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upside downer

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Everything posted by upside downer

  1. Anal Seepage is a band name in waiting. Any takers?
  2. bloodypratchat.com doesn't seem to be working 😒
  3. I shall be using this technique at our gig on Friday to play 'Blitzkrieg Bop'. It's what Dee Dee would've wanted.
  4. I started this thread ages ago as a response to a couple of 'Isn't Jaco great' and 'Macca's the best, yes?' topics. Tongue firmly in cheek. I love The Sex Pistols and am saddened by what happened in the short time he had left following the bands' demise. I was only 8 when he died but I remember it being reported on the news as if it were yesterday. I had to ask my mum what heroin was. Poor old (young) Sid.
  5. If you're playing in Europe, you probably need to know 'The Final Countdown'. Well, someone had to say it 😁
  6. He could play rudimentary bass, bootlegs bear that out. I've no doubt that if he could've got off of the skag and settled down with domestic goddess-in-waiting Nancy Spungen we'd be mentioning his name alongside Jaco now. Probably 😵
  7. Just sold for £102-99. Blimey, Charlie.....
  8. Our posters usually have 'rock and pop classics' prominently on them. That should be clear enough. However, due to some fun and games this year from the singer, thinking of changing it to 'rock and pop classics sung by a moody bugger with a face like a smacked derrière who always shows up late and frequently forgets his harmonica' 😖
  9. No lessons, self taught so flawed technique to this day 😊 Had no one to advise me otherwise so whenever I picked up a friends' guitar it tended to be a righty. Haven't found it a problem down the years. I guess a teacher would have advised differently. I do muck about with some other instruments (mandolin, saz, Greek bouzouki) and play them flipped too, apart from the bouzouki which is strung lefty. There's no rhyme nor reason to this, that's just how I bought it. Fancy a challenge? Try a sitar upside down! 😁
  10. It's how I play, hence my user name. Have always played a flipped right-hander. Some previous issues with my arm rubbing against tone/volume knobs have been resolved with blu tack. Hail to my putty-like pal!
  11. Influences when I were a lad were Jah Wobble's rumblings on Public Image Ltd's Metal Box and Klaus Flouride's clumping and clanking on The Dead Kennedys' Plastic Surgery Disasters. Seminal for me, anyhow.
  12. I don't smoke anything. I love PiL. Sorry.
  13. Albatross, Death Disco, Poptones, Careering, No Birds Do Sing, The Suit.....what great and strange tunes to play along with. A stunning album.
  14. Use them. They sound fine. Handy for passing notes and tricky riffs/fills if you're an enthusiastic weekend warrior like me.
  15. [quote name='PawelG' timestamp='1505411377' post='3371769'] Very interesting thread. I don't get how AC/DC can be overrated. They came up with something fresh (sound wise), established that, wrote countless awesome hard rock songs and never changed. Not to mention that they sound much better live than they do on the albums. And what a great name for a rock n roll band :-) Ok, they had some help along the way but still, I think they deserve the fame they get. [/quote] It's all just personal taste. I don't like them. There, no harm done. Saw them live back in 1992, bored me to tears. Have to play Highway to Hell and Whole Lotta Rosie at every gig we do too which doesn't fill me with joy either. There's about twelve other bands named in this topic who I really like. I don't get some of the hate, but it's nice to get to five pages and no one's had a slanging match. Yet
  16. Give it a go. Learn the easiest tunes and a couple of the harder ones and have a rehearsal with them. If it feels good, do it. Good luck!
  17. My old three-piece band used to do Breathe by The Prodigy which was always well received. I think most punters love a 'curve ball', it shows you've made an effort. I'd like my current lot to try more but the drummer's a set in his ways rocker and won't have it! Would love to try something like a Lady Gaga tune or a 90s dance classic.
  18. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1497906406' post='3321282'] Whole lotta love is one of those numbers that is considered simple, until you try to do it properly. [/quote] As JPJ explains here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=011ZJRydMSU
  19. Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones. In fact, anything by The Ramones. Stereophonics are pretty straightforward too, basslines mostly root notes. And if your guitarist is experienced then he shouldn't have any bother either.
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