  14. I had no idea that they made Ric copies. That’s interesting. It does look as though it’s just not right but for £300? Why not?
  15. If the Squire Jazz V that I have is anything similar, I know what you mean but to my sausage fingers, the K5 is harder. I think I could get used to the Squire neck ( I have never used it live) but I just can’t get used to the K5 at all. Just to add, I love the sound of the K5. The Squire is incredible too. I’ve just never needed a V when playing live so far.
  16. I’ve got a K5. I really like it but the neck is so slim that I find it difficult to play smoothly. The string spacing is so tight!
  17. I’ve got a Squire Jazz V and surprisingly, it sounds incredible!
  18. I had a Status bass that was a brown burst. Faded into black. It was gorgeous, but it got battered over the years
  19. As I said, something you are confident at doing. Something you know back to front. The song I mucked up was a new song for us
  20. As I said in another post. We did a gig once where I messed up. I freely admit, I completely forgot the song. Drummer threw his sticks and stormed off. End of the night! In my book, if anyone mucks up, straight away do something you know back to front and is a real crowd pleaser. Even if you have to borrow from later in the set, or even repeat. Just something to get the audience bouncing. Previous mistake will be forgotten.
  21. Only happened to me once and it went kind of like “ flip you! Stick your band up your derrière!
  22. Nicest P I’ve ever seen was a wine colour. That’s not in your selection. To be honest, I like any colour and take them as they come.
  23. He used me as an excuse and when he saw that I didn’t approve, he stopped telling me. As if I couldn’t see for myself. Eventually when him and his wife split up, I was the bad one because I had “ known all about his infidelity and didn’t say anything” You can’t win. He is my mate , so am I supposed to drop him in it?
  24. Ive got a mate who did this. One time we had been playing on the back of a lorry at a festival. We’d finished, we’re walking along. His wife came towards us. She was about twenty feet from us and he said, I stayed at yours last night. I was raging!
  25. I lost all interest in playing for a while. My job means I work away a lot on an ad hoc basis. It’s rubbish for making plans. Mrs Ubits son was staying with us and the spare room/music room became cluttered and full of rubbish. The fact that her son was omnipresent in the house deterred me from noodling. He’s at Uni now and I’ve cleared the music room. Result? I now go in and play whenever I want and I’ve got a renewed desire to play things and learn new bass parts. It feels great!
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