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Everything posted by kodiakblair

  1. The Black works very well. The whole thing works very well I imagine When you think the deko JB-20 is nearly the cheapest component of this bass I think it's amazing. £125 !!! What kind of looks and comments do you get from others when they hear this or even better get to play it ?
  2. Congratulations both of you , it'll be the best £25 spent this week
  3. Two fantastic examples there RickyV I've the other HB Jazz with the RW and blocks but it's still stock as I like the weird melted plastic look scratchplate
  4. Thanks very much Rob. I never set out to have so many,just a combination of the great basses out there and my lousy ability at selling. I'm lucky in that they are all to hand, not stored in cases like collectors pieces, so when anyone visits they just lift one and play it. This 91 Peavey Fury is a great playing and sounding bass but by Christ it's been through the wars. [attachment=194844:Fury (2).jpg] It's light at around 8-8.5 lbs and bits have been replaced like machineheads,knobs and string tree.The scratchplate has a heavy warp and is scratched to hell as is the body,very heavy attack with a pick. Puts me in mind of the Hi-Lux on Top Gear,kinda indestructible I've seen these go for between £99 to £130 last few years so fit right in with the price range here.Solid dependable P bass is the only way to describe it and it'll easy see another 20 odd years.
  5. Wow where do I start ? Best value has to be my 5 string Peavey Foundation,bought last year for £50. Photo is reversed for some reason [attachment=194805:Peavey 5 (3).jpg] It was crazy cheap and I felt obliged to send the fella more money when it arrived I spend a lot of time playing the Harley Benton PB-50 though, £60 and strung with Status nylons £15 here's its mocked up with a Retrovibe toaster,it plays and sounds too good so I got another for that mod. [attachment=194806:Cabronita (1).jpg] If folk don't mind me posting I've plenty more had for less than the price limit.
  6. Help Funky Dunky out. Somebody get on Gumtree and buy the Sterling Sub.
  7. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1434804864' post='2802932'] Kodiakblair's probably got one already [/quote] I certainly have Black and maple just like this, with the same tuners so I'd say they were the original ones. Lovely bass you got there Handwired. GLWTS
  8. A B-250 in black as well. £33.60 http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_250_black_progressiv_deko.htm
  9. Chris is bang on the money with his info. These Vietnamese Grinds are top notch quality-wise and great to play. Shame I'm not looking for a second one, have a bump instead
  10. Dead spots are fairly common on lots of basses and not just cheap ones. Plenty reading here [url="https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=g%26l+tribute+legacy&oq=G%26L+tr&aqs=chrome.2.0j69i57j0l4.7481j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#q=fender+jazz+bass+dead+spots"]https://www.google.c...bass+dead+spots[/url] Normally on the G though. Moot point anyway as you say the Revelation neck solved it. I'd say you won a watch. £55 all in that's a result.
  11. Donnyboy saved the day. Scot Rail decided to have work this weekend and the trains were cancelled till god knows when. Mission was a success
  12. I'd hate to be without my old Bass Collection and there's that mega cheap Harley Benton PB-50 with Status nylons. But aye the Bass Collection is the one.
  13. Aye. Had a mane of hair then the spot appeared. Light from the gantry would bounce of it, reflect in the mirror then blind folk entering the pub like a laser.Gave it a month, it didn't grow back. Zero gauge was the only solution.
  14. With me meeting Chas at 10am I told Donny to have a lie-in,then thought it's wasted chance to meet up. Course Donny's offline now. What an arse I am at times.
  15. You get two thumbs up from me Great thing to do for someone.
  16. I'm in Falkirk, 18 mile away I've no transport the now but if your seller could get to Cumbernauld train station I'd nip through and meet them,it's only 30 mins away. Got a couple of boxes from Thomann here and some of those wee air bags so packing material not a problem. The folks are retired so it could get picked up by a courier from there. Any good to you?
  17. Got a set of strings from Nige at the weekend. Quick and easy purchase. Cheers Nige yer a STAR.
  18. Glad you're enjoying the uke,I find mine gets plenty of noodling use. It's just such a handy size to keep next to me but the talc can get messy. Do puncture repair kits still have talc or chalk ? Might be a source of unscented talc. Totally agree with you,they do sound double bassy. I got quite a surprise.
  19. Noticed a couple of dekos BZ-6000 http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_bz_6000_nt_deko.htm 5 string fretless http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_550fl_bk_progressive_deko.htm Can't say how long they've been up.
  20. Don't give up hope I've ordered on a Sunday night got confirmation and shipping email Monday morning then signed for the bass 11.30am Wednesday.
  21. You should have got email yesterday. Your order went in after their holiday on Thursday so really no excuse for not processing it yesterday.Can't have had that many orders to catch up it was only 1 day. No DHL pick ups on a Sunday though
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