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Everything posted by ubit

  1. ubit


    Never heard of this and sorry to hi jack your thread but that reminded me of a Hondo bass that I had when I first started. Anyone else have experience of the mighty Hondo II P bass?
  2. Now it’s time to wean her on to Five Finger Death Punch or Adrenaline Mob!
  3. Yeah, death to all butt metal
  4. There is nothing worse than overstated bouzouki!
  5. Quite. I have found that through my musical journey/ life, the music that I have been into at the time is still relevant to me. I don’t go off it. I just widen my taste.
  6. I’m lucky, Mrs Ubit has a far more extreme taste in metal than I have!
  7. I generally put the music on random. Beethoven one minute, Slipknot the next. I don’t listen to music depending on mood. I find that the music can actually set my mood. I love the way I never know what is coming next. When I was younger, I would buy an album and play it to death. Now I struggle to know what songs are on a particular album.
  8. I realise there is a very wide demographic involved in this forum and I also understand that this topic has been loosely addressed in the what are you listening to just now thread , but I wanted to dig deeper and ask just what kind of music you are all in to ? Personally, I grew up listening to Neil Diamond and Glen Campbell. As I got older and started having my own taste, I became a heavy metal fan. As I’ve matured, so has my taste in music. I’ve always loved reggae, but my taste grew into dance, trance, grunge, death metal. To be honest, I struggle to think of any music that I hate. I am not quite so keen on jazz funk, but thats not to say that I don’t like it all. I take each song as it comes. Pop is probably my least favourite music as I dislike people with little talent being given a chance at stardom by being manufactured. I realise that some of these pop stars are talented too. It’s just the X factor generation I suppose that get me wound up. Anyway, I digress. What kind of choons make you lot all moist?
  9. What has him being Scottish got to do with it? Harumphh!
  10. I have an SVT 2 Pro and it’s all I will ever need in an amp. Killer tone and control. Only complaint is that it’s bloody heavy!
  11. My guitarist mate actually said to me that the bass should be felt rather than heard!
  12. Also does he stand his round. My mate, our guitarist used to dissapear every time it was his round. We started doing a kitty and lo and behold he was always on hand whenever the rounds were coming
  13. It was actually a song about his Cuban shoes that were en vogue at the time. He had damaged the heel of one of them and just as he was about to walk on for his encore the loose heel fell off.
  14. You need a better sound system in your house then mate!
  15. Certainly Mrs Ubit has made a difference to my diet. She advocates healthy eating and I have actually lost close to three stones in weight in this last year. I just can’t bear the thought of no more of the things I like. I just try to have them less frequently.
  16. I appreciate your choices and would never knock what someone else believes is good for them but the thought of no more steaks or beers would make my life unbearable! 😳
  17. I once gave this guy a mouthful when he crashed headlong into our gear, leaving a chip in our drummers kit. He sheepishly apologised and it was only later that I found out from someone else that it was some cow that had pushed the guy. She never apologised!
  18. I’ve met people like this. One guy was such a teller of tall tales that it was entertaining! He was, apart from the stories, which everyone knew were a load of codswallop, a really nice guy and the only total liar that I have ever met that I liked
  19. Reminds me of when we played with a different drummer for a while. We played a song and I just got lost. Forgot the bassline, forgot the lyrics. The song fell apart. The drummer threw down his sticks and walked off. What really annoyed me was that my mate the guitarist backed the drummer and said you mucked up. I said, we have played for years and any time there’s a mistake, what do we do? We immediately hit them with something good that we know. Evening saved. There and then I said, you stood up for him against me, Tou think it’s ok to go mental and storm off stage thus ending the night. I left the band and it was only after many months that I came back after apologies from them , as they needed a bass player and a singer.
  20. Don’t tell me, the support band were so bad that the crowd were still booing when you came on? 😂
  21. We went to see the Mission a while back. They were great but they were supported by Peter Murphy. I was so looking forward to seeing him but he appeared with an acoustic guitarist and a violinist. It was rotten and he behaved like a spoiled brat. He thrashed an acoustic , then next song started and stopped the song, took off the guitar and shouted this effin guitar is out of tune and threw it away. I felt sorry for the roadie as it was Murphy that had put the damned thing out of tune. The whole sound was weak and thin. A real legend went down in my estimation that night.
  22. Many years ago we played at yet another wedding. There was a young couple also playing who had fiddle and accordion. When we arrived they were playing. They had full house lights on and the dance floor was empty. The first thing we did as we set up around them was to switch on our lights and turn off the house lights. Immediately folk started dancing. It turned into a good night and the young duo were very grateful to us for helping them. They could play, but it was just not the right atmosphere.
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