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Everything posted by ubit

  1. So you bought your wife a Ukelele and it’s you that’s playing it? 🤔. I think I’ve come across this type of thing before! 😂
  2. Happened to me once too. I wasn’t sure if they were taking the Mick, but to this day I’m like why the hell didn’t I call their bluff? I could have easily said right you start and I’ll join in and could have said I was joking if it backfired
  3. Personally, I would prefer to see a mixture of styles if I was at this kind of do. I like variation.
  4. An example of a song where the bass changes and gets annoyingly hard to pin down is Master Blaster by Stevie Wonder. It’s a fantastic bass line and I have it pretty much off pat, but the second verse and the later chorus’s change very subtlety. It annoys me as I’m trying to be able to sing over it and little changes makes it harder.
  5. I agree with the type of stuff which is tempered down and commercialised but the Zydeco deep , Deep South Louisiana type stuff floats my boat.
  6. I will say what I said on that thread. If you capture the gist of the song. Melody, swing, feeling. If you manage that and the audience enjoy it, so what if it’s not note perfect. Very few people will say , actually, in the second verse the original has a run down from an open E. You left it out. As said above. You check live versions of original songs and quite often the parts are not the same because they realise you have to simplify what you did in the studio because you have to leap about and pose, or sing , or for whatever reason.
  7. I actually like Bluegrass. I find it much more palatable than the normal country Blanket on the ground type stuff. Old Crow Medicine Show are one of my faves Some of that Deep South swamp music is pretty good. I must admit I was right into it about ten years ago and my liking has mellowed but I still like it. I took the notion that I was going to teach myself the banjo. I got reasonable but gave up as I wanted to be lightning fast right away. It’s bloody hard!
  8. Bit like Triggers broom !
  9. That’s what I find hard. When a song changes the verses, it gets me confused. I like regimental. Verse , chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, chorus. I’m the singer, so it’s less to learn by muscle memory. Chuck in variations and Im like, that’s not fair!
  10. I have one but it’s got the smaller fold out type sender. That’s what attracted me to it, because I hate having a box that I have to attach to a strap. I found it to be a superb system but couldn’t use it with any basses with strat type jack sockets, therefore it got consigned to the pile under my desk in the music room.
  11. I have my complete music collection split between two I pod classics which are connected to my car stereo. I listen in the car the same way that I listen at home. On random. I love it!
  12. Not quite the same but I’ve alwaya had trouble playing and singing All These Things I’ve Done by the Killers. Dead easy bass line, but the verses are so hard to sing and play
  13. Just don’t follow him in case he takes a wrong turn and goes on the wrong road. You could end up on the road to hell
  14. Get in touch with Chris Rhea. He might be able to help
  15. Any kind of industrial music makes me more likely to put the foot down.
  16. I take it these are a more professional model compared to the Hondo II P bass that I bought way back in the mists of time?
  17. Even changing strings will change the sound you get from the same guitar
  18. I have an American Jazz, a Japanese Geddy and an Aerodyne and I can confirm these so all sound different. Love them all
  19. I’ve got a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze 6’s paired with a couple of Bronze 2’s. Sounds incredible! https://www.monitoraudio.com/en/product-ranges/bronze/
  20. I’ve never been offered one. On the spot fine every time !
  21. I had one. I ordered it from my mothers Littlewoods catalogue. I thought it was the nuts. No idea what it was really like but it helped me with many gigs when we first started.
  22. ubit


    Yeah, I remember it being ok. Certainly to my 15 year old mind it was amazing. Unfortunately , I never had a case for mine and it suffered terribly. It actually gigged quite a lot when we first started
  23. Down to £14 now. Thanks for the heads up about price fluctuation
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